Return of the War God

Chapter 7697: : The two supreme true gods are here in person!

"You, you mean you are willing to cooperate with our Xiaoyue Inn??" Lou Di Zhenshen spoke uncertainly with a hoarse voice, thinking that he heard wrongly.

"Since I came here holding the Xiaoyue badge, this is my fate with Xiaoyue Inn. What? Not willing?" Ye Wuque asked back.

God Lou Di’s head suddenly shook like a rattle!

"No no no no!"

"This, this is a great blessing! I, I..." True God Lou Di was already flushed with excitement!

Oh my God!

How big a benefit is this?



"By the way, as long as I have enough raw materials, I can continue to refine this elixir." When Ye Wuque said these words again, True God Lou Di felt as if he had been struck by lightning!

He swallowed his dry throat and said tremblingly: "Master Ye! You, you...please calm down! Although I am the chief deacon of Xiaoyue Inn, this matter concerns the 'Tianxin Shendan' and you. , this is far beyond my authority to decide to discuss with you!"

"I will immediately send a message to the two supreme innkeepers of Xiaoyue Inn!"

"The two inn masters, like you, are also existences at the level of the 'Supreme True God'!"

"Only the two innkeepers can make the decision and have formal negotiations with you!"

"I wonder what you, Mr. Ye, think?" True God Lou Di said cautiously and tremblingly with infinite respect.

Seeing this, Ye Wuque just smiled softly and said: "No problem.

Ye Wuque was not surprised at all by the series of exaggerated reactions from Lord Lou Di.

He knows very well the meaning of Tianxin Shendan and True God!

Not to mention that True God Lou Di is only an early stage True God, even if the Supreme True God comes, he will not be an exception.

And True God Lou Di is obviously very visionary and self-aware.

From the moment Ye Wuque proposed "cooperating with Xiaoyue Inn", he knew that this was no longer a shocking deal that he could intervene in and decide!

Who is Master Ye in front of me?

The strength is that of a supreme true **** level existence.

The creator of "Tianxin Shendan"!

The legendary master of alchemy!

The impact of the superposition of these two identities...

Only the two supreme innkeepers who founded Xiaoyue Inn have the qualification to talk to Mr. Ye.

For the rest, no one can come!

After getting Ye Wuque's approval, Lord Lou Di immediately took out two simple and gorgeous pieces of jade slips, which looked like messenger slips representing high status.

In front of Ye Wuque, True God Lou Di began to pass the message.

Ye Wuque noticed that when True God Lou Di conveyed the message, his instinctive respect was enough to show the awe of the supreme presence of Xiaoyue Inn.

After the message from True God Lou Di was completed, within a few seconds, the two jade slips began to shine with intense brilliance!

True God Lou Di immediately began to investigate carefully.

Immediately, Lord Lou Di held two jade slips for delivering messages, looked at Ye Wuque and said respectfully and excitedly: "Master Ye!"

"The two innkeepers already knew everything and made a decision immediately. They set off from the headquarters at the same time and rushed directly to the White Feather Realm without stopping!"

"They want to meet with Mr. Ye in person to discuss it in detail."

"It will only take three days at most for the two innkeepers to arrive."

"Master Ye, please wait for three days."

"I apologize to you two innkeepers for this. For the next three days, I will be temporarily at your disposal, Master Ye!"

"Lord Wangye, please forgive me!"

Hearing this, Ye Wuque's eyes moved slightly.

"Oh? Did the two innkeepers come from the headquarters in person?"

From this point, Ye Wuque has fully felt the sincerity from Xiaoyue Inn.

As for True God Lou Di, his heart was also shaken and caused huge waves!

As the chief deacon of Xiaoyue Inn, he also holds a high position of authority. Naturally, he knows the two founders and owners of Xiaoyue Inn quite well.

As the two beings who stand at the pinnacle of endless nothingness, the two inn masters are usually like dragons but never see their tail, they live in seclusion and never show up easily.

Mysterious and low-key.

This is the style and habits of the two innkeepers.

Therefore, Xiaoyue Inn, as the force they founded, has perfectly inherited this point.

In the entire endless void, Xiaoyue Inn has become one of the most special forces.

He never participates in the struggle for hegemony and keeps a low profile. His influence is huge, but no one dares to offend him!

In the memory of the past, God Lou Di clearly remembered that no matter what kind of big shot he wanted to see the two innkeepers, he had to go to the headquarters of Xiaoyue Inn in person.

No one will be an exception!

This is true even for existences at the level of the Supreme True God.

Similar to the fact that the two innkeepers left the headquarters directly and came to the branch to meet Mr. Ye in person, that was unprecedented!

How much attention should be paid to this? ?

As a member of his own family, Lou Di Zhenshen felt even more shocked because he knew all this.

The attitude of the two innkeepers towards Mr. Ye in front of them was really to an extremely high level, unprecedented.


Immediately, True God Lou Di also understood and sighed. He once again recalled the effect of swallowing a Tianxin Divine Pill before, and felt the surging power in his body, still in a daze.

Even the two inn owners cannot be tempted by this unrivaled magical elixir, and they understand the terrifying benefits involved!

I'm afraid it won't be long before the entire endless void will completely boil!

"Since it's the opinion of the two inn owners, it's okay." Ye Wuque said with a smile on his face.

Seeing this, True God Lou Di was also relieved.

The Master Ye in front of him has a brilliant and fierce record. There is no doubt that although he seems to be easy to talk to, True God Lou Di dare not guarantee it. Now that he saw Ye Wuque agreeing, he was also quite happy in his heart.

"By the way, I'm quite unfamiliar with the two innkeepers. Brother Lou Di, can you give me a general introduction?" Ye Wuque spoke again.

Judging from the previous introduction of True God Lou Di, the two owners of Xiaoyue Inn, the founders, are both...the Supreme True God!

Such a character has already stood at the pinnacle of endless nothingness.

And Ye Wuque is now considered by the outside world to be a "Supreme True God" level existence, so he himself is naturally a little curious.

Supreme True God, Supreme True God…

Those who can reach this level are not comparable to the general true **** level. Most of them are arrogant, extremely conceited, self-centered, and solitary.

The two supreme true gods who founded Xiaoyue Inn are obviously close friends of life and death who advance and retreat together, which is really very mysterious.

So far, there is only one Supreme True God that Ye Wuque has seen in person, and the others have only been heard of.

Now, we are finally about to see two of them.

Whose last name is it? Naturally, I want to know.

True God Lou Di immediately replied respectfully: "Of course!"

"Master Ye, I, the two innkeepers of Xiaoyue Inn, one is named 'True God Yuanxin' and the other is named 'True God Zhenyuan', both of them are on the Supreme List of True Gods. They are powerful and unpredictable!"

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