Return of the War God

Chapter 6143: this time... i'm here

Chapter 6143 This time...I'm coming

"I'm ready??"

"The devilish energy in my body is really gone!"

"It's so cool! I feel like I'm at least a decade younger now!"

The vice-captain was also shocked and excited.

On the side, Ye Wuque stood quietly with a smile.

The group of white-haired soldiers came back to their senses at this moment, and their eyes looking at Ye Wuque were already filled with deep gratitude!

"Thank you... Your Excellency!"

"Thank you, Your Excellency!"

A famous white-haired soldier immediately salutes Ye Wuque.

But at this moment, Ye Wuque's eyes suddenly narrowed, and he looked at the endless dim light and mist outside the city gate, his eyes narrowed!

The next moment, the old captain also seemed to have noticed something was wrong.

Boom boom boom!

I saw endless terrifying fluctuations pouring out from the dim light and demonic energy at this moment, and huge bubbles appeared one after another!

The boiling demonic energy immediately spread out and swept across the void of ten directions.

"not good!"

"What's the situation?? The ghostly light is actually boiling??"

"Quick! Array! Array!"

The group of white-haired soldiers panicked and did not panic, and immediately began to prepare for the enemy with great familiarity.

The old captain rushed to the city gate for the first time.

Ye Wuque on the side is also like a shadow.

"How could this happen?? This dim light and mist suddenly boiled?? Such a thing has never happened in the past??"

The old captain's voice became solemn.

And here Ye Wuque, at this moment, looking at the dim light and fog, his eyes flickered, but he asked: "Old captain, according to what you said, didn't Ye... Zhengrong fill in the eyes of the sea of ​​devils? These devilish qi It should have been destroyed and imprisoned a long time ago, why did you go back and leave it in the present?"

Hearing this, the old captain immediately explained: "It was indeed filled up at the time, but before Ye Zhengrong left, he told the general at the time that the Eye of the Devil's Sea was not a source of power, it was just a delivery port."

"The power in the eyes of the real sea of ​​demons comes from a deeper and more terrifying place, and that place is too far and deep to be touched at all."

"So, even if the eye of the sea of ​​demons is filled up, it can be kept safe for a certain period of time, but now with the passage of time, the eye of the sea of ​​demons may have already... recovered again!"

"The mist of dim light may be the predecessor of the 'You Hai' in the past."

"These terrifying things, I am afraid it is difficult to completely wipe out!"

As soon as these words came out, Ye Wuque suddenly realized in his heart.

Devil's Sea Eyes!

I am afraid this thing is very involved. At that time, my father just passed by by chance and embarked on the road of heaven and gods. He must not be able to stay for a long time. general.

The general also understood that he did not take it lightly, and still left the gatekeeper here.

With the passage of time, the eye of the sea of ​​devils really recovered again!

And gradually formed the situation today.


At this moment, the dim light and magic energy began to boil violently, and the old captain had activated the power of ancient prohibition to fully guard the outpost border.

But the next moment!


The ghostly light suddenly split open, and countless demons flew out of it, but the demons just swept across the void and did not attack. Instead, they seemed to be making a pilgrimage!

They seem to be waiting for something!

Such a vision made all the white-haired soldiers look at each other in dismay, but the old captain's eyes trembled suddenly at this moment!

As if remembering some terrible memory.

Immediately after, countless devils shone with fiery demonic energy, surging through the void, and in the depths of the dim light demonic energy, a huge terrifying figure slowly appeared at this moment!

It stepped forward, and the demonic energy around it boiled, as if it was going to press everything horizontally, and the surrounding demons were directly absorbed by it, full of visual impact!

"what is that??"

"A strange figure I've never seen before!"

"What a terrible breath!"

A group of white-haired soldiers also felt a sense of unease from their hearts, and they felt the breath coming from their faces.

At this moment, the old captain's body is already trembling slightly!

He stared at the tall and terrifying figure, and slowly spit out two words at this moment...

"Magic... handsome!"

The white-haired soldiers immediately turned pale with shock.

"The eye of the sea of ​​devils has already been able to give birth to the devil handsome again! Damn it!" The old captain's eyes flickered with chills.

A group of white-haired soldiers just heard about the "Legend of Ye Zhengrong", and also learned about the horror of "Magic Commander", who almost destroyed the outpost border in the past.

Now the magician has really appeared? ?

"Prepare to fight!"

The vice-captain yelled!

The white-haired soldiers immediately became solemn, their eyes became bloody, they put on their helmets again, and raised their spears!

Despite the injury!

Although terrified!

But at this moment, there is only one word left...



But in the next moment, four other terrifying vortexes of magical energy appeared in the boiling dark magic energy!

Crazy surging, and then slowly appeared four terrifying figures!

There is not only one magic handsome, but a full five!

The old captain could hardly believe his eyes!

After a long period of time, there were five Demon Commanders again.

Has the power of the Demon Sea Eye recovered to this extent? ?

But in an instant, there was only endless coldness and killing intent in the eyes of the old captain!

What about the five magicians? ?

As long as the gatekeeper still has a breath left, as long as there is still a soldier alive, he will swear to the end!

It was so long ago.

Today, it's still the same!

call out!

But at this moment, the old captain suddenly felt a gust of breeze passing gently by his side, and then he saw Ye Wuque walking above the void.

The black hair is agitated, and the martial robe is hunting.

The tall and slender figure clearly fell in the eyes of the old captain and all the white-haired soldiers.

"Seniors, please watch the play here."

"These garbage don't deserve to get your hands dirty."

"let me."


Ye Wuque let out a long laugh, with a trace of echoes, but also with a faint poignancy and strength. The sound was turbulent like a bell, and then step by step, it moved towards the boiling mist, and the five magic commanders slowly go.

This scene suddenly stunned all the white-haired soldiers!

The old captain's body trembled again!

His eyes became a little trance again!

Ye Wuque's tall and slender back at this moment seems to be completely... in one with the same tall and domineering back long years ago!

"Go and go back!"

At this moment, Ye Wuque's remaining half sentence reverberated, resounding between the heavens and the earth, and there was also a touch of pride!

The ghostly light is close at hand.

The five magicians are close at hand!

And at this moment, no one saw the galloping light in Ye Wuque's eyes!

He looked ahead.

Go slowly, get closer.

In a trance, he seemed to have seen the scene of his father's great power here long ago.

It also seemed that he saw his father's tall and majestic back once again in a trance.

Ye Wuque smiled lightly.

"As the saying goes... the son inherits the father's will."

"Father, long ago, you killed all the devils here."

"Now, after so many years, I am here too."

"The devil reappears!"


"This time...

"I come!"

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