Return of the War God

Chapter 5715: Go together


He miscalculated!

But at the moment!

Ye Wuque has already blatantly killed!

He didn't punch, but turned around, raised his right foot, and stepped on Jiu Tian...

The tyrant takes time!


A corner of the long river was born, evolving into the void!

King Ji Meng only felt that his eyes were bright!

He felt the passing of time, the horror of the past more than a thousand years!

It is a kind of naked...


Reverse chaos forever!

Beat the heavens!

This is the ultimate violence of time!

King Ji Meng's breathing even stagnated!

But after all, he is a king who has experienced many battles. Even if he is still in danger at the moment, the storm and thunder are boiling behind him!

"Rain crosses the avenue!"

"I am the only one!"

With a loud roar, King Ji Meng's whole person turned into a huge raindrop, and his ferocious expression slammed into the shocking foot that Ye Wuque had stepped on!

With a click, the dragon demon king's black gold hand swept across the reincarnation, swatting the red blood front as if swatting a fly.

The Scarlet Blood Front rolled out, and the blood-colored battle armor under his body was shattered at this moment, blood spilling into the sky, and finally smashed to the ground fiercely.

As for the Dragon Demon King, blood dripped from his palms, causing his brows to frown.

"Can you hurt me?"

"You are proud enough."

The Dragon Demon spoke lightly, revealing an extreme strength.

Chixuefeng confronted him and was strongly suppressed!

In the other direction, a long sword cuts through the void, a sword light annihilates everything, and a roar of gold and iron strikes!

The Heavenly Sword King descended from the sky, the sword fingers of his right hand were slowly loosened, his complexion was calm, and he slowly shook his head.

"It's too far, and I don't even have the qualifications to let me play a sword."

And behind him, Xiao Suifeng all over his body flew out like a kite with a broken line.

Then, the King of White Clouds, King of Splitting Thorns, etc., all fell from the sky and stood in one place.

In the end, the seven kings stood side by side.

The newcomers who challenged them, without exception, have all been strongly suppressed!

"Have you been merciful?"

The Dragon Demon spoke lightly.

"Of course, they are still useful after all."

The kings nodded.

"Never mind Zhuge Ren Tu, I didn't expect this pair of twin sisters to fight against a king?"

King Baiyun looked at the three battles not far away, with a look of surprise in his eyes.

"But it's just a slightly stronger ant."

"Even if it is Zhuge Rentu, he is still too tender now. King Minluo is just playing with him."

The dragon demon king jokingly smiled, and the kings did the same, with a casual and relaxed face.

In their view, the three kings were just playing, and they could end the battle at any time.


Suddenly, the ancient garden of Mi Tu trembled, and the seven kings' eyes condensed slightly, revealing a touch of helplessness.

"The underground origin of the Mi Tu Ancient Garden has been affected, and the Tumi flower is still there. It cannot be affected and must be stabilized."

"If you want to stabilize the Mitu Ancient Garden, you need at least four kings, who will go?"

"Let me go."

"This kind of battle is boring, count me."

"I am coming too."

In the end, the four kings disappeared and went to the depths of the ground to stabilize the origin of the ancient garden of Mintu.

Only the three kings, the Dragon Demon King, the Heavenly Sword King, and the White Cloud King, remained.

The three kings all stand with their hands behind them, always standing high.

"Oh, forget, there is another Ye Wuque, and now King Ji Meng is probably having fun too."

"Now think about it, King Ji Meng is right, isn't it tiring to do a scene? King Liu Ying is really unnecessary. After the strong suppression, he made them into puppets, simple and rude, and a hundred."

The Dragon Devil spoke like this again, and the Heavenly Sword King and the White Cloud King both laughed.

"This Ye Wuque has offended King Ji Meng a terribly! If I'm Ji Meng, I will play him fiercely! What I am worried about now is that if King Ji Meng gets angry, he will kill Ye Wuque directly. , Then the gain is not worth the loss."

"No, King Jimeng is strong, no matter how angry he is, for the sake of the overall situation, he will never lose more than the gains. Forget it, let him vent, after all, his losses are"

The voice of the Dragon Demon stopped abruptly!


Because at this moment, an embarrassed figure, like a falling meteor, happened to fall from one direction to the place where they stood extremely fast!

Wherever he went, the blood mist churned and was extremely miserable.

"King Ji Meng had fun?"

King Baiyun spoke subconsciously.

But the next moment!

King Baiyun's gaze suddenly condensed!

The joke on the face of the Heavenly Sword King suddenly stagnated!

The eyes of the Dragon Demon suddenly widened!


The extremely embarrassed figure slammed into the ground, just at the feet of the three kings, causing the ground to tremble crazily!

This figure trembled violently, his throat trembled, and a big mouthful of blood spewed out, dyeing the void red!

He was lying on his back, face up, although his face was bloodstained, but he couldn't hide his face, it was...

King Ji Meng!

"This is impossible!"

The dragon demon let out an incredible growl!

The Heavenly Sword King clenched his fists suddenly!

King Baiyun's eyelids jumped wildly!

The one who was smashed from the void and fell at their feet like a dead dog turned out to be the powerful, ruthless, handsome and handsome Ji Meng Wang? ?

Instead of Ye Wuque? ?

Ye Wuque actually defeated King Ji Meng? ? ?

this moment!

There seemed to be a stormy sea in the hearts of the three kings, and he could hardly believe his eyes!

Between heaven and earth, countless onlookers of geniuses were all dumbfounded at this moment, all froze in place, just staring blankly at King Ji Meng who was seriously injured and coughing up blood.

In the ancient garden, dozens of Hou-level masters were struck by lightning, as if they were turned into clay sculptures, and their hearts roared endlessly!


King Ji Meng, who was paralyzed on the ground, did not lose consciousness. He still had spare energy, but his face was distorted at this moment, his scarlet eyes looked at the void, and he roared out the name every word, with endless expressions. Unwilling, unbelievable, crazy, shameful!

The three kings were horrified in an instant, suddenly raising their heads together, they also looked towards the sky!


There is a tall and slender figure, like white jade, that exudes a monstrous slaying air. If you walk down from nine days, although the chest is stained with blood, it can swallow thousands of miles like a tiger!

In the end, independent of the sky, it was Ye Wuque!

Everything seems to have been reversed!

The king who was aloof before!


Yi Wang was seriously injured and fell to the ground, seemingly unable to get up.

The three kings looked up at the sky, with horror, incomprehension, and disbelief on their faces!

It was no longer them who stood above them, but became... Ye Wuque!

Ye Wuque is independent above the void!

Condescendingly, looking down at the four kings!

The hair was turbulent, the eyes were like electricity, the evil spirits boiled, the killing spirit was overwhelming, and the fighting spirit was burning, Ye Wuque’s eyes reflected endless blazing brilliance, sweeping across the king of Ji Meng, the dragon demon, the king of heavenly sword, and the white cloud one by one. King.

Then, with an unquestionable overbearing voice instantly echoed in everyone's ears between the world, if the thunder blasted!

"Give you a chance... kill me!"

"For example, four..."

"Go together!"

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