Return of the War God

Chapter 5713: Kill all dissatisfaction


King Ji Meng only felt a flower in front of him, and then he saw a crystal clear, white jade-like fist zooming in in front of him!

A terrifying wave rushed toward his face, the hair of King Ji Meng danced wildly, his face was extremely hot, and the surrounding void was distorted and instantly shattered!

King Ji Meng's eyes were like a knife, and he didn't seem to expect that the punch from Ye Wuque would reach this level.

However, King Jimeng was still expressionless, there was no fear in his eyes, and he didn't even have any intention to dodge, so he screamed again.

"The wind is coming!"

Still the previous supernatural powers, King Ji Meng seemed to have invincible self-confidence, only with this supernatural power, Ye Wuque could be suppressed.


The dark green storm reappears!

But this time, there was a strange change.

The world is dim, but the storm is no longer ubiquitous, engulfing everything, but condensed together, rushing from behind King Ji Meng, as if turned into a huge abyss, towards Ye Wuque’s bite Come!

The sound of the wind whistling, sharp and terrifying, and even more rapidly circulating in the void, forming a huge vortex in an instant!

The autobiography of the vortex distorted everything in the world, swallowed storms, and exploded with an unprecedented smashing force.

This is the most terrifying aspect of the supernatural power of the "wind" belonging to King Jimeng, forming a vortex of storm, irresistible!

The entire sea of ​​thousands of miles of flowers was trembling crazily at this moment, the earth was cracking, and countless petals flew in the void, annihilated into scum.

Countless geniuses around could clearly see that the storm vortex pounced from behind King Ji Meng, starting with Ye Wuque's right fist, swallowing and shattering his whole person.


Bai Yu's fist blasted fiercely on the infinitely terrifying storm vortex!

Next moment!

All geniuses have their eyes widened!

The scene where the storm vortex swallowed Ye Wuque's whole person did not appear at all, but the storm vortex was directly...

It's blown up!

The storm vortex soaring into the sky didn't even have time to explode all its strength, it was destroyed and exploded directly, turning into shattering wind blades all over the sky, cutting the void.

The huge counter-shock force spreads forward from Ye Wuque's boxing front in a fan shape, wherever it passes, the terrifying force crushes everything!

King Ji Meng, who had been standing with his hand held still, finally retreated to the rear this time.

This scene has made dozens of masters in the ancient garden unbelievable and shocked!

"The power of flesh and blood actually blasted the storm of destruction formed by the power of heaven and earth??"

"What the **** is his body made of? How, how could there be such a destructive power?"


King Ji Meng rubbed his right foot on the ground, and withdrew back tens of thousands of meters, raising thousands of meters of dust, and numerous petals exploded. After standing still, a huge gully appeared between him and Ye Wuque!


Ye Wuque had already strode again.

His face was stern, and there was joy and excitement visible to the naked eye in his bright eyes.

The standing King Ji Meng's hands behind his back finally slowly dropped down at this moment. He looked at Ye Wuqian in the distance, as if endless thunder surged from his eyes at this moment.

"You are qualified to see my'Thunder' supernatural powers!"

The moment a sonorous and indifferent voice fell from King Ji Meng's mouth...


The sky and the earth are dark, thunder is bursting!

I saw that the entire sky was shining with thunder light, bombarding the sky, exuding a kind of unstoppable vastness and domineering meaning!

"Thunder come!"

A loud shout was bigger than the thunder, and King Ji Meng also took a step forward and went straight to Ye Wuque.

With his movement, the thunder above the sky suddenly gathered, like a wave of thunder snakes, as if being pulled by some kind of traction, they were all wrapped around the body of King Jimeng.

In an instant, the body of King Jimeng burst into immeasurable thunder, as if it turned into an invincible Thunder God!

Wherever he went, between gestures, thunder blasted the sky and destroyed the earth.

The eyes of King Ji Meng burst into endless thunder at this moment, full of visual impact.

The scalp numb of the countless creatures around him has been shocked.


Most masculine, violent and invincible.

It is Huanghuang Tianwei, possessing unimaginable power.

What a terrifying magical power is this to induce the power of thunder and apply it to oneself?

This is the magical power of "Thunder" of the four great celestial powers of King Jimeng.

The display at this moment has made King Jimeng's breath rise, and his strength has been raised to the next level, to an unbelievable level!


The thunder of the void exploded, the king of Ji Meng turned into a thunder beam to travel through the void, destroying all things, dancing with his fists, and the thunder entwined, like two thunder snakes howling, directly raised his fist to Ye Wuque!

"How can a mere flesh and blood fight against Tianwei?"

King Jimeng sounded like thunder, with a sense of peerless invincibility, he wanted to bombard Ye Wuque with the force of thunder.

Upon seeing this, Ye Wuque's eyes became brighter.

King Ji Meng is going to fight him in close combat? ?

With a long roar, Ye Wuque did not advance or retreat, with a faster speed and a rainbow of momentum.

Extreme Riot is opened directly, the body is crystal clear, white as jade, with two fists swinging, the violent breath is like rebelling against chaos!

The king's power is running, and one hundred and twenty divine orifices are boiling.

Promise infinite fission!

War word tactics!

The secret method is boiling, the dark gold flame is burning, and everything is evaporating!

Next moment!


Two fists banged fiercely in one place.

The thunder collided with the flames, and the entire radius of a million li was almost overwhelmed by endless roars.

The countless geniuses around him were dizzy and pale, and some of the weaker cultivation bases were bleeding from their seven orifices, and their bodies were limp.

The endless thunder and horrible evil spirit swept away, almost tearing the sky!

In the ancient garden, all the Hou-level masters rushed out at this moment, raised their heads and looked above the void, their pupils were shrinking violently.

In the endless thunder and evil spirits, they saw two mad dragon-like figures staged a stunning duel in it.

King Ji Meng wrapped his body around the thunder, like an ancient **** of thunder.

He turned into a thunder, like a mighty heaven!

And Ye Wuque, who confronts him, is like a tyrant who has rebelled against chaos forever. His body is so beautiful and beautiful, but between his fists and feet, there is endless evil spirit spreading and boiling!

Tyrant Linchen, kill everything and refuse to accept it!

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