Return of the War God

Chapter 6211: where to go from where

Where to go from where to go

"Sky Plaza, prohibit excessive noise!"

"Those who want to sign up, in order, come over to get the number plate."

At this moment, in the sky square under the sky martial arts arena, the popularity is surging and boiling, but in the square, there is the commander of the sky martial arts field standing up, with a cold expression and full of intimidation.

There are countless creatures standing around the entire sky square!

Ninety-nine percent of the creatures came to watch the fun, and the remaining very small part came to sign up.

"Oh, the popularity of this sky martial arts arena is incredible!"

"No matter what time, any time, as long as you want to see it, you can see the excitement!"

"Sky Martial Arts Arena, that is the most lively place in the seventh level of the Taoist God, a Taoshen fire seed is enough to make any creature go crazy!"

"Crazy? Then you don't know how many souls die in the sky martial arts arena every day, where is the real cruel hell!"

"Nonsense! Martial arts arena, where are the undead??"

"Look, a new batch of powerful geniuses are going in!"

"Cut! Genius? A truly powerful genius has long been in the sky martial arts arena. He has not won ten consecutive victories, and has a formal identity in the sky martial arts arena. How can he be qualified to be a true genius. ?"

"Let's not talk about ten consecutive victories, whether this group of newcomers can be qualified to enter the sky martial arts arena to participate in the battle or not!"


Obviously, the living beings in the seventh level in all directions are already familiar with the rules and general situation of the sky martial arts arena, and the liveliness here seems to be endless.

The whispering voices of the lively creatures kept ringing, making the atmosphere even hotter.

In the crowd, Ye Wuque and Wu Qiankun also stood quietly, looking at the leaders in the sky square.

The commander's voice continued to resound!

"The newcomer who came to the Sky Martial Arts Arena for the first time got the number plate and stood on the left."

"It's not the first time I got the number plate and stood straight to the right."

"Remind again."

"If every creature doesn't think clearly, don't get the number plate. Before getting the number plate, you can leave at any time."

"However, once you receive your own number card, you are no longer eligible to withdraw and give up on your own initiative, otherwise... Kill Wushe!"

"This is the rule of the sky martial arts arena!"

"I hope you will keep it in your heart!"

The cold words from the commander of the sky martial arts field carried a great sense of shock, causing the atmosphere between heaven and earth to stagnate in an instant.

At this moment, Ye Wuque's eyes have already leaped over the sky square, and looked at the towering and majestic sky martial arts field behind!

Standing between heaven and earth, you can feel a sense of vastness and lofty heights under close observation.

The entire sky martial arts arena is huge, standing above the sky, layer by layer.

Because his eyes swept across, he found that there seemed to be a total of one hundred and one floors in this sky martial arts arena.

Further up, there are the spires and the throbbing Dao God Fire Seed!

The entire sky martial arts arena is also surrounded by terrifying ancient forbidden fluctuations, brilliance and flickering, giving people the illusion of a holy place of martial arts, which is enough to make any strong person yearn for it.

And as the day crossed and the commander finished speaking the rules and announced the start, many figures in the crowd walked out confidently and went to get their own number plates.

These creatures, each with a strong breath and sharp eyes, obviously possess strong strength and strong self-confidence in themselves.

Ye Wuque and Wu Qiankun naturally came out at this time and joined the queue.

But soon, Wu Qiankun's eyes flashed suddenly, as if he noticed something and looked in another direction.

There, a man walked out slowly and also walked towards the sky square.

This man exudes an indescribable icy aura all over his body, like a piece of walking ten thousand years of mysterious ice, without any temperature.

And this person's eyes are also indifferent as ice, making people dare not look at him.

His stature is also tall, and there are countless scars on his exposed body.

The appearance of this person also instantly attracted the attention of many strong people!

Even the commanders in the sky square couldn't help but glance at this man at this moment.

"My lord, this person... is not easy!"

Wu Qiankun couldn't help but speak to Ye Wuque at this time, his tone was solemn.

Ye Wuque glanced over, then took it back and said lightly, "This person should not be a newcomer."

As soon as these words came out, Wu Qiankun suddenly realized it!

Sure enough, after this ten thousand years of mysterious ice-like man took his number plate, he slowly walked to the right side of the square.

This action immediately made the countless lively creatures in all directions quiet down slightly, and each and every one of them looked at the mysterious man with a touch of awe and fear.

"This is a creature that once walked out of the sky martial arts arena alive??"

"Good guy! Whole body, backed up and came back?"

"It's terrible! This is the return of the king!"


On the left side of the square, most of the rookie geniuses who had already received their number plates looked at the mysterious ice-like man with a hint of provocation and rebelliousness, and they didn't seem to care.

Only a few looked at the man with a hint of vigilance and fear.

And only a few people looked at the man with a touch of solemnity in their eyes.

Wu Qiankun is one of them.

Of course, Ye Wuque was not among them, because he only glanced at the man at first and then withdrew his gaze.

"Number 762345."

At this moment, Ye Wuque looked at the number plate he received.

"Number 762346."

Wu Qiankun followed Ye Wuque and received the last number.

Both of them were on the left side of the sky square and began to wait.

About half an hour later.

Finally, this wave of creatures who wanted to enter the sky martial arts field completed the process of receiving the number plate.

A total of about three hundred people.

But the only person standing on the right was that mysterious ice-like man.

Under the leadership of the commander, more than 300 people slowly walked towards the first floor gate of the sky martial arts arena.

The closer you get, the more ancient majesty is coming towards you.

"After entering the sky martial arts arena, there will be special people responsible for receiving you."

"However, not everyone is eligible to enter the sky martial arts arena."

As the commander speaks again...


The door on the first floor of the Sky Martial Arts Arena slowly opened halfway, and then a terrifying figure as tall as a mountain emerged from it.

"Except for him..."

The commander pointed at the man who was as cold as mysterious ice, and then said again: "Everyone else must take a punch from this creature."

"The next punch you receive will qualify you to enter the sky martial arts arena."

"If you can't take a punch, go back and forth."

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