Return of the War God

Chapter 6222: A golden gong rang...

Chapter 6222 A golden gong sounded...

"Grip... Cao!!!"

"There was no injury in the whole process. One hand smashed the ghost's supernatural power and secret method, and in the end, it broke the ghost's head alive!!"

"Invincible! This Maple Leaf is simply invincible!"

"This is an invincible three-game winning streak!"


Countless onlookers from all directions are all scrambling to shout at this moment!

All of them were extremely excited, their faces full of shock and excitement, they looked at Ye Wuque who was slowly walking down the No. 3 martial arts platform, and cheered without emotion!

In this world, as long as it is a rising powerhouse, it will always enjoy endless glory and pursuit. This is the eternal truth.

As for the losers?

On the No. 3 martial arts stage, Gui Li's blood has not dried up, but at this moment, the staff of the martial arts field directly came to the stage to clean it up, and no one cares about it anymore.

waiting area.

At this moment, almost all martial artists are staring at Ye Wuque, who is walking towards this side, and their eyes have become surprisingly consistent...

Shock, fear, vigilance, fear, powerlessness, bitterness!

But Deacon Bai also stood up at this moment and said directly: "Congratulations to the martial artist who has won three consecutive victories, you have completed your achievement."

Winter Lion!

Wu Qiankun!

They are also the creatures who won their third battle and achieved the achievement.

But at this moment, the limelight of the two of them has been covered up by Ye Wuque!

After all, in the eyes of all the first-layer creatures at this moment, Ye Wuque's three-game winning streak is more valuable, and his strength is completely invincible and unfathomable!

And when Ye Wuque finally returned to the waiting area, a rare smile appeared on Deacon Bai's face that had been flat.

"Maple Leaf, congratulations on completing the three-game winning streak, please take a seat here..."

Deacon Bai made an invitation to Dong Shi, Wu Qiankun, and Ye Wuque, and the place he invited was the seats of all martial artists in the waiting area, not the newcomer seats.

The three of Ye Wuque took their seats immediately.

The faces of the three were very calm.

"From now on, the three of you already have the official qualifications in the first-floor martial arts platform, and you will no longer be troubled by time."

"From now on, you can choose one of the four Lord Defenders in the first-floor martial arts arena as your ultimate goal!"

"Then beat the rest of the martial arts masters step by step, and finally boarded one of the four central martial arts platforms, and obtained the qualification to fight against a defending king. If you can defeat the defending king, then you are qualified to go to The second floor of the martial arts arena."

Deacon Bai began to explain the next process to the four, of course, mainly Ye Wuque and Wu Qiankun.

After all, that winter lion is someone who has come here.

"If there is anything you don't understand, you can ask me."

Having said that, Deacon Bai looked at Ye Wuque and Wu Qiankun, but his eyes still stayed on Ye Wuque.

"What is the golden gong standing in front of the four fighting platforms? What is its function?"

Ye Wuque opened his mouth slowly.

As soon as these words came out, Deacon Bai's expression with a faint smile suddenly became solemn, and he seemed a little surprised, but not unexpected, and finally sighed softly: "Actually, every qualified martial artist, almost Everyone will be curious about the meaning of the 'Golden Gong'."

"Now, since you are qualified to know, I will naturally say it."

Deacon Bai's expression became solemn again.

"Golden gongs, of course, are used for knocking."

"As the name implies, the golden gong to the sky means that once the golden gong is struck, a road to the sky will appear in the sky martial arts arena!"

Ye Wuque listened quietly, his eyes deep.

There was also a hint of curiosity in Wu Qiankun's eyes.

Only the winter lion here, still looks calm.

"The sky martial arts field is based on the record to determine the strength and glory!"

"The conventional and mainstream method is to follow the procedures of the Sky Martial Arts Arena, starting from the first floor and going up layer by layer! Slowly advance!"

"But during this period, because of the rules and because of the process, it will cost a lot of time."

"And the so-called 'ten winning streak' in the sky martial arts arena does not mean defeating ten opponent martial artists on the first floor."

"It means to defeat a total of ten defenders on the tenth floor in a row!"

"In this way, it is the real ten-game winning streak, and it also has an official identity in the entire sky martial arts arena, and has great glory."

"In other words, start from the first floor, progress step by step, defeat the enemy step by step, then defeat a first floor defender, go to the second floor, and then the same process, so here, continue for ten floors , and finally achieved ten consecutive victories.”

"Looking at the ten-game winning streak in the entire sky martial arts arena, it will take at least two years at least."

"It's not because of strength, but because rules and procedures take time."

"However, this is the safest, safest, and most mainstream way to improve. If you encounter an unbeatable opponent, you can admit defeat, save your life, and hope to start all over again."

"In general, it is the rules and regulations of martial artists who cooperate with the sky martial arts arena."

"This is also the mainstream route chosen by 99% of the martial artists in the sky martial arts arena."

"As for the road to the sky..."

Deacon Bai said that he had a slight pause here, and his eyes also turned to the golden gong standing up to the sky, his eyes became amazed and emotional.

"Completely different from the mainstream road, as the name suggests, can... reach the sky!"

"There is no need to go through any process, and there is no need to follow any rules, but the sky martial arts field cooperates with the martial arts fighters who sound the golden gong. It belongs to... special affairs and special affairs!"

"Once the golden gong is sounded, it means that you have chosen the road to the sky. It sounds exciting and efficient, right?"


"Road to Heaven's requirements for martial artists are harsh and desperate, reaching an unimaginable level!"

"First of all, once the golden gong is struck, it means that there is no turning back!"

"If you want to regret it, you will be killed by the sky martial arts arena!"

"And the specific content of the road to the sky is... a direct confrontation with the guardian king of each floor!!"

"But it's not one Shou Lei King, but to face all Shou Lei Kings at the same time!"

"Just like our first floor, once the golden gong is sounded, we must fight one against four at the same time and accept the siege of the four defending kings!"

As soon as these words came out, Wu Qiankun's eyes were also condensed!

He finally understood where the cruelty of the road to the sky was.

"Do you think this is all 'cruel'?" But Deacon Bai continued with emotion.

"Different from the Mainstream Road, which can admit defeat and surrender in the event of a loss, the Road to Heaven is not allowed to surrender and admit defeat!"

"That is to say, once you are besieged by the defending king on each floor, you are not qualified to surrender, you can only fight!"

"In the end, there are only two..."

"Or, you defeat all the defending kings on this floor and ascend to the next floor."

"Or, you will be beaten to death by all the defending kings on the fighting platform!"

"Other than that, there is no third way!"

"And once you embark on the road to the sky, you don't even have the qualifications to give up, you must keep fighting!"

"Even if you are strong enough to defeat the defending kings on the first and second floors, what about going up?"

"The sky martial arts arena is full of one hundred and one floors!"

"The higher you go, the stronger the King Shou Lei is, and the number of people may even be larger!"

"You have to fight up layer by layer, and each layer is an enemy of many! Do not accept surrender, although there will be a period of rest for each successful layer, but what's the use?"

"After all, even if you are covered in iron, how many nails can you drive?"

"Manpower is endless, but powerful opponents are endless!"

"How long can it last?"

"The road to the sky is completely cruel... the road of no return!"

"Once you set foot on this road, you will either reach the summit completely or die in the middle of the road without any chance of regret."

"The road to the sky, the road to the sky... This is a legend in the sky martial arts arena. It has been passed down since ancient times. This road is specially used to provide those terrifying monsters and heaven-defying spirits who have not been born in the same legend!"

"But throughout the ages, how many creatures have succeeded?"

"As soon as the golden gong rings, life and death are decided by heaven!"

"So, now, do you understand?"

Deacon Bai spoke earnestly, and at this moment looked at Wu Qiankun and Ye Wuque, with a deep sigh in his tone.

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