Return of the War God

Chapter 5744: : Indulge in a fight!


After stepping into the teleportation array in the ancient altar, Ye Wuque suddenly felt that all directions began to blur, and the breath of time and years continued to flow, and there was a sense of ancient mottled.

Ahead, the roar from the big white lizard is leading the way.

Vaguely, Ye Wuque could feel its existence, just like a signpost, allowing Ye Wuque to distinguish the direction.

"Follow it..."

Ye Wuque realized it instantly.

He could feel it. At this moment, he was being rapidly transmitted, and the strong spatial force was constantly being flooded, chaotic endlessly.


In an instant, Ye Wuque felt a sense of turbulence and confusion, and the fluctuations of the entire ancient formation were violently ups and downs.

"It seems that this ancient teleportation array has been damaged to a certain extent..."


Suddenly, Ye Wuque felt a strong spatial turbulence sweeping over him, and there was an arc of time that drowned everything.

The entire ancient teleportation formation trembles violently, and then an inexplicable space-time tunnel appears, which instantly engulfed him.

Ye Wuque didn't panic, as Bai Ze had just said that he would encounter such a situation during the period, and he was very likely to enter the small broken world of unknown time and space.

After a while of weightlessness, Ye Wuque's eyes were dark first, then bright!

When his vision became clear again, he found that he had come to a clear place.

Between the sky and the earth, there is a barrenness.

You can look into the distance, you can see layers of vast mountains, and in vaguely, you can hear the roar of beasts.

Ye Wuque's complexion was calm, and he didn't feel any disaster.

"A broken and silent little world?"

The power of the soul has spread out at this moment, Ye Wuque perceives the ten directions, and has not found any human races alive, only the ancient ancestors and beasts.

With some kind of broken breath!

In the void, Ye Wuque's figure stopped and stood there, overlooking the ten directions.

"Bailong's induction is still there. I just left it temporarily. It seems that it will take a while to get through?"

After perceiving it carefully, Ye Wuque came to a conclusion.


Ye Wuque's bright eyes burst out with a dazzling brilliance, and he looked in one direction!

At the end of that direction, strong spatial fluctuations appeared at this time, seeming to randomly tear out a time tunnel.

In the next instant, a figure appeared vaguely from it, and it seemed that he had also sensed his existence, and it struck at an extremely fast speed!

"Human race?"

After Ye Wuque looked over, he immediately found a tall figure coming towards him!

This was a black-haired young man with a brave posture, sword eyebrows and starry eyes, expressionless, with his hands behind his back, there was an indescribable singular demeanor.

The eyes of the two met instantly in the void!

A flash of dazzling meaning flashed in Ye Wuque's eyes!

It's really a mysterious human race.

In this small world of dilapidated silence, he unexpectedly encountered a human race.

Between heaven and earth, there is a dead silence.

The two are facing each other far away, seeming to be facing each other.

"This breath... is not actually the power of heaven and earth?"

"It seems to be another completely different force??"

The man stood in the void, looking at Ye Wuque from a distance, as if he also felt the aura on his body, staring at this person, Ye Wuque's eyes became brighter!

He actually felt a threat from this person.

The strong!

Undoubtedly strong!

"An unheard of wave force form?"

The dazzling meaning in Ye Wuque's eyes turned into a touch of eager warfare, and the excitement of seeing the hunt.

He even felt a similar wave of supernatural powers from the person in front of him, belonging to the...Dragon Race!


The void exploded, the world roared, and Ye Wuque stepped out and blasted the man with a punch.

A punch without warning, with an unreasonable meaning.


The domineering and unparalleled dragon roar resounded through the sky, and the golden dragon was born, shocking the world.

Wherever the golden dragon passed, the space was shattered!



True Dragon Fist!

The man stood above the void, facing Ye Wuque who suddenly shot, still expressionless, but the vigilance in his eyes has also turned into a strong brilliance at this moment!


In an instant, a strange change occurred in the man's body.

An energy form upper body skeleton was born, and instantly enveloped the man's body.

Even more brilliant golden light condensed in an instant, and then under Ye Wuque's shining eyes, he saw a divine dragon turned out to be born!

This man actually shot a golden dragon with teeth and claws!

Looking from a distance, the two dragons roared into the void, tearing everything apart, each rushing forward with an unstoppable aura!


The endless brilliance exploded, and the terrifying power vented to the heavens, like a tide, hitting the sky and the ground, and the whole broken small world was instantly enveloped in it and completely illuminated.

The two strands seemed to originate from the same source, but the completely different forces were torn apart and erupting, and within a thousand miles, they were annihilated in an instant.

The mountains in the distance were also broken into nothingness.

Endless huge pits surfaced on the ground, constantly spreading to the distance.

Under one blow, the power is terrifying!

Until this moment, the endless light dissipated, and two figures slowly reappeared in the smoke and dust.

No matter it was Ye Wuque, or this man, they were unharmed and there was no change.


Almost in unison, Ye Wuque and the man uttered these three words at the same time.

The eyes of the two met together, and at this moment a dazzling fighting spirit and excitement emerged.

"There is an overbearing fist intent and power that is indistinguishable from the real dragon fist, and it is also a dragon-shaped posture?"

Ye Wuque felt a kind of incredible.

This man is definitely not a simple little character!

"What's your trick called?"

Suddenly, the man spoke first and broke the dead silence on his own initiative.

Ye Wuque's eyes moved slightly, staring at the opponent for a moment, and then he responded with a faint smile: "True Dragon Fist. Where's yours?"

The man smiled slightly and said, "Shenlongquan."

The two eyes meet...


As the world went round, Ye Wuque stepped out again, his hair turbulent, and he shot again.

The men are equally strong.

The two collided again!

The horrible fluctuations agitated, and the whole world became blurred again!

The two got into a big fight first.

As if turned into two primordial stars, with the whole broken world as the battlefield, a **** showdown.

Long Yin burst, resounding through the sky and the ground.

The horrible counter-shock force continued to spread like ripples, the divine brilliance surging, and the waves were magnificent.

However, in a short while, the two have already faced off countless times.

The wave of fists collided, ruining the world, and it looked like thunder and thunder.


Suddenly, two fists slammed into one place again.

The roar tore the sky apart!

The two figures retreated separately, pulling out two huge vacuum trajectories in the void, full of visual impact.

Between heaven and earth, it became quiet again.

The two people face each other in various voids once again.

But the light in the eyes is all radiant to the extreme!

The matchup just now is just an appetizer.

"Try my nameless sword art!"

Ye Wuque yelled loudly and pointed at the void. Suddenly, golden sword lights appeared in the sky, splashing all directions.

Incomparably magnificent, a golden sword figure condenses the void.

But this is only the beginning, and then the sword map evolves, endless sword light is gushing, and there is a peerless beauty stepping out of the sky!

Ye Wuque displayed the Wuming Sword Art, with unspeakable blood at this moment.

The man stood in the void, staring at Ye Wuqian at this time, his fighting spirit rushed into the sky, and he also shouted!

"This is my Divine Sword Art of Destroying the World!"

In an instant!

Yu man's clamor, unexpectedly emerged a huge sword formation, nine dragons gathered, condensed into a terrible sword energy.

Light up the sky!

The dragon's eyes are furious!

While roaring, staring at the peerless beauty evolved from the nameless sword art!

Standing on the sword map, the peerless beauty suddenly showed a smile.

All the country and the city!

The golden sword light, horizontally above and below ground, stunning and unparalleled!

Nine Dragons sword aura, roaring in the sky, killing all things in common people!

The two sword lights were wrapped in completely different sword intents, and they slashed towards each other at the same time, slashing towards the whole broken little world.


The endless horror sword intent cuts through the sky and the ground, as if the sky has arrived, burying everything.

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