Return of the War God

Chapter 6235: Ants

6235 ants

Almost all the staff in the entire Treasure Pavilion were stunned, unable to imagine their eyes!

And some martial artists on the first floor just wanted to lose their temper, but when they saw who was coming, they all trembled suddenly!

"Blood monkey... Blood monkey is unruly!"

A martial artist's voice became hoarse.

After the blood ape stepped in resolutely, his indifferent blood-red eyes looked around, and then suddenly stared at the second floor.

At this moment, the shopkeeper in the Treasure Pavilion was full of horror and disbelief when he saw what the blood ape did recklessly!

On each floor of the sky martial arts arena, except on the martial arts platform, no hands are allowed anywhere else!

Who would dare to disobey an ordinary martial artist?

But it was this blood monkey!

The treasurer of the Treasure Pavilion knows that the Blood Ape Jieao is different from other martial artists. Since it opened the crimson secret realm and met with the high-level officials of the sky martial arts field, it seems to have obtained some kind of... privilege!

At this moment, he did not hesitate to take action against the other martial artists?

And also smashed the Treasure Pavilion?

But the shopkeeper did not dare to make a sound.

"The one named Maple Leaf is on the second floor?"

Suddenly, the blood ape retracted his gaze, looked at the shopkeeper, and opened his mouth like this.

Its voice is indifferent and calm, it doesn't seem to be domineering, but when it falls to the ear, people can't help trembling all over.

The shopkeeper nodded subconsciously!

The blood ape stepped out in a single step, walked directly up the stairs, and walked up the stairs slowly.

The entire first floor of the Treasure Pavilion is dead silent at this moment!

Only the martial artist who was blasted in by the blood ape lay on the ground and let out a low growl in pain.

If someone took a closer look, they would find that the martial artist who was blasted in by the blood ape was one of the three martial artist who had just left the second floor.

It was not until the reckless figure of the blood ape walked to the end of the stairs, the rest of the fighters on the first floor shook in horror!

At this moment, their faces were filled with deep inconceivable and horrified meaning, and they couldn't help walking to the martial artist who let out a low growl in pain.

"'Bai Nong' is already obsolete!"

A martial artist spoke tremblingly.

The martial artist on the ground was named "Bai Nong", but at this moment, his whole body was like a rag bag. Although he didn't have any worries about his life, the whole person was immediately abolished. Has been paid for.

"how so??"

"This blood monkey, his...strength..."

The voice of the other martial artist also had a deep trembling meaning.

Several martial artists on the first floor looked at each other subconsciously at this moment, they all saw the fear in each other's eyes, and their faces were extremely pale, as if what happened in front of them completely exceeded their imagination!

Obviously, in their eyes, although Blood Ape Jieao is known as the number one murderer on the 90th floor, everyone will be terrified by three points.

However, after all, everyone is a martial artist on the 90th floor, which one didn't fight all the way up?

Even if it is not as good as the blood ape, it is definitely the same level of strength!

But now!

This martial artist named Bai Nong was obviously abolished by a random blow from the blood ape!

how can that be? ?

Doesn't this prove that the real power of the blood ape Jieao is far superior to them? ?

Before, the blood ape was actually hiding the clumsiness? ?

It can actually sweep the entire 90th floor with a monkey? ?

This feeling is simply full of a sense of horror, which makes the scalp numb.

"and many more!"

"This blood monkey just asked Brother Maple Leaf directly. It's for... Brother Maple Leaf??"

A martial artist responded.

After that, several martial artists on the first floor suddenly realized it!

Confused Ape God!

The blood ape is rebellious!

This blood monkey is clearly aimed at the **** of the ape in the hands of Maple Leaf!

"Now, Brother Maple Leaf is probably in trouble!"

"The blood monkey is a lunatic, but Brother Maple Leaf came from the road to the sky, so it's also not easy to mess with!"

"Next, I'm afraid something big will happen!"

At the same time, the blood ape took action in the Treasure Pavilion, and the news of the abolition of a martial artist has spread in the 90th floor like wings, and almost all martial artists immediately knew about it. , they all came in a hurry.

the same moment.

The second floor of the Treasure Court.

When the nine-foot-tall figure of Blood Ape Jieao appeared at the corner, the already quiet second floor was dead silent!


In the elegant seat, the two martial artists opposite Ye Wuque stood up in unison in an instant, their bodies were slightly tense, as if they were facing a great enemy!

Because they felt a terrifying evil spirit and an indescribable trembling aura coming towards them.

Only Ye Wuque was still sitting quietly, drinking tea.

some distance away.

The blood-jewel-like eyes of the blood ape met with Ye Wuque's dazzling eyes in the void.

The same depth.

But one is indifference, the other is calm.

At the moment when the two pairs of eyes met, the entire second floor of the Treasure Pavilion seemed to emit an invisible roar, and the void seemed to be trembling, ready to explode at any time.

next moment.

Blood Ape's proud Lei Gong's mouth seemed to outline a faint penetrating arc.

Then, the blood ape's unruly eyes left Ye Wuque and looked directly at Liang Wei, two martial artists who wanted to make a deal with Ye Wuque.

Being swept away by the **** ape's reckless gaze, the pores of the two martial artists immediately seemed to stand upright, and they only felt a chill in their hearts boiling!

And just now, it's not that they don't know everything that happened on the first floor, but because they know it, they are even more fearful and unbelievable!

One layer of white stuff was just abolished!

When did the strength of this blood monkey become so terrifying? ?

"You two, want to get your hands on the **** of the ape?"

At this moment, the reckless and indifferent voice of the blood ape sounded, as if it was floating from hell.

"Blood ape, what do you want to do??"

"In the Treasure Pavilion, you can buy and sell freely!"

The two martial artists immediately spoke up sharply!

The blood ape was unmoved, but its indifferent voice sounded again.

"Intention to infiltrate the ape **** of the world, it will become..."



The huge roar suddenly exploded, but it was not the blood ape Jieao who shot, but these two martial artists!

They seem to have been intimidated by the blood ape's reckless aura!

Knowing the intention of the blood ape Jieao to take action against himself, he simply chose to strike first!

Only in this way can we fight for a ray of life!

Two terrifying Changhongs dragged the void, and the blood ape came in a rage, and the entire second floor of the treasure was trembling!

And the blood ape stood in the same place, unmoving, just looking at the two martial artists who had come out of nowhere, the blood gem-like eyes did not change, some were just aloof indifference, as if looking at two Upright ants that jump up and down.

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