Return of the War God

Chapter 7641: :Learn to fear


The clouds above the nine heavens exploded in an instant!

It was as if it was wiped out by a pair of invisible hands, not a single bit was left!

It’s like Yuyu clarified Wanliai!

But follow closely!

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

Just deafening roars that kept exploding, sweeping through the void!

High in the sky, two figures that could no longer be seen clearly were like boiling thunderstorms, attacking fiercely and continuously!

The only two brilliant streams of light that can be seen!

At the very least, Leng Qinghuan outside the battlefield couldn't tell who the two streams of light were at this time.

She was completely stunned!

I just stared blankly at the collision high in the sky!

Because the surging fluctuations are several times more terrifying than before!

It turned out to be incomprehensible and unimaginable.

Now I don't even have the qualifications to see clearly.

A false **** is invincible, a double legendary false **** exists, but he can’t even see his movements clearly!

How unbelievable is this?

"No! We have to retreat! This kind of fluctuation is even more terrifying! I will definitely be affected at this distance!" At that moment, Leng Qinghuan continued to retreat without hesitation. This time, dozens of people were withdrawn. Wan Li finally stopped.

Looking back again, the two streams of light in the sky are still colliding with each other crazily!

It seems that they have been fighting each other to a state of madness.

Not long!

"There! What is that?"

"I saw two streaks of light, hurry, hurry, get closer! That can't be a false god, it should be the birth of the Temple of Origin by some chance!"

"We've finally caught up! Great! Hahahaha!"

From all directions, whispers mixed with excitement and throbbing came. Apparently, dozens of false gods looking for fluctuations had already moved in.

In their understanding, they thought they had encountered a new opportunity for the birth of the Temple of Origin, and they were extremely excited. .

But at this moment...


The moment these dozens of false gods approached, they felt the cold pressure coming from diagonally ahead!

Along with it came a cold female voice!

r> "If you don't want to die, go back and forth from wherever you are now!"

The dozen false gods were like falling into an ice cave. The moment they heard these words, they all froze on the spot, their faces pale, unable to move, their eyes filled with fear.

"Fake god...invincible..."

One of the false gods stammered and trembled!

All the other false gods also had scalp numbness and were trembling endlessly!

The invincible aura of the false **** is so terrifying! It’s also extremely easy to identify.

An invincible false **** has actually got in front of them?

It’s over!

This piece of chance has been taken over by a false god, Invincible!

They have worked so hard, but they are still a step too late.

Immediately, these dozens of false gods felt their bodies loosen up and regained their freedom, but the cold and terrifying pressure was still there. Trembling, they turned around and walked away without hesitation.

In the darkness, Leng Qinghuan had an expressionless face, still paying attention to the center of the battlefield in the distance.

But at this time, several figures appeared from another direction, and they were the false gods who came from other places.

Leng Qinghuan frowned again!

But before she could do anything, those false gods had already rushed directly to the fighting area with excited faces and eyes shining!



These false gods didn't even have a chance to cry out. They were crushed directly by the violent void and turned into a **** mist. They died without a burial place, leaving only a patch of bright red divine blood to prove their existence. .

"Greed is always the most terrible talisman!"

Leng Qinghuan's face was expressionless and showed no mercy.

She is indeed kind-hearted, and to a certain extent, she will not save others from death, but only in her own way.

Otherwise, he would not have warned Ye Wuque before.

It's a pity that there are always some people in this world who don't know how high the sky is and how good they are, but they are hard to persuade. That's the truth.

Even she couldn't withstand the backlash from Lord Bei Ding's fight with Li Wangu, so she had to stay away

Li, let alone ordinary false gods?

To approach is to seek death!

There was a click, and in the void, four hands were pressed against each other in twos and twos!

Ye Wuque and Li Wangu had already fought for hundreds of rounds in just half a quarter of an hour.

He didn't use any magical powers or secrets, he just fought with pure strength and speed!

This seems to be the simplest and crudest way of fighting, but it is also the most dangerous and terrifying!

At this moment, the two faces of Li Wangu and Ye Wuque were very close at hand, as if the tips of needles were facing each other.

The maniacal laughter on Hui Wangu’s face!

Ye Wuque looked indifferent.

Each of the four hands was trembling slightly, as if endless energy was intertwining and covering each other!

"Hey! Your strength, speed, and even physical strength can actually reach this level!"

"I didn't expect that in this era, an unprecedented triple legendary false **** would appear again in the endless void!"

"You are really amazing!"

At this moment, Li Wangu was the first to speak, breaking the dead silence, and actually praised Ye Wuque.

And with just one word, he identified Ye Wuque as the triple legendary false god!

But Li Wangu immediately changed his mind and laughed slyly: "What a pity, coincidentally, so am I!"

"And, not only am I..."

When Li Wangu opened his mouth like this, his hands suddenly exerted force, his arms trembled fiercely, veins popped out, muscles became knotted, and terrible power exploded instantly!



Under the eruption of terrifying power that split the eternity, Ye Wuque's body staggered and stepped back!

"Better than you..."


Like a ghost, Li Wangu rushed forward, his strong body pressed against Ye Wuque, forming a huge shadow covering Ye Wuque, and at the same time, the arrogant and bloodthirsty roar finally exploded!



The thick right arm was raised high, and the fingers were spread wide. At this moment, the veins on the entire arm seemed to burst out. The entire arm seemed to have grown several times thicker out of thin air, and a faint blue-black light shone on it, which was shocking. It looks like a ferocious beast's arm, which is jaw-dropping!

Aim at Ye Wuque's head and press it down!

"So, in front of me..."

"Learn to be afraid!"

"Learn to tremble!"


"go to hell"

The entire sky, with the action of "Splitting Eternity", directly...collapsed!


The sky collapsed, the air pressure swept across, and everything shattered.

The terrifying coercion force is expanding wantonly by countless times beyond the imagination of the pseudo-god Invincible!

There was a big explosion in the universe!

In the endless boiling dust and smoke of the void, the strong body of Li Wangu was revealed, keeping his right hand pressed down, with a happy and bloodthirsty laugh on his face!

But the next moment!

His eyes narrowed slightly.

He looked sharply at his right hand that he was pressing down, and then he saw that under his right hand, Ye Wuque, whose head should have been pushed into his chest, was still standing with an indifferent expression!

Under the palm of his hand, there is a finger sticking out!

Got there!

Against his palm!

Blocked his powerful and terrifying blow!

For the first time, there was an unexpected gloomy look in Li Wangu's eyes.

A surging thought suddenly exploded in Li Wangu's mind!

He couldn't help but speak, his voice like thunder: "You...are not an ordinary triple legendary false god?"

Ye Wuque's eyes were like daggers and his face was stern. Facing Li Wangu's penetrating eyes, he raised his brows slightly, and his cold voice sounded like colliding stars.

"Three legendary false gods?"

"That's a thing of the past!"


Ye Wuque's other fist stamped on the abdomen of Li Wangu with an unimaginable violent momentum!

Split Eternal's face suddenly distorted!

On the strong body, centered on the area covered by Ye Wuque's fist, shocking flesh and blood cracks were torn out in all directions!

With an unbelievable and terrifying light in his eyes, he flew backwards, his throat trembled wildly, and finally a large mouthful of blood spurted out!

It was a foot high, and the sky was dyed red in an instant!

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