Return of the War God

Chapter 5680: Smash all the way to the Supreme Pass


Ye Wuque didn't care about Aguda's death.

At this moment, his eyes were all focused on two mysterious gold papers that were nearly identical, and there was still a hint of incredible and shocking color in the bottom of his eyes.

The two mysterious gold papers complemented each other and resonated with each other. The breath that seemed to evolve endless ancient history and civilization hit his face, bringing Ye Wuque's unprecedented shock!

"Ancient History and Civilization..."

He muttered to himself.

The silent but unparalleled power represented by these two adjectives is enough to transcend time and everything!

After a long time, Ye Wuque recovered his calmness, but his eyes on the two mysterious gold papers were still shaking, but there was already an extra surprise.

"Unexpectedly, after many years, the starry sky has been changed, and there will be such a chance..."

Ye Wuque finally showed a faint remembrance in his eyes.

The mysterious golden paper on him was obtained when he was still under the starry sky in the past.

I remember at that time, I should have just gone through the time and space reflection in the tomb of the Tongtian God with Brother Xiaosha to eliminate the ominousness. On the way back to the Great Sect of the Beidou Dao, I met a couple of the Great Sect of the Beidou Dao who was chased and killed by the Daluo Batianzong at that time. Brother and sister... Luo Qing and Wu Nishang.

The two of them were grateful for Ye Wuque's life-saving grace, and had no repayment at the time, so they presented a mysterious gold paper from an ancient ruin to Ye Wuque.

When he got this mysterious golden paper at that time, Ye Wuque felt the incredible and mysterious vastness of this golden paper, and there must be no small secrets hidden in it.

However, since getting it, Ye Wuque has never noticed any effect of the mysterious golden paper, and has been quietly placing it in Yuanyang Ring.

"This mysterious golden paper actually has a second sheet that is almost exactly the same, and it can still be encountered again by me by such a coincidence..."

Ye Wuque stretched out his hands, and at this moment, he each pinched a piece of mysterious gold paper, and his hands were thin and light, with a touch of temperature.

Looking at it with the naked eye, he still couldn't find what was recorded on the mysterious golden paper, it was a blur, only a faint brilliance.

Closed eyes and the power of the soul can only feel the mysterious aura, the only thing that can be felt is the mutual radiance and resonance between the two pieces of gold paper, as if the two... were originally one!

Ye Wuque opened his eyes, with a hint of surprise in his eyes.

"Intuition tells me that these two mysterious gold papers seem to record some kind of great secrets, which are mysterious information that can transcend time and space!"

"And these two mysterious gold papers seem to come from the same source, but still can't see anything, that is to say..."

"It is very likely that there is still a third or even a fourth mysterious golden paper?"

"It's as if a complete map has been split into several parts abruptly?"

"If you want to get insight into the contents recorded on the mysterious golden paper, you need to collect them all?"

This is the conclusion that Ye Wuque reached at this moment.

After checking again for a while, Ye Wuque put the two pieces of mysterious gold paper back into the brilliant treasure box, then held the treasure box in his hand and looked at the mysterious pyramid close at hand.

The pyramid at this time has completely restored its calm, but it stands quietly on the spot, and even the dark entrance has disappeared, and it has become smooth, it seems to be just a dead object, and there is no longer any threat.

"This splendid treasure box is obviously from this pyramid, or this pyramid is the place where this treasure is stored. Unless you bring another piece of mysterious gold paper, the splendid treasure box will be sensitive to it. Otherwise, this splendid treasure box is just one Hustle!"

Once again, he glanced at his already maddened alive, half of his face was twisted, and the unstoppable Ah Gu beat, Ye Wuque's eyes also showed a touch of weirdness.

There is a saying, this Aguda is indeed bad, and luck is back to the point that there is no place to cry!

I finally entered the cycle of a hundred wars, but because I was greedy for the Tao of the pyramid for a while, I suffered three thousand years without human beings and ghosts. Life is better than death, and even the gate of the supreme realm is not accessible. It is really pitiful. limit.

As a result, as soon as I came, I won the treasure directly by dividing three by five. Can you not be mad at it?

"poor person must have something mean…"

With a whisper, Ye Wuque put the splendid treasure box into the Yuanyang Ring again, and then stopped staying, and directly chose a direction to leave.

Just after Ye Wuque left for a few breaths.


He heard the broken roar coming from behind, and looking back, he suddenly saw the mysterious pyramid that stood quietly for an unknown number of years. At this moment, it began to shatter and turn into countless yellow sand, just collapsed in place, as if completely Completed his mission and became a part of the desert again.

Ye Wuque retracted his gaze and moved on.

This time!

Everything seems to have changed.

The desert is no longer endless.

An hour later.

At the end of Ye Wuque's gaze, he finally saw the oasis!

The end of the desert borders an oasis, as if entering the paradise of life from the dry **** of death.

A large oasis took its place, forming an extremely primitive and mysterious jungle, lying between the sky and the earth, full of a sense of primitive desolation.

Ye Wuque's heart moved slightly.

After crossing the desert, is this the wild and primitive jungle?

Without hesitation, Ye Wuque rushed in directly.

Will it be quiet and safe in the primitive jungle?

Of course not!

The horror and murderous in it even go far beyond the desert.

All kinds of monsters, fierce beasts, and strange creatures inhabit the primitive jungle and hide everywhere.

It was only a quarter of an hour before Ye Wuque entered the primitive jungle, he was attacked by thirteen waves of monsters!

There are three hungry tigers ten thousand feet in size.

There are horrible giant anacondas that are tens of thousands of feet long!

The roaring evil ape indomitable!

Almost everyone regards Ye Wuque as a delicious Chinese meal, and wants to swallow Ye Wuque.

As for the result, nature was completely swept away by Ye Wuque.

Open the way with two fists!

Smashed all the way.

God blocks and kills gods, Buddha blocks and kills Buddha!

After going deep into the primitive jungle, Ye Wuque even encountered the mysterious group of primitive tribes living in the depths.

Some of them just looked at Ye Wuque from a distance and didn't do anything.

But other evil and weird primitive tribes regarded Ye Wuqian as a heresy, and directly attacked Ye Wuqian to kill him!




Ancient tricks!

Ye Wuque's indeed had a good experience, dazzled, it was an eye-opener.

Of course, the final result was that these primitive tribes left a corpse all over the place, and they were finally smashed by Ye Wuque's fists. I don't know how many heads, and then they were completely frightened back and ran away.

When Ye Wuque finally walked to the exit on the other side of the primordial jungle, he was already covered with blood and evil aura, like an invincible God of War who had just been killed from hell!

But when Ye Wuque stood at the exit of the primitive jungle and looked at the end of the world ahead, his eyes finally burst into a faint light!

At the end of the day and the earth, among countless ancient glorious circulations, a huge, ancient, mottled, and domineering primitive city stood impressively.


Majestic and majestic.

Supreme Pass... finally here!

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