Return of the War God

Chapter 7631: : Tianxin Divine Fruit

At this moment, in Ye Wuque's eyes, there seemed to be something wrong with Leng Qinghuan opposite him.

A few breaths ago, his whole body was tense, as if he was about to launch a thunderous strike!

But then his face seemed to change again and again, and finally he became pale, panting, sweating profusely, and there was a hint of instinctive fear in his eyes.

Faced with Leng Qinghuan's inquiry, Ye Wuque had no intention of answering.

However, through his eyes, Ye Wuque understood that Leng Qinghuan across from him was afraid of him.

Just in the past few breaths?

Big change in attitude?


Intuition told Ye Wuque that there must be some kind of secret in this Leng Qinghuan, which seemed to help her seek advantages and avoid disadvantages in a short period of time?


After all, Leng Qinghuan was extraordinary. With the title of "Bounty Goddess Dragon", she could be famous among countless false gods. After experiencing the initial disbelief, she calmed down for the first time.

After exhaling a breath of turbid air and calming down his breathing, Leng Qinghuan looked at Ye Wuque and suddenly clasped his hands into fists.

"I just couldn't see Mount Tai!"

"How offensive! Your Excellency, please... forgive me!"

Full of sincerity, and with a hint of undisguised fear, it just fell from Leng Qinghuan's mouth.

The power of foreknowledge!

This was her secret method. It was derived from an incredible adventure when she was a girl. It had helped her survive countless times and avoided one trouble after another. She had never made a mistake until now.

Otherwise, although the title of "Bounty Goddess Dragon" is domineering and special, how can it be famous among countless false gods?

Although she has a cold personality, she is not stubborn, let alone inflexible.

And this sudden moment made Ye Wuque a little silent.

A gust of wind came out, and the petals of the surrounding sea of ​​bright red flowers gently fell apart again.

Ye Wuque's face was expressionless, and he just said lightly again, "What exactly is this 'fruit core'?"

Hearing this, Leng Qinghuan felt slightly relieved.

This terrifying man carrying a cauldron did not take action immediately, but

It’s about continuing to ask yourself questions and then contact the other person’s behavior before contacting them.

It shouldn't be a murderous creature.

But this time, Leng Qinghuan didn’t hesitate at all and immediately said in a deep voice, “This is the core of the ‘Tianxin Divine Fruit’!”

"Tianxin Divine Fruit?"

Ye Wuque's eyes flashed slightly.

This was naturally the first time he heard these four words, but he could hear Leng Qinghuan's involuntarily accentuated tone when he mentioned the words "Tianxin Divine Fruit".

As for Leng Qinghuan, she obviously didn't expect that such an existence that could make her infinitely afraid didn't know about the Tianxin Divine Fruit?

But at this moment, Leng Qinghuan did not dare to show anything, but immediately explained, "You should know that although the 'true god-level' existences are high above, dominate the endless void, and dominate countless splendid worlds, they also have their own fears and serious troubles that they cannot get rid of." ?”

As soon as these words came out, Ye Wuque's heart suddenly moved slightly.

He remembered that before leaving Yiheyu, True God Kunxu and True God Taiji had introduced the true gods to him, and even mentioned...

"The Bane of the Lost?"

Ye Wuque said this.

Leng Qinghuan immediately nodded deeply, "Yes, what true gods fear most is the 'disaster of getting lost'! This is also the fate that every true god-level existence cannot escape."

"As long as you want to become stronger and go further, you must understand 'cause and effect', and if you understand cause and effect, you may get lost."

"So, can this 'Heavenly Heart Divine Fruit' help the true **** to resist the disaster of being lost?" Ye Wuque also gradually understood.

"Yes! The Tianxin Divine Fruit is extremely mysterious. According to old legends, no living being knows its origin. It only knows that it will only be produced in the Temple of Origin. Therefore, every time the Origin Token appears, many true gods will start. Acting behind the scenes.”

"Although true gods cannot enter the Temple of Origin, they can hire and train some powerful false gods to come in and obtain the Tianxin Divine Fruit for them!"

"For every true God,

The importance of Tianxin Divine Fruit is unimaginable! "

"And what's even more incredible is that it doesn't take much. Even if a false **** can bring out even one Tianxin Divine Fruit for the true gods, it can be considered a great harvest!"

This sentence immediately made Ye Wuque slightly stunned, "One?"

"Yes, because the 'Tianxin Divine Fruit' itself is also incredible. It contains mysterious power and can affect 'karma.' It is said that just a little bit of fruit pulp can have a huge effect."

"So, a complete 'Tianxin Divine Fruit' is enough for a true **** to use for a long time, and it is extremely precious." At this point, Leng Qinghuan's tone paused slightly and became a little lower.

"Similarly, obtaining the 'Tianxin Divine Fruit' seems simple, but in fact it is extremely difficult and even more dangerous!"

"Because the 'Tianxin Divine Fruit' has a unique spirituality!"

"They are hidden deep in the Temple of Origin. When they mature, they will have the ability to act independently. They can seek advantages and avoid disadvantages, and hide themselves as much as possible. They are really like a living creature!"

"If you want to find it, most of it depends on luck, and the most terrifying thing is..."

"Even if you are lucky enough to find a 'Tianxin Divine Fruit', if it cannot escape below, it will explode without hesitation..."

Ye Wuque raised his eyebrows.

Can the fruit explode by itself?

"The pulp will explode into nothingness in an instant, leaving only the core, and this 'core' contains unimaginable and terrifying toxicity!"

"It is said that even true gods must be cautious and will destroy the core as soon as possible."

"The Tianxin Divine Fruit cannot be grown outside and can only be produced in the Temple of Origin."

"These false gods who died here are also bounty gods. They were lucky enough to find a 'Tianxin Divine Fruit'. Unfortunately, they were too late to obtain the 'Tianxin Divine Fruit' using special techniques. Instead, they were This Tianxin Divine Fruit will explode directly!"

"The pulp was destroyed, and the poisonous power of the core burst out instantly. There was no time to escape, and they were all poisoned!"

"The false **** in front of me was holding the 'fruit core' before he died, so naturally he

It's the worst one. "

There was a hint of loneliness in Leng Qinghuan's tone at this time, as if he felt the same.

When Ye Wuque heard this, his eyes flashed slightly.

There was a flash of interest in his eyes.

The significance of the Heavenly Heart Fruit to the "true **** level"...

It seemed that he could sense the importance of the "Demon Release Pill" in the endless plane of Yiheyu to countless gods there!

if it is like this…

"So there is no other way to obtain the 'Tianxin Divine Fruit'?" Ye Wuque spoke again.

"Yes, it all depends on luck!" Leng Qinghuan nodded, but immediately showed a hint of hesitation.

"But according to all the past information I searched about the 'Tianxin Divine Fruit', I once found a speculation that the reason why the 'Tianxin Divine Fruit' in the Temple of Origin can affect 'karma' is because the fruit itself contains Some mysterious cause and effect!”

"On the other hand, the Tianxin Divine Fruit may be grown on the basis of 'karma'!"

"Then using this as an argument, if we can release the 'Power of Cause and Effect' as bait, we might be able to get the 'Tianxin Divine Fruit' to take the initiative!"

"Unfortunately, this is an impossible paradox."

"Only true god-level beings can release the 'power of cause and effect' at a level that the Tianxin Divine Fruit can regard as nourishment, but true god-level beings cannot enter the Temple of Origin!"

"The false gods who are qualified to come in don't have the means, so they can only rely on luck and risks."

"And the Tianxin Divine Fruit can only grow and mature in the Temple of Origin. It cannot survive outside, and the True God has no way to do it."

"That means this statement is also useless."

"I've never had the chance to practice it."

"So, maybe it's just some nonsense..."

Leng Qinghuan sighed softly at this time.

But she didn't notice that a faint and strange light flashed in the depths of Ye Wuque's seemingly calm face at this moment.

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