Return of the War God

Chapter 6057: kill without mercy

6057 Kill without amnesty

This is a way of giving the Nine Crowns sequence as a warning, and it comes from the will of God.

If there are nine crown princes going out to complete the hunting mission, once they are in danger, they can use this authority, and they will be immediately received in the domain of the gods, and the remaining nine crown princes will be rescued as soon as possible.

In the past years, "100,000 urgency" often appeared.


"One hundred thousand fire emergency" is also divided into different levels.

Generally, a nine-crowned king displays "100,000 hurricanes", which represents personal stability.

If there are at least three nine-crown champions at the same time releasing "Hundred Thousand Fires" at the same time, it represents the arrival of a large-scale war.

And if there are more than ten nine crowned kings at the same time releasing "One Hundred Thousand Fire Urgent", then according to the internal standards of God's Domain, it means that a terrifying event related to the life and death of the "God Organization" has occurred!

In this case, all the "first-order refining gods" in the **** organization exist, no matter what they are doing, they must put everything down and gather in the god's domain for the first time to deal with the drastic changes.

And the "will of God" that covers the entire God Domain will also be directly manifested!

It can be said that this "100,000 fire emergency" is a protection measure given to the Nine Crown King by God's Domain.

Of course, if there is nothing to do, or if the standard level is not reached, then a huge price will be paid after the event, and the punishment will be severe.

Therefore, for a long time, there have been almost no more than three "100,000 fires", because it is impossible.

But right now, right now!

A total of more than 30 nine crowned kings launched the "100,000 fire emergency" together, and more than 30 torch-shaped wills of the gods rose into the sky, covering the void in the ten directions.


In just an instant, the entire Divine Realm inside and outside directly boiled!

Above the nine heavens, the "will of the gods" that enveloped the realm of the gods immediately gathered, exuding a blazing brilliance!

But it's just three or five breaths of effort...


I saw a tall and thin figure coming from the direction of the god's brain suddenly from the inside of the god's domain, and it exuded an unpredictable aura. It was... Mr. Xiahou!

At this moment, Lord Xiahou's face shook, but when he saw more than 30 Queens of the Nine Crowns covered in blood, his pupils suddenly shrank violently!

"what's the situation??"

"What happened?? Why did you activate Hundred Thousand Fires together? You are not the stronghold of strangling the evil gods under my order, how could this be?"

But this moment.

None of the more than thirty nine-crown kings answered Lord Xiahou, but many nine-crown kings gave Lord Xiahou a cold look.

The will of the gods above the nine heavens is even more boiling, exuding a terrifying aura like a thunder tribulation!

After ten breaths.

The second splendid figure appeared from the direction of the divine brain inside the domain of the gods, galloping, and after the light dissipated, a dry and thin figure was revealed.

This is an old woman, but at the moment the same shock!

After two breaths.

A third radiant figure appeared and galloped, revealing the figure of a fat old man.

An old woman, an old man, lined up with Lord Xiahou at this moment, all standing above the void.

"Ji Xuance, and Ye Wuque, what are you doing?"

The old woman spoke coldly at this moment, a little confused about the situation, and her dry face was full of surprise.

More than 30 nine-crown kings launched the "100,000 Fire Urgent" together!

This is never seen before!

And the old woman who opened her mouth was one of the first tiers of the three major god-refining gods in the **** organization... Lord Yunxiao!

"Do you know the price of using '100,000 Huoji' without authorization?"

Brassica-sama couldn't help but speak again.

"Something must have happened, otherwise they wouldn't have so many people together. You should be on the way to destroy all the strongholds of the evil gods. What happened?"

The last fat old man spoke, his voice was still calm, without any ups and downs, giving a sense of stability, and stopped Master Yunxiao.

One of the first-order existences of the divine organization Refining God... Lord Shangguan!

The three first-rank refining gods, at this moment, looked at the nine crown kings below more than 30 people, all with shock and confusion on their faces.

And at this moment, Ji Xuance walked out with a solemn expression, glanced at the first rank of the three major refining gods above the void, clasped his fists and bowed, and then spoke word by word!

"Three adults!"

"This time, the hidden point of strangling the evil gods, all of our nine crowned kings have encountered... ambush!"

"In the **** of evil, there are also nine crowned kings. They have long been lurking in their respective hiding spots, waiting for our arrival!"

"In other words, this sudden action of strangling the evil god, the evil **** has already known it!"

"That is to say..."

"In our **** organization, there is a... an inner ghost!"

Speaking of this, Ji Xuance's eyes became extremely sharp, and he took a step forward, looking straight at the first-order of the three major refining gods, with a sound like thunder, echoing the world!

"We have every reason to suspect that this traitor is among the three first-order adults of Refining God!"

As soon as these words came out, the entire Divine Realm was suddenly silent, and all the creatures in the Divine Realm were struck by lightning, and they could hardly believe their ears.

And the face of the three first-order refining gods above the void also changed drastically at this time!

"Presumptuous! Ji Xuance, do you know what you are talking about??"

Master Brassica was the first to be angry, and a stern expression appeared on the dry old face!

Lord Xiahou's face also became extremely gloomy at this moment, his face was full of disbelief and inconceivable!

Only Lord Shangguan, although gloomy like water at this time, still remained calm, stared at Ji Xuan Ce, and said solemnly: "Ji Xuan Ce, I want to know everything, you give me careful attention and explain all the details. clear!"

"at the same time…"

I saw Lord Shangguan suddenly raised his head at this moment and looked at the "will of God" above the void.

"I implore the 'will of God' to come to Shenwei, and before the whole thing comes to light, all the first-level refining gods will be... imprisoned!"

"Including me!"

"Completely block the entire God's Domain!"

"Who dares to act rashly..."

"Kill without mercy!"


The will of God suddenly began to violently toss!

And here, Lord Yunxiao and Lord Xiahou, after hearing the words of Lord Shangguan, their expressions changed again!


From above the nine heavens, within the boiling will of the gods, three chains of strange light shone down at this time, and immediately bound the three first-tier refining gods, Shangguan, Yunxiao, and Xiahou. live!

This is the imprisonment that represents the "will of God"!

The ruling from the will of the gods, once imprisoned, then temporarily unable to use the power of the first-level refining god, which is equivalent to being temporarily blocked.

After all this was done, the first-rank of the three major refining gods were all imprisoned, and the Lord Shangguan looked at Ji Xuance slowly and said with a solemn expression.

"Ji Xuance, now you can speak!"

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