Return of the War God

Chapter 6216: Tongtian golden gong

6216. Chapter 6216 The golden gong


"Ba Fist Invincible!"

"Kill him! King Han!"

"Hahahaha! Happy! Chilong stepped on his head!"


At this moment, in the countless seats in all directions of the entire first-floor martial arts platform, countless creatures are shouting excitedly!

They are cheering for their favorite martial artist, and they are also releasing the passion in their hearts!

On the arena, martial artists fight to the death, confront each other, surpass themselves, blood-stain the battle arena, and are full of strong excitement, which almost no one can refuse.

Almost every martial arts stage is playing a wonderful duel, and there are also referees who are responsible for adjudication around every martial arts stage. They are watching every match and accurately discovering one side and another is enough. Powerful martial artist.

After Ye Wuque's eyes shrouded him for a week, he finally turned his attention to the four major martial arts platforms in the middle.

He found that in front of the four fighting platforms in the shape of a field, there was a golden gong hanging quietly, and there was a golden hammer next to it, which seemed to have some symbolic meaning.

Each of the four defending kings exudes an unpredictable atmosphere on their own martial arts stage!

"Butler Long, what's the meaning of the golden gong placed there?"

Among the sixty-four people, there were obviously some people who discovered the golden gong and immediately asked.

Hearing someone ask this question, Butler Long's smiling face didn't seem to be surprised, but he didn't answer directly, but asked nonsense: "That's the 'Golden Gong', which naturally has an unusual appearance. significance."

"It's just that for you, the existence of the golden gong is completely unimaginable."

"In a way, it's more symbolic than practical."

"But if you want to know what the 'Golden Gong of Tongtian' is, at least you must first obtain the achievement of three consecutive victories within three days."

"Otherwise, even if you know it, it doesn't make any sense."

"Of course, even if the three-game winning streak is completed, in fact..."

Butler Long said here, and seemed to pause for a while, not knowing what he remembered, there was a lot of sigh in his eyes, and then he changed the conversation: "In short, the sky martial arts arena is a place full of cruelty and blood."

"The strong will remain strong and will win many honors."

"And the weak... I'm afraid even the complete bones may not be preserved."

"Everyone who can walk in here naturally has a certain strength."

"However, in everything, you still have to... do what you can."

"Okay, my task has been completed. Next, I would like to invite you to the 'Warrior's Waiting Station' in front of you, where there are special personnel responsible for receiving you and arranging your next duel."

After saying these words, Butler Long bowed slightly to the sixty-four people again, and then returned the same way.

The sixty-four people naturally followed what Butler Long said and walked towards the "Waiting Stage for the Fighters".

The waiting area of ​​the martial arts family is located in a separate area. After the sixty-four people approached, you can see that there are already many people on it. At this time, many eyes are projected, and all kinds of eyes have .

Plain, indifferent, mocking, teasing...

There seemed to be countless sparks sparkling in the void, and the atmosphere was quite solidified.

"Hello, the new batch of martial artists, you can call me 'Bai Deacon'."

At this moment, a dull voice sounded slowly, and I saw a tall man standing right in front of the waiting table, looking at the sixty-four people coming.

"You are the latest batch of martial artists."

"Next, please listen carefully, the rules are as follows..."

"Within three days, the achievement of three consecutive victories must be completed."

"But within three days, the time is up to you, and you can complete it in one day."

"It can also be done once a day, or it can be put on the last day."

"Just look at the results, not the process."

"On the martial arts stage, there is a mechanism for admitting defeat, but the judgment is based on shouting for the referee to hear."

"Besides that, every martial artist has given himself a name, which he uses to address yourself, instead of the number plate."

"You should all know that."

"After half an hour, you can start to decide whether to participate in the next duel."

Deacon Bai looked at the sixty-four people, looked around and sat back up again.

Sixty-four people, at this moment, naturally looked for empty seats and sat down.

Ye Wuque and Wu Qiankun also sat down at will.

There was a hint of excitement in Wu Qiankun's eyes!

And Ye Wuque here, his eyes are still looking at the golden gong in front of the four fighting platforms in the central area, his eyes are deep.

"Golden Gong of Tongtian... Tongtian..."

Intuition told Ye Wuque that this "Golden Gong in the Sky" might give him a surprise.

The group of sixty-four people where Ye Wuque was located was like a drop of water that fell into the sea, and they quickly merged into it, and did not seem to attract too much attention.

For the next half an hour, almost all martial artists focused on the battles on the fighting platforms.

Looking at it, the expressions of the vast majority of the new batch of sixty-four who have just joined in have changed!

From the very beginning, the complacent, full of confidence gradually turned into a solemn expression, solemn eyes, and a sense of disbelief.

Obviously, they all discovered the power of the martial artists on the martial arts platform!

Comparing myself again, I gradually realized it.

But there is also a look of indifference.

Such as that mysterious ice man!

Like ghosts!

Such as Wu Qiankun!

Such as Ye Wuque!

They all look different.

The ice-cold man had a cold expression on his face.

Gui Li, with a cruel and playful smile, looked at all the martial artists as if he was looking at the prey.

Wu Qiankun looked excited and looking forward to it.

And Ye Wuque...

Close your eyes and meditate.

Soon, when half an hour has passed!

Among the sixty-four people in this group, there were more than a dozen silhouettes standing up at the same time.

Obviously, these dozen people seem to have chosen to participate in the duel immediately.

And the ice-like man, Gui Li, Wu Qiankun, and Ye Wuque, were all among them.

More than a dozen people all went to Deacon Bai.

And this scene fell in the eyes of the rest of the martial artists in the waiting area, showing almost the same meaning of ridicule and ridicule.

"It's really a newborn calf that's not afraid of tigers!"

"It seems that they are very confident and think they are strong!"

"It's great, I can see the wonderful picture of the abuse of vegetables again!"

"Everyone comes here like this, and these newcomers are no exception."


However, these whispering voices did not disturb these dozen people. Obviously, they were all strong-willed people who could stand up at the first time.

"Say your names."

Deacon Bai looked at the dozen or so newcomers.

"Demon Knife!"

"Yellow Spring!"

"Long Sky!"


A newcomer broke out the name of his own, and then when it was the turn of the man who was as cold as Xuanbing, a shocking scene appeared.

Deacon Bai, who had always been indifferent, actually bowed slightly to the ice-like man, and then said with a hint of respect, "I have seen... Lord Winter Lion!"

Winter Lion!

It was the name of the ice man.

The appearance of this scene made almost all the martial artists in the waiting area look sideways.

Especially this group of sixty-four people.

They knew from the beginning that this winter lion was not easy, and it seemed that it was the second time to return to the sky martial arts arena.

At this moment, from Deacon Bai's words and gestures, it is even more certain that the "Winter Lion" is extraordinary.

Almost the same idea appeared in everyone's heart!

This "Lord Winter Lion" is probably not only the second time he has entered the sky martial arts arena, his previous record is probably far beyond imagination, reaching the number of layers, I am afraid it is enough to shock people.

At this moment, the winter lion nodded slowly and didn't say much, obviously he wanted to continue to use this name.


The next one is Wu Qiankun. While saying his name, his eyes fell on Dong Shi, and the anticipation and excitement in his eyes were already intense to the extreme.

But immediately following, Wu Qiankun sensed a terrifying malice coming from behind him!


He still smiled cruelly at the moment, his eyes swept across ten directions, looking at the winter lion, as if he was looking at the perfect prey.


Gui Li opened his mouth with a smile and said his name, only one word remained.

The rest of the people also said their names one by one.

The last person was Ye Wuque.

At this moment, facing Deacon Bai's dull gaze, Ye Wuque spoke lightly and spit out two words.

"Maple Leaf."

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