Return of the War God

Chapter 5704: Three hous in seconds


As soon as these words came out, countless geniuses in the outside world could hardly believe their ears. At this moment, this Ye Wuque was still so arrogant?

How dare he?

Does he know who he is facing?

Really think that he killed a "general-level" blood tormentor, and he would be invincible in the world? ?

Do you want to die?

Don't beg to die like this if you want to die!

Sanhou's eyes became cold at the same time!

"court death!"

"The opportunity is given to you, if you can't catch it, then go and die!"

"Things that do not live or die!"

Sanhou spoke almost at the same time, and what was terrible was that they shot at the same time!

With a punch and a palm, he attacked Ye Wuque from different directions, with an endless cruelty and cruelty.

The rushing fluctuations made the entire ancient garden seem to tremble slightly.

At this moment, the dozens of masters of the Marquis level facing each other, except for a few, showed deep fear.

The strength of Sanhou is even more terrifying than before!

As for the newcomer, almost all pupils condensed slightly!

They finally experienced the true strength of the top 30 masters!

Such strength is terrifying enough to chase the real king, right? ?

As for the countless geniuses in the outside world, all of them were shaking a little at this time, and they were frightened by the momentum. The aftermath of Sanhou's shot turned into ripples and spewed out from the ancient garden, shaking the void of the outside world, infinite horror!

They seemed to have seen Ye Wuque's body shattered to pieces, and the **** and **** miserable end.


The void was shattered, and Sanhou's attack caused that place to explode directly!

And this moment.

In everyone's eyes, Ye Wuque was undoubtedly dead, but one hand was still holding the teacup, while the other hand was so slowly raised.

I don't know when, the raised hand became crystal clear, like white jade.

There was even a layer of dark gold flame surrounding it!


Incomparable at will.

In the meantime, Ye Wuque even straightened his back slightly. With the raised hand, his thumb was so clasped on the **** at this moment, and his fingers were so slightly pointed forward...

One shot!

Unbiased, just hit the palm of the fists gathered from the attacks of the Sanhou!

In an instant!

Everything between heaven and earth seems to freeze!

Only Ye Wuque's finger collided with Sanhou's attack and formed an origin of light!

The same cruel, joking, cold, and bloodthirsty expression was surging on Sanhou's face.

But the next moment!

The expression on Sanhou's face was directly frozen, and then there was a big change in an instant, becoming...horrified, incredible, unbelievable!

Bang! !

Until this moment, a huge roar like thunderously exploded from the origin of the colliding light!

There were three arms that exploded together!

Under the horrified eyes of countless people, Xueyihou, Snake Xuanhou, and Anudihou flied upside down like a kite with a broken thread, and flew directly out of the ancient garden!

The terrifying counter-shock force continuously exploded from Sanhou's body, forming a terrifying storm!


"My arm!"

"My body!"

Sandao roared with endless sorrow and pain from Sanhou's mouth at this moment, as if Ye Xiao wailing!

Sanhou, who was still spinning in the air, exploded with blood mist everywhere!

Next moment!

Three Hou Qi Shuhua smashed into the flower sea ground in a kneeling posture!

Click, click, click!

Thousands of miles of flowers tremble!

Countless flowers were shaken and fluttered wildly.

There were blood and mashed flesh together!


The miserable howls that are countless times more painful and miserable than the previous moment again sounded from Sanhou's mouth almost at the same time, tearing the sky apart!

I saw that the three hous were kneeling on the ground with their knees down at this time.

But the kneecaps of the three of them were all shattered into dregs, blood and blood, as if they were mingled with the ground, blood flowed, like three fleshy radishes growing in the ground!

Crazy trembling!

Sorrowful howl!

A violent struggle!

But to no avail, only a more miserable and painful roar.

Not just the kneecaps, they have cracked hideous flesh and blood everywhere on their bodies, and blood is constantly overflowing from them. It is shocking and makes the scalp numb!

Sanhou has been completely...abolished!

And Ye Wuqian is here.

Still sitting quietly, just withdraw his palm right now.

The other hand slowly brought the steaming teacup to his mouth, and the indifferent voice sounded at this opportunity.

"Nowhere to sit?"

"Then you don't have to sit down!"



Between heaven and earth, inside and outside the ancient courtyard, there was already dead silence!

The countless geniuses outside were struck by lightning at this time, with their mouths wide open and their eyes rounded. Looking at Sanhou, who seemed to be kneeling on the ground by three dead dogs, they felt that their heads were about to explode!

Even if they saw it with their own eyes, they still couldn't believe their eyes.

Within the ancient garden.

The dozens of masters on the opposite side, every one of them seemed to be pinched by the invisible big hand at this moment, and their expressions were very funny. The eyes looking at Ye Wuque were already full of endless horror, madness, and disbelief!

The newcomer's side.

The bodies of Xiao Suifeng, Chi Xuefeng, Han Yixiang, Clinique and others seemed to freeze, and their pupils were all shrinking violently!

Su Banyu and Su Banqing, the twin sisters, at this time, the two pairs of beautiful eyes fell on Ye Wuque's body together, and their inversions burst into unprecedented...light!

Zhuge People Tu!

Staring at Ye Wuque at this time, his eyes rushed, as if he had only met Ye Wuque for the first time and thoroughly!

As for the ten kings who have been aloof all the time, looking aloof as if watching a show, at this moment, I don't know when their bodies are all frozen in place!

Ten pairs of eyes had already looked at Ye Wuque, and an indescribable look came out of him...

surprise? Incredible? Trance?

It's all!

Between the heavens and the earth, only Sanhou's stern and painful roar continued to sound, breaking the dead silence!

Sanhou still desperately wanted to stand up, Sanshuang's **** eyes stared at Ye Wuque, filled with spite, fear, and despair!

But I can't get up all the time, and the more and more it is ushered in, the more and more crazily pain.

The blood flowed across, and the ground of the flower sea was already stained red.

"This, how... maybe..."

Until a certain moment.

Finally, a master of the rank of prince spoke, with endless trembling and horror in his voice!

Considered to be the softest persimmon Ye Wuqian among the newcomers, facing the three top 30 horror masters, sitting freely...

Holding a teacup in one hand.

The other hand and **** just bend, but...

Three hous in seconds!

"Um... good tea."

A self-talking with a touch of enjoyment, at this moment, sounded from the teacup leaf without a gap, which was not high.

But inside and outside the Silent Ancient Garden accompanied by a scream of pain, it was so loud and clear.

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