Return of the War God

Chapter 6200: Ye Langya

Chapter 6200 Ye Langya

The hazy fog has disappeared, and the front of the starry sky corridor has already become a large smooth road at this moment, and it seems that there is no obstruction.

And at the end of Ye Wuque and Wu Qiankun's gaze, they once again saw the magnificent... starry sky!

The ancient splendid starry sky is looming, although it is not real, but it does appear, which has never been seen on the starry sky promenade before.

Wu Qiankun looked excited.

Ye Wuque looked over, and his eyes flickered slightly.

"Master Ye, according to the ancient tablet in the starry sky corridor, as long as the entire starry sky corridor is successfully killed, we can directly reach the seventh level of the Taoist God, and now we are about to complete our merits!"

Wu Qiankun couldn't help but say, and the road ahead was smooth, there seemed to be no danger or any enemy blocking the way.

But Ye Wuque here, his face is still calm, he just looked ahead and said lightly: "Half a hundred miles is half ninety..."

"Only after passing the final test in front of you can it be called killing."

As soon as these words came out, Wu Qiankun's expression suddenly became solemn. Obviously, the smooth road in front of him was not like this in Ye Wuque's eyes.

"My lord, is there a final test ahead?"

As for Ye Wuque's words, Wu Qiankun was naturally very convinced. He immediately became vigilant, the cultivation level in his body was galloping, his whole body was slightly tense, and a thunderbolt could erupt at any time.

Ye Wuque walked forward with his hands behind his back, and from the looming ancient starry sky, there was a faint ray of light refracting, making the area in front extremely beautiful, with a sense of trance.

It's like walking under the shroud of starlight, there is no longer any murderous aura, and there are no accidents that need to be guarded against, everything is beautiful.

But as the two continue to move forward...

dong dong dong! Whoa whoa whoa! shhhhhh!

Suddenly, all kinds of strange sounds came from it, as if they were in all directions and everywhere.

Wu Qiankun suddenly felt like a great enemy!

And Ye Wuque also stopped, his eyes were deep.

In the next moment, I saw countless figures suddenly seen in all directions around the two of them!

There are men and women, almost all of them are imposing, some are covered in blood, some are strolling in the courtyard, some are proudly smiling, some are stubborn, and some have splendid eyes!

As if walking side by side with the two of them.

Wu Qiankun's pupils shrank violently for a moment, almost subconsciously about to shoot.

Because he directly and instinctively told him that these creatures that appeared were all powerful creatures!

Ye Wuque seemed to recognize immediately, these appeared in all directions, as if who were these creatures walking with them.

"These figures we see now are all the evil spirits who also chose to kill the starry sky corridor in the past."

"Being able to get here means that each of them has succeeded."

"These should be the time imprints left by the Starry Sky Corridor, which record the individual image of each successful person."

Hearing Ye Wuque's words, Wu Qiankun's eyes immediately showed a clear and shocking look!

Is this equal to a large collection of creatures that have successfully passed through the starry sky corridor?

So that latecomers can watch the whole thing at one time?

He also reacted at this moment, and understood that these figures were not real, they were just manifestations of brand names.

"so much?"

"Are they all successful passers-by?"

"A lot more than I imagined!"

"There is a strong hand in the strong, and a mountain is still high. From ancient times to the present, time and space have converged. Many monsters and creatures do not seem to be famous, but none of them are weak." Ye Wuque said lightly.

In the next moment, Ye Wuque's eyes suddenly narrowed slightly, and then he showed a touch of joy.

In one of them, he saw the back of a tall and young stalwart, domineering and invincible.

In an instant, Ye Wuque recognized that it was the young father.

No one who can successfully kill the starry sky corridor is weak!

Each of them is strong and invincible, even if it is just a smear of the past left by the starry sky corridor, it is also full of prominence.

But even among the many successful passers-by, the young father Ye is extremely conspicuous, as if standing out from the crowd, too conspicuous!

"So many scary beings!"

"Even if it's a brand, I can feel their power!"

"Who is that, who gives people a feeling of extreme indifference and superiority, like a **** standing in the clouds, overlooking the ants, it's terrible!" Wu Qiankun suddenly made a trembling voice here, he also looked towards one place.

Ye Wuque immediately followed Wu Qiankun's line of sight.

It was a tall and straight young figure, also walking forward with his hands behind his back, but while walking, the same successful people who appeared around him were a little shorter than him out of thin air!

He seems to be a high-ranking god, and his whole body is extremely indifferent, as if no one deserves to be regarded by him.

That feeling is terrifying!

And this person's face can't be seen, because his face is blurred and seems to be deliberately hidden.

"its not right!"

"Ye, Lord Ye!"

Suddenly, Wu Qiankun, who was originally shocked, had an incredible expression on his face. He glanced at the indifferent figure again, and then subconsciously glanced at Ye Wuque, his eyes were full of confusion.

"I, why do I feel that this person's stature, temperament, breath, seems, seems to be vaguely similar to you, sir??"

To be honest, Wu Qiankun also felt that his question was like bullshit!

But he did feel a faint sense of familiarity.

This terrifying young man who is indifferent to all living beings does have some similarities with the Lord Ye next to him!

How could this be? ?

Ye Wuque also carried his hands on his back, and his eyes fell on the figure, his face was calm, there was no superfluous expression, and he didn't say anything.

But deep in his eyes, there was a hint of coldness.

Ye Langya!

I finally saw the first grown-up Ye's son.

In my mind, the painful and hopeless memory of childhood seemed to resurface and pass over again.

One of the three young Ye Clan's sons seemed to gradually overlap with the figure in front of him.

But immediately, the coldness in Ye Wuque's eyes was quickly replaced by a touch of indifference.

His gaze no longer continued to look at Ye Langya, but at the other figures.

Because in addition to the young father Ye, Ye Langya, there are many extremely eye-catching and unpredictable figures.

At this moment, Ye Wuque wanted to find two other people...

Earthly beauty!


He was naturally quite curious about the other two people who were able to leave their names on the Heavenly Desolate Taoist Monument.

What's more, by chance, he owes "Worldly Beauty" a favor.

But just when Ye Wuque was searching in an all-round way...

Abrupt mutation!

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