Return of the War God

Chapter 5732: : The myth of destiny!

Then, Hou Ye Wuqian exerted a force, as if carrying a little chicken, he lifted the king up in place, and carried it in his hand.

Countless creatures have witnessed this scene!

But right now!

Suddenly there was an earth-shattering shout from the front!

"Today, my Zhuge people will be invincible!"

"King Minluo! Lose me!!"

With this loud shout, the sky and the earth exploded, and endless fluctuations spread and shattered, drowning everything.

I saw the blood-stained King Min Luo flying out, smashing into the ground, making a terrible roar!

Above the void, Zhuge Rentu appeared strongly, his body was stained with blood, but his aura was soaring to the sky, so I am the only one!

He won!

In the battle of kings, he defeated the king of Min Luo, he defeated the king!

At this moment, Zhuge Rentu finally showed a smile, as if he was full of ambition, and his thoughts were unprecedented.

He also saw countless geniuses between heaven and earth!

it is good!

Just under the gaze of all the attention, countless geniuses from the supreme realm witnessed my Zhuge Rentu crowned as king!

But suddenly, Zhuge Rentu noticed something wrong.

The countless geniuses around didn't seem to look at... yourself? ?

not a single one!

Instead, they all looked down one by one, their faces full of fear, fear, excitement, and excitement!

Zhuge Ren Tu frowned slightly, followed his gaze, and the next moment his gaze condensed slightly.

"That's... Ye Wuque?"

Zhuge Rentu saw Ye Wuque who was covered in blood, but he didn't notice who was carrying Ye Wuque in his hands.

Zhuge Rentu was puzzled at this moment.

Why did Ye Wuque, who was seriously injured, attract so many people's attention? ?


This doesn't make sense at all!

What is going on? ?

"King Min Luo!"

At this moment, a low drink rang out, but saw two misty shadows flying over, it was the King Liu Ying and the King Ozy Moon!

The two women among the kings faced Su Banyu and Su Banqing respectively.

At this moment, they had already flown over and landed next to King Min Luo who had gotten up.

Immediately, the three kings fixed their eyes on Ye Wuque!

"The King of Glare!"

"That's the King of Glare?"

The three kings looked incredible.

Zhuge people slaughtered here, and at this moment, it was discovered that the one who had been slipped in by Ye Wuque turned out to be the King of Dazzling.

"This... what happened?"

Zhuge Rentu frowned.

"King Liu Ying! Kill me! King Ozy Moon! Save me! Save me! Save me!"

In the next moment, the King of Brightness, who was held by Ye Wuque in his hand, let out a stern cry for help.

He struggled frantically, but it didn't help at all, he could only scream.

The remaining three kings stared at Ye Wuque, they were all dumbfounded!

"Ye Wuque?"

"He captured the King of Glare? This, how is this possible?"

King Min Luo gritted his teeth.

Isn't this Ye Wuque fighting against King Ji Meng?

According to the strength of King Ji Meng, this newcomer should have been completely abolished!

How could it become like this? ?

"Dazzling King, what happened?"

Liu Ying Wang finally couldn't help but speak.

"Dead! All dead!"

"King Jimeng is dead! The Heavenly Sword King is dead! The Splitting Thorn King is dead! The Qi Hades is dead! The Wild Grass King is dead!"

"The Dragon Demon is abolished!"

"The White Cloud King is broken!"

"It's all this devil! It's all him! It's all him!"

"It's all him!!"

"Ha ha ha ha!"

The King of Brightness seemed to be completely mad. He uttered a stern roar and then madly laughed. The whole person seemed to be delirious, but when he roared out, it seemed as if a million thunders blasted the remaining three kings. The heart also blasted into Zhuge Rentu's heart!

In the same way, the hearts of two rest assured Su Banqing and Su Banyu appeared in the distance!

The face under Liu Yingwang's veil instantly solidified!

Ozyyue King's body trembled suddenly!

King Minluo shivered!

Zhuge Ren Tu, his eyes rounded!

They all looked at Ye Wuque, who was covered in blood, and there was endless horror, dread, incredible, crazy, incredible in their eyes!

"No, it's impossible!"

"This is impossible!!"

King Minluo uttered a loud roar, almost splitting, affecting his injuries, and suddenly a big mouthful of blood spurted out!

"He, he... single-handedly killed five kings one after another? Abolished two kings??"

Zhuge Rentu murmured hoarsely at the moment, his eyes seemed to lose focus, and the whole person seemed to lose his soul.

The partly rain and partly sunny in the void in the distance, they all stood motionless at this moment.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

"All dead! All dead!"

The King of Dazzling has been completely mad, screaming with a smile, and completely mad.

"This is your last words?"

At this moment, a cold and indifferent voice sounded in his ears, which immediately awakened the glorious Wang Rumeng. He looked back hard to look at the **** face that was close at hand, and there was endless fear in his eyes instantly!

"No! Don't kill..."

Click! !

Glare King’s head exploded!

Being crushed by Ye Wuque alive!

The blood rushed to the void in all directions, causing a strong smell of blood to permeate.

Between the heavens and the earth, the atmosphere of dead silence seemed to solidify into eternity.

The headless corpse of the King of Brightness smashed to the ground slowly and weakly.

Ye Wuque stood tall, his icy eyes looked at the last King Liu Ying, King Ozy Moon, and King Min Luo, and slowly washed away the blood in his hands.

The three kings were stared at by Ye Wuque!

Suddenly like an enemy!

Scalp tingling!

Cold all over!

A strong sense of death is growing wildly in my heart!

"Who, who are you?"

"You can never be a newcomer! Absolutely impossible!"

King Min Luo roared again!

King Liuying stared at Ye Wuque, as if suddenly realizing something at this moment, a voice of surprise and tremor sounded.

"Could it be that you have not only seen ‘Divine Ji’, but also come to the front of ‘Divine Ji’, and you have also stepped into..."

"Myth of Destiny!!"

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