Return of the War God

Chapter 6203: ultimate martial arts king

The ultimate martial arts king

"Then, isn't that a... Taoshen fire seed??"

Wu Qiankun here, naturally noticed this very clearly at this time, and opened his mouth in shock.

Because this Dao God fire seed is too conspicuous!

Sure enough, when Wu Qiankun subconsciously looked at the many creatures who entered the seventh level with them in all directions, he found that they all looked up at the Taoist Fire Seed on the top of the tower, and their faces were full of shock and inconceivable.

"Master Ye, another Taoist fire seed appears. This thing must be a treasure with some meaning! Otherwise, it is impossible to repeat it!"

Wu Qiankun immediately made inferences and spoke like this.

After all, he himself has lived with a Taoist fire seed for a long time, and naturally he will not admit his mistake.

There is a Taoshen fire seed on the starry sky corridor. In the seventh level of this Taoist god, there is also an identical Taoist fire seed.

That's right!

Every Taoshen fire seed is exactly the same, and there is no precedence.

The vibrating meaning in Ye Wuque's eyes disappeared at this time, replaced by a touch of depth.

"The fire seed of the **** of the Tao is the key to whether you can cross the ten thresholds of the **** of the gods."

"The ten levels of the Taoist God are only the first half of the road to the God of Heaven and Desolation, and the road after that, if you want to enter the true depths of the Road of the God of Heaven and Desolation, you cannot do without the Fire Seed of the God of God."

Ye Wuque opened his mouth lightly and told Wu Qiankun the meaning of the fire seed of the Taoist god.

Because there is no need to hide it.

Sure enough, Wu Qiankun's face was shocked, and then he said: "Can that be understood as... If there is no Taoshen fire seed, then even the most evil and powerful creatures will stop at the tenth level of the Taoist gods and can't continue to go deeper?"

Ye Wuque nodded lightly.

Wu Qiankun immediately felt even more incredible!

"It's no wonder that in the Starry Sky Corridor before, you want that Dao God Fire Seed! This Dao God Fire Seed is obviously an extremely precious token! It is a treasure that every person who breaks through the barrier must obtain!"

"In this case, this **** fire seed should be enough to make any creature who enters the level go crazy. Once a creature grabs it, it should be hidden and hidden immediately, and it must not be discovered by others!"

"But right now, this Taoshen fire seed has been placed on the top of this building so struttingly?? Instead, I am afraid that others will not see the same!"

"Aren't you afraid of being robbed??"

"If something goes wrong, it will be a demon!"

"Master Ye! There is a problem! There must be a problem in this! It's not right!"

Wu Qiankun was extremely astute, and immediately noticed something was wrong, looked at Ye Wuque, and spoke in awe.

Ye Wuque naturally thought of this for a long time.

At this moment, the creatures in all directions are also whispering, and each tone is full of incredible!

"How is this possible? The legendary customs clearance token 'Tao God Fire Seed' was placed there so struttingly?"

"My God! As soon as I entered the seventh level, I faced a Taoist fire seed? I just heard about it before, but never really saw it!"

"Who dares to publicly display a Dao God fire seed that is enough to make countless creatures go crazy??"

"How does it look like... fishing?"

Obviously, everyone is not stupid, and they noticed something wrong at the first time. After the shock, they were even more puzzled and vigilant.

And Ye Wuque here, also noticed that it seems that these native creatures who are adjacent to the seventh level of the Taoist **** seem to have a very clear understanding of the "Taoshen Fire Seed".

But creatures like Wu Qiankun don't know the true meaning of "Tao God Fire Seed".

It seems that as the road to the God of Heaven and Desolation goes deeper, the living beings know more.

All in all, because of the appearance of a Dao God fire seed, countless creatures who have just entered the seventh level of the Dao God stopped, and all of them were shocked!

"Fishing or..."

Ye Wuque's eyes were deep, and he looked at the high-altitude Taoist fire seed, not knowing what he thought.

But at the same time.

However, Wu Qiankun soon noticed that from the front at this moment, there were countless jokes, teasing, funny, and joking eyes!

And these eyes are from the creatures in the seventh level.

They didn't seem to be surprised at all when newcomers like Ye Wuque and Wu Qiankun discovered the shock of Dao God Fire Seed, but watched a good show on the spot.

"Such eyes, this shows that these creatures in the seventh level must know the reason why this Taoshen fire seed will appear here!"

Wu Qiankun responded immediately.

Ye Wuque also nodded slightly.

And there is never a shortage of smart people. Among the creatures who came in with Ye Wuque, some people couldn't help but ask those creatures who were watching the excitement in the seventh pass.

"Brother, you look like you are watching the fun, knowing that we will all be puzzled and shocked."

"Then it seems that the old buddies must know the situation of this Taoist fire seed? Can you explain the confusion?"

As soon as these words came out, many of the seventh-level creatures who were watching the excitement also showed goodwill smiles, and some people spoke directly.

"You are all newcomers, and you have just entered the seventh level. Naturally, you don't know the situation of the 'Tao God Fire Seed'!"

"I think you have already seen that building! It's like a funnel, straight up, and the final spire position is inlaid with a Taoshen fire seed."

"Actually, this building is one of the most famous places even in the entire seventh level!"

The seventh-level creature who opened his mouth showed a deep sense of awe in his eyes at this moment.

"Almost all of the most famous and most amazing and dazzling geniuses in the seventh level will gather in this building within a certain period of time!"

"This building is called... Sky Battle Arena!"

When the five words in the sky martial arts field fell from the mouth of this creature, many creatures in the seventh stage showed the same awe, and the originally noisy world seemed to suddenly quiet down.

It seems that these five words contain unimaginable power!

"Sky Martial Arts Arena is an arena in the seventh step, and it is also the first arena. As long as any living being can sign up, once you sign up, the battle will begin."

"If you can achieve ten consecutive victories, you can leave your name in the sky martial arts arena, become an official member, and get rich rewards."

"And if you can get the legendary... 100 consecutive victories!"

"You can get the highest title in the sky martial arts arena... The king of martial arts!"

"As the king of martial arts, if you can defeat another king of martial arts, then you can get the ultimate reward, which is the one you see at the moment... the **** of fire!"

"At the same time, get the ultimate title... the ultimate martial arts king!"

"That's right!"

"The **** of fire is the ultimate reward of the sky martial arts arena."

"Whoever meets the qualifications will be able to get this God Fire Seed, and once he gets it, no one is allowed to **** it in the seventh level, and the Sky Martial Arts Arena will support you to the end."

With these words falling, the new creatures have been shocked and inexplicable!

Sky Battle Arena!

Hundreds of consecutive victories!

The king of martial arts!

The Dao God Fire Seed is the ultimate reward!

But immediately, a new life spirit reacted and said: "But now that **** fire is still there!"

"Smart!" The seventh level creature didn't seem to be surprised, and then said with emotion: "The reason why the Taoshen fire is still there is very simple, that is, until now, there has not been an ultimate martial arts king!"

"In the sky martial arts arena, there are too many monstrous monsters, too many terrifying monsters, a hundred consecutive victories? How difficult!"

"So far, the highest winning streak is only 98 consecutive victories!"

"The **** of fire, naturally no one will take it away."

"As for whether someone will steal it secretly?"

"Humph! At least in the seventh level, no one dares to do this. The power behind the sky martial arts field is beyond imagination!"

Wu Qiankun, who was listening quietly, had already turned his eyes hot, he couldn't help looking at Ye Wuque and said in a low voice, "With your strength, sir, you can definitely fight for it! The king of martial arts! The ultimate martial arts fight! king!"

"It's so exciting! I want to sign up!"

Ye Wuque's expression was still calm here, but in the depths of his dazzling eyes, there was also a hint of excitement.

However, Ye Wuque was quietly walking towards no one at this moment. Although Wu Qiankun was a little surprised, he immediately followed.

"The meal should be eaten one bite at a time."

"Do things one by one."

"The Taoshen Fire Seed will not run on its own. The most urgent task now is to determine where the blood ape is at the moment."

When no one was around, Ye Wuque's eyes were deep, and when he turned his right hand, three things appeared in the palm of his hand...

Two blood-colored monkey hairs.

A blood peach.

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