Return of the War God

Chapter 5729: : Kill a king, abolish a king, a broken king!


In the next moment, the endless glory tore apart, and a tall and slender figure burst out of it, it was Ye Wuque!

At this moment, Ye Wuque was stained with blood all over his body.

Even his thick black hair was stained with blood, exuding a strong smell of blood, and the many bloodstains on his body were shocking!

As he retreated, even a faint blood mist was dragged out of the void, looking quite embarrassed and miserable.

"Ye Wuque lost?"

Someone couldn't help but speak loudly!

At this moment, the endless brilliance gradually dissipated, and the figures of the three kings reappeared at the end of everyone's eyes.

They stood in the void, motionless.

It still looks intact.

"Ye Wuque really lost!"

"The three kings had the last laugh!"

"Ye Wuque is already very powerful. If he can make it to this point, he is the three kings!"

"Indeed, the three kings join forces, who can..."


Only halfway through the genius' emotions, I saw the three immovable kings suddenly qi up to the sky...coughing up blood!

More than hemoptysis!

The pores on their bodies were oozing blood!

The blood was splattered into the void as if you didn't want money.

In the blink of an eye, the three kings were reduced to three blood men.

One after another horrible fissures of flesh and blood appeared on their bodies, even if the destiny and godhead were constantly repairing, they still could not be stopped.

"This is impossible!"

The dragon devil suddenly yelled up to the sky, hoarse and weak!

The Heavenly Sword King was full of blood and his arms were trembling. As for his sword, it had already been broken.

King Baiyun kept coughing up blood, and even wailed, because his arms had... disappeared!

Like being torn off alive!

Next moment!

The three kings fell into the void and couldn't stand still.

the other side!

Ye Wuque had stabilized his figure, panting slightly, and bleeding from the corners of his mouth, but a pair of bright eyes was filled with extremely blazing light. I don't know what happened, it was brighter than ever!

Between heaven and earth, all creatures are stupid!

The Hou-level masters were struck by lightning one by one!

Sit down!

"Ye Wuque... won?"

"The three kings have lost!"

"The three kings also lost together?"

The blood-stained hair was agitated, and Ye Wuque's bright eyes swept across the three kings, immediately making the three kings' scalp numb!


In the next instant, Ye Wuque stepped out and headed straight for the three kings!

The hair is stirring, killing intent is boiling!

"He... still has strength?"

The Heavenly Sword King is unbelievable!

The dragon demon is trembling all over!

King Baiyun...

Without hesitation, turn around and run away!

King Baiyun collapsed first!

With a face full of fear, his mind seemed to collapse completely, Dao Heart collapsed!

The dragon devil's teeth creaked, but a deep fear flashed in his eyes, he coughed up a bit of blood again, and then began to turn and run for his life!

The Heavenly Sword King runs faster than the Dragon Demon King!

The three kings flee in three directions madly!

Very embarrassed!

Very miserable!

And Ye Wuque's momentum is like a rainbow, killing intent is boiling, chasing and killing, like an invincible God of War!

This scene deeply shocked all the creatures between heaven and earth!

They stared at all this blankly, each of them seemed to forget to think.

call out!

The Heavenly Sword King, who was escaping quickly, suddenly felt the terrifying killing intent behind him.

A blood-stained white jade fist magnified wildly in front of his eyes!

"Why kill me?"

"I ran the fastest! I ran the farthest! Why me???"

"Why not them??"

The Heavenly Sword King uttered a stern and desperate roar of incomprehension!


In the next moment, the roar of the Heavenly Sword King stopped abruptly!

He was bombed along with his destiny and godhead, and it was blown into a **** mist in the sky!

Ye Wuque, who withdrew his fist, looked at the sky full of blood mist coldly, and his cold voice slowly sounded at this moment.

"You are also worthy of being called the'Heaven Sword'?"

It is still this sentence, but with a kind of extreme coldness.

Heavenly Sword King...fallen!

And choosing to kill the Heavenly Sword King means that Ye Wuque gave up the other two kings? ?

The Baiyun King and the Dragon Demon King have escaped a long way!

They are kings, they have almost come to the end of the jealousy road, and fled desperately, especially Ye Wuque chose the Queen of Heavenly Sword who was the hardest to chase, and he couldn't catch up at this moment.


Suddenly, Ye Wuque threw a punch in the direction where the Dragon Demon was escaping!

Next moment!

From a long distance away, the Dragon Demon suddenly let out a miserable howl!

"No! My Dantian!"

Can't catch up? Can't kill?

Then destroy you!

But Ye Wuque didn't even look at it, because he had already swung the third punch in the third direction!


In the other direction, Baiyun King also uttered a painful roar!

One of his legs exploded directly into blood mist!

Soon, the Dragon Demon King and the White Cloud King disappeared completely.

Between heaven and earth, only Ye Wuque was left!

He was bloodied, but no one dared to look at him!

All the geniuses stared at Ye Wuque blankly. At this moment, their hearts were roaring, and their brains were boiling!

The three kings joined forces to kill Ye Wuque!

But the result?

But Ye Wuque killed one, abolished one, and maimed one!

At this moment!

The world is dead!

Ye Wuque seems to have become the eternity between heaven and earth!

Above the void.

Ye Wuque slowly lowered his head, and his icy eyes fell on the downside of King Ji Meng who was struggling frantically, trying to get up and run for his life, who had collapsed.

The figure slowly landed, and Ye Wuque landed towards King Ji Meng.

"Do not!"

King Ji Meng let out a low growl!

Ye Wuque's arrival was like a **** of death.

But he was helpless, he could only watch Ye Wuque come to his side, looking down at him condescendingly.

King Ji Meng is almost crazy at this moment!

His soul is about to split!

"You, who are you!"

King Jimeng roared, endless resentment and trembling!

Ye Wuque didn't mean to answer at all, but slowly raised his right foot...

Just now!


The four figures suddenly flew out of the cracks in the underground of Mintu Ancient Garden, and the other four kings who had entered it before impressively.

"En? What a horrible fluctuation?? What's the situation??"

"What are the Dragon Demon King doing? Killing a few ants and making such a big battle?"

"waste time!"

But in the next instant, the four kings completely flew out!

Suddenly saw Ye Wuque standing condescendingly beside King Ji Meng in the distance!

The four kings were stunned!

"King Ji Meng? He, he..."

"Help me! Help me! Help me!"

At this moment, King Jimeng immediately let out a stern roar, asking for help from the four kings.

The four kings are completely confused!

"The Heavenly Sword King is dead! The Dragon Demon King is abolished! The White Cloud King is miserable! He is a monster! He is a lunatic!"

"Help me!"

King Ji Meng is already hysterical, and his screams resounded through the sky and the earth!

"If you don't save me, you will never know that in the Supreme God Treasure..."

Click! !

The voice of King Ji Meng suddenly disappeared!

Because his head has been trampled by a foot alive!

The red and white turbidity jumped up high at the moment, dyeing the void red.

Ye Wuque, who had stepped on King Ji Meng, withdrew his foot at this moment, but his dazzling eyes looked at the four kings who had been completely dull, their scalp was numb, and their complexion had changed greatly. They grinned slowly, revealing their white teeth.

"There are four of you...

"Just right."

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