Return of the War God

Chapter 5751: : Chengquan

All the great supernatural powers, especially the famous ones that originated from the ancient times, each possesses the power to destroy the heavens and the earth!

Enough to be chased by the heavens and worlds, and countless creatures throughout the ages, causing countless **** storms.

Because the help brought by an ancient magical power is really incredible to the limit.

But the same!

For any famous ancient supernatural power to be practiced, the conditions are also extremely harsh.

Not only does it have strong requirements for talent and understanding, but also the conditions and process of its practice are equally unimaginable and very difficult.

At this moment, the more ancient messages in Ye Wuque's mind are the feedback from the magical powers of three heads and six arms!

At the beginning, he broke through with one head and two arms on the first floor to the two heads and four arms on the second floor.

Only by gathering all the advanced things can you make a successful breakthrough.

The same is true for wanting to break through from the second layer to the highest third layer.

However, for so long, Ye Wuque had never had a chance to encounter it, and naturally there was no response from the three-headed and six-armed magical powers.


Finally met!

"It's okay if I don't know. After I know, my luck is really..."

Even Ye Wuque felt a little incredible at this moment!

According to the feedback from the three-headed six-armed supernatural powers.

To break into the highest third level, the ultimate form with three heads and six arms, he needs three advanced things.

First, the longevity Tianmu!

Second, three thousand weak water!

Third, the Hunshi Ape God!

Among them, the first two are real wonders and treasures of heaven and earth, as long as you give up some thoughts, you should be able to find them.

Only this third type of "Hunshi Ape God" seems to be nowhere to be found in this world!

This must be the sages in the line of the ape clan, who have participated in good fortune and understood the profound meaning of "great freedom" to condense the singular soul!

Apes have the same origin, so they are also called apes gods, which is a kind of honorific name.

Who is able to do this, who understands the great freedom, who is not the ancestor of the ape race?

After they fell, the remaining ape gods would only be enshrined by countless ape tribes, representing the glory of the ape tribe.

Outsiders want to get it, and use it to practice?

That can only be done unless the entire ape tribe is slaughtered cleanly.

is it possible?

Among the monkeys in the ape clan, one is counted as one, all of them are not afraid of the sky, and they fly very well one by one.

It's a good thing that they don't hit people, so dare someone go to their ancestral land to make ideas?

I'm afraid that the skull of the eighteenth generation of the ancestor will not be lifted!

Therefore, even if there is an invincible Tianjiao who gains three heads and six arms supernatural powers under the sky, he will advance to the third level by leaps and bounds, but if he does not get a "Hunshi Ape God", then his life will stop at the second level, and he will never be able to practice great powers. The point of consummation.

no way!

This is the requirement.

Throughout the ages, for a long time, it's not that there are no foreign Tianjiao creatures who have obtained three heads and six arms supernatural powers, but they have fallen on this "Hunshi Ape God" advanced thing, which can be said to be ninety-nine percent.

It's not that they don't have enough talents and understanding, but that they really don't have the courage to provoke the ape clan.

But at the moment!

Ye Wuque never expected that he would actually be here and meet a "Hunshi Ape God", and it just appeared in front of his eyes.

At this time, besides the surprise, it was an indescribable complex feeling, as if there was a trace of fear.

"Unexpectedly, among the three advanced things on the third level, there will be Hunshi Ape God, the most difficult, almost impossible to obtain, as if it was sent to me on the initiative..."

"This luck..."

Ye Wuque had to sigh his luck again.

There is even a sense of unreality!

But at this moment Ye Wuque couldn't take care of that much. He took a step forward and carefully inspected the Hunshi Ape God and found that there was no problem. He immediately took out an empty jade box and solemnly stored the Hunshi Ape God in it. Inside, and then gently collected it into Yuanyang Ring.

After doing all this, Ye Wuque couldn't help but let out a long sigh of relief.

"I got the most difficult "Hunshi Ape God"!"

"Then only the longevity Tianmu and three thousand weak waters are left..."

There was a scorching meaning in the bright eyes, and then he stopped staying and walked out of the giant ape phantom.


It was also at this time that the giant ape skeleton that towered over the sky and the earth began to collapse silently, and disappeared between the sky and the earth in the blink of an eye.

Upon seeing this, Ye Wuque fell to the ground and bowed his fist to the giant ape skeleton to show his gratitude.


Suddenly, Ye Wuque heard the pain and panic roar coming from nearby, which came from the big white lizard.

The pitch-black giant cocoon it had transformed was squirming crazily at this moment, revealing a trace of destruction.

"The trace of dragon blood in its body is not enough to carry the origin of the dragon clan left by the black dragon. It is equivalent to playing with fire and self-immolation, and it will be lively burst."

Ye Wuque looked on, watching the fire.

The white lizard's miserable howl has reached its extreme, but it still seems to have not given up, even if it will explode and die, it must do its best to persevere to the end!

The pitch-black giant cocoon was even about to split.

Upon seeing this, Ye Wuque's eyes moved slightly, and finally his mind moved...


The true keel appeared in the forehead again, shining brightly, and flocked to the pitch-black giant cocoon.

"In order to evolve, persevere in perseverance, even if you die without regrets, that's all, it will make you perfect..."

With the power of the true keel being injected, the pitch-black giant cocoon that was about to split instantly turned around and came to life from desperation.

Countless dark dragon origins seemed to be completely tamed under the power of true dragon bones, and were sent into the body of a large white lizard.


The big white lizard let out a low growl of joy and excitement.

Ye Wuque no longer cared about him, but looked at the whole hall again.

He was still immersed in the incredible of getting the "Hunshi Ape God".

His luck...

Would it be so good? ?

It's so good that it's beyond imagination!


There seemed to be something in Ye Wuque's mind, something faintly flashed.

He walked directly outside, standing in front of the dragon tomb and observing all directions, looking at the unfathomable places in the distance, and looking at the sky.

I remembered the mysterious wall that cracked when I came.

"Could it be that…"

Faintly, Ye Wuque seemed to infer.

A quarter of an hour later.

Ye Wuque looked at the pitch black cocoon about the size of his head shining with intense brilliance in his hands, his expression calm.

"Has entered the final metamorphosis stage, entered the compressed space, waiting for the final cocoon to become a butterfly..."

Immediately, Ye Wuque dragged the pitch black cocoon and returned to the original path.

He should go back and learn what he should know from Wu Xiaofan.

Although the large white lizard turned into a cocoon, the ancient teleportation circle was still there, and the roadside guide behind it was still there.

So, soon, the light of the teleportation phalanx was illuminated again above the void.

Ye Wuque returned the same way.

This time, there were no more moths and accidents.

After half an hour.

Within the silent Bailong clan, Bai Ze suddenly shouted with excitement!

"The altar shines! The teleportation wave fluctuates!"

"The ancestors and ancestors have returned safely!"

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