Return of the War God

Chapter 6220: waste stuff

Waste things

On the fighting platform No. 3.

Ghost Li madly laughs!

The surrounding onlookers were in a lively atmosphere.

Looking at Ye Wuque walking slowly, each and every one of them showed anticipation and excitement in their eyes.

The unfathomable depths of Maple Leaf!

The ferocious madness of ghosts!

It can be said that the two most outstanding among this batch of new martial artists are so right now, it's so exciting!

Taking one step out, Ye Wuque landed on the fighting platform lightly.

The moment Gui Li, who was laughing wildly, noticed Ye Wuque's gaze, he stopped smiling.

Ye Wuque's eyes seemed to be looking at a dead person, but Gui Li didn't forget it.

Immediately, the corners of Gui Li's mouth outlined a faint penetrating arc, and his eyes were even slightly red!

"I will... slowly play with you!"

Gui Li's voice was very soft, but it was enough to make one's scalp tingle.

The referee on the side had already swallowed his dry throat at this time, and seemed to have sensed the difficulty of the two on the stage.

The next moment, the voices of all the referees rang out in unison!

"Battle begins!"


Gui Li's figure instantly disappeared in place, and a manic laughter resounded on the fighting platform!

In the void, Gui Li's figure reappeared, turning into two, two, four, and eight!

In an instant, he turned into sixteen identical ghosts.

Every ghost seems to be real!

Because every Gui Li's expression doesn't want to listen to you at this time, the only thing that is the same is that the eyes looking at Ye Wuque are full of endless ferocity!

Just this means of shifting and changing shadows is enough to make the frontal ghost Li powerful, and seeing almost all the onlookers is extremely shocking!

"So fast!"

"This is no longer the speed, this is completely the supernatural power of the clone!"

"Which ghost is real? I can't tell the difference at all??"

"What will Maple Leaf do?? Can he tell the difference?"

The onlookers all opened their eyes, carefully trying to see how Ye Wuque would respond.

However, on the No. 3 martial arts platform, Ye Wuque at this moment is simply... unmoving!

He just stood there, facing Gui Li's avatar, without any way to deal with it.

Just stared blankly.

Although Gui Li was crazy, he was indeed a strong man, so he naturally wouldn't think that Ye Wuque would be frightened.

But the ghost is fearless, and he kills it so brazenly!

At this moment, the sixteen ghostly figures were grabbing, slapping, poking... directly using terrifying means of attack, attacking Ye Wuque from all directions.

Swish swish!

But just after every attack clearly looked at Ye Wuque, an incredible scene appeared!

Gui Li actually found that every single blow he made was... empty!

There is no solid feeling at all.

It was as if every blow hit the illusory air without any use.

But Ye Wuque was clearly standing there!

Gui Li in the void had a look of surprise in his eyes at this time, this was the first time he had encountered such a situation.

But immediately there was a fierce look in Gui Li's eyes!

Sixteen phantoms are faster and attack more fiercely!

Swish swish!

But he still couldn't even touch the corner of Ye Wuque's clothes!

"how can that be??"

Gui Li finally let out a low drink.

But after all, he has good eyesight, and upon careful observation, he immediately vaguely discovered the state of Ye Wuque at this time!

It's not that Ye Wuque disappeared, but all the attacks were dodged!

At this moment, Ye Wuque seems to be standing still, but in fact his figure has been moving fast!

It's just because the speed is so fast that it's almost unimaginable, but outsiders can't see it at all, thinking that he's not moving at all.

"Such a speed? This..."

It's good that he didn't see it through. After seeing it through, Gui Li felt even more incredible, and a dignified meaning gradually emerged in his heart.

He found that he might have underestimated Ye Wuque in front of him!

call out!

In the next moment, the sixteen ghosts all over the sky suddenly disappeared in unison, and the real ghost reappeared, facing Ye Wuque at a distance.

At this moment, the entire first martial arts arena is almost quiet!

It can be said that the battle between Ye Wuque and Gui Li has attracted the attention of all the onlookers!

Apart from the other fighters who were also fighting, even the fighters in the waiting area looked over.

At this moment, after seeing that Gui Li's attack turned back in vain, everyone's eyes changed!

"Gui Li's attack is useless?"

"Can't hit anyone?? What kind of magical power is this?"

"It's incredible!"

On the martial arts stage, Ye Wuque looked at Gui Li opposite, and the indifferent voice finally sounded slowly at this moment.

"Is there anything more powerful?"

As soon as these words came out, all the creatures were stunned!

Does this mean that Gui Li is not strong enough?

How arrogant this is!

Sure enough, Gui Li's eyes narrowed suddenly, and his eyes were full of a deep evil and crazy color burning!

"Ha ha ha ha!"


With a mad laugh, Gui Li's whole body seemed to turn into a jet of black lightning and rushed towards Ye Wuque!

A huge grimace appeared behind him, swallowing the void!

Gui Li's right fist condensed a grimace, and the terrifying fluctuations swept across the ten directions, condensing a ghost fist!

The entire No. 3 martial arts platform is shaking!

Gui Li Shi's earth-shattering punch slammed into Ye Wuque in person!

Ghost Li's maddening laughter resounded even more!

"Not powerful enough?"

"You are the perfect prey!"

"Then let you see what a real Li..."


Gui Li's wild laughter abruptly ended!

Because his earth-shattering Ghost Fist was so powerful that he was caught by Ye Wuque's hand in an understatement at this moment!

The terrifying and boiling ghost-killing power is like the snow under the scorching sun, which is instantly wiped out by...

Gui Li's pupils contracted violently!

An unbelievable anger finally appeared in his eyes!

His full-blown punch!

The punch that condensed the power of the ghost was actually wiped out like this? ?

With one hand holding Gui Li's right fist, Ye Wuque's icy eyes are close at hand!

In the next instant, Gui Li heard Ye Wuque's equally cold words explode in his ears, echoing throughout the first-floor martial arts arena.

"That's it?"


Gui Li suddenly felt an unimaginable terrifying force coming from Ye Wuque's right hand holding his right fist!

It seemed that the destructive force poured into his entire right arm!

Then, under Gui Li's frightened eyes, Ye Wuque just grabbed Gui Li's right fist and yanked it backwards!

Puff! !


Gui Li let out a shrill and painful howl!

Because his entire right arm was torn off by Ye Wuque!

In an instant!

Blood splashed out like a fountain, dyeing the void red!

Gui Li staggered back, clutching his broken arm, his face twisted, his blood red eyes filled with endless horror and disbelief!

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