Return of the War God

Chapter 7778: :Both are younger brothers

The kind of obstruction and resistance from the power of cause and effect is becoming more and more terrifying.

The skeletons on both sides of the road were no longer visible.

"The Avenue of Cause and Effect in the unknown area is very close at hand! Its thickness and unpredictability are even more astonishing than imagined!"

Ye Wuque stopped. He was the only one among the three who remained calm and unchanging.

The steps of the True God Xing Dou on the side have become difficult at this time. His whole body has been wrapped in the power of cause and effect, as if he is as heavy as a thousand stones, and he can no longer continue to move forward.

"The road at the blue channel is different from here, but the power of cause and effect is exactly the same."

"Last time... I reached a level similar to this intensity and could no longer move forward."

"I tried my best, but to no avail. I refused to accept my fate and wanted to rush out."

"The power he left behind appeared, and it was like a flash of inspiration that protected me."

Listening to the somewhat difficult words of True God Xingdou, Ye Wuque's eyes moved slightly.

"This shows that the seven passages with different colors may seem to be different, but at the end, they should lead to the same destination."

Senior Twenty-eight was already shining with light at this time, and finally sighed: "The terrible road of cause and effect! If I want to move forward, I must show my true body! But even so, I'm afraid I won't reach the end. !”

"Only the handful of the most amazing and talented people at the level of the Supreme True God may be able to get through."

this moment.

Whether it was True God Xingdou or Senior Twenty-Eight, they all looked at Ye Wuque.

Especially the True God of Star Dou!

All hope surged in her beautiful eyes, all on Ye Wuque.

Ye Wuque just took a step forward gently, his eyes were deep, as if he had already understood something.

I didn't see any movement from him...


Behind him, a pair of brilliant light wings suddenly appeared in the void!

Mysterious and unparalleled ripples of cause and effect rippled from his body, and then seemed to turn into a light curtain, shrouding the Star Dou True God and the twenty-eight seniors on both sides, and began to wrap them up.

Ye Wuque's eyes were looking forward, with a hint of sharpness in the depth.

"No matter how powerful the power of cause and effect is, he is still his younger brother in front of the 'Acacia Emperor Technique'."

The True God Xingdou, who was already extremely uncomfortable, was enveloped by the power of cause and effect released by Ye Wuque's Acacia Emperor Technique...

Her expression was condensed, and deep surprise appeared in her eyes!

That suffocating and huge oppression, as if the power of cause and effect that even destroyed her body, soul, and true godhood disappeared in an instant!

She was free again.

It's like a drowning person suddenly bursting out of the water.

The whole person immediately felt comfortable and relieved.

The same is true for the twenty-eight seniors, with an incredible expression on their faces.

At this moment, Ye Wuque was the undoubted center. With him as the center point, the ripples of cause and effect that constantly rippled out from him enveloped the twenty-eight seniors and the True God Xingdou like a protective light shield.

The three of them moved forward in a formation.

"Brother Ye's methods are truly unheard of! Unbelievable!" Senior Twenty-Eight looked at the ripples of cause and effect that enveloped him in a tone of amazement.

True God Xingdou also deeply felt this power!

"The power of cause and effect on this road comes from the Main Cause and Effect Avenue in the unknown area, which is extremely oppressive to the Supreme True God!"

"However, the level of the power of cause and effect in you seems to be above the path of cause and effect in unknown areas!" The voice of True God Xing Dou was also filled with shock.

Ye Wuque didn't explain anything. At this time, his attention was still focused on the front, his eyes flickering.

The Acacia Emperor Technique is undoubtedly the nemesis of this path. It comes from the power of the Cause and Effect Avenue that permeates the unknown area. For him, it is as simple as scratching an itch and has no effect.

The True God of Star Dou calls him hope, which is revealed by Ye Zhiwu, saying that he is the only one who can take True God of Star Dou out into the unknown area.

That is to say!

Ye Zhinu knew that he would be able to pass through this extremely dangerous road in the eyes of the Supreme True God without any hindrance.

Why is Ye Zhinu so sure?

It can only prove one thing...

Ye Zhinu clearly knew Ye Wuque's methods, or in other words, knew that Ye Wuque could do this in any unfavorable way.

"The Wrath of Leaves..."

"It is very possible that they know that I possess the 'Emperor Acacia Art'!"

Deep in his heart, Ye Wuque got a guess.

Only by knowing this, can Ye Zhinuo be so sure and confident.

So how did Ye Zhiwu know? ?

With such a secret as the Ten Fierce Emperor Techniques, Ye Wuque believed that it would be absolutely impossible for him to reveal it at will!

Was he seen through when he performed it? Recognized?

This is possible.

But Ye Wuque was sure that he was in the Temple of Origin and had not used it when he met with "Ye's Wrath".

Apart from this, there was no other face-to-face conversation between him and Ye Zhinu, so it should be impossible for Ye Zhinu to know that he possesses the Acacia Emperor Technique.

"Is it...the future?"

The first of the four murals appeared in Ye Wuque's mind again.

The image of himself fighting side by side with another creature.

His eyes flickered and he kept thinking.

But with the power of Xiangsi Emperor's art manifested, the road under his feet was as simple as a walk for him.

Gradually, they thoroughly penetrated the road beneath their feet.

The misty and chaotic scene ahead gradually became more unfathomable.

This road, locked and shrouded by the power of cause and effect, seems to lead to the unknown other shore, giving people an unreal and illusive feeling.

It can be said that throughout the ages, only a few of the supreme true gods who have come from the void and set foot on this road have been able to reach this point!

The front slowly becomes dark.


Ye Wuque's eyes moved and he looked towards a roadside ahead, where there was a rush of light illuminating the dim light.

"That's... thunder?"

With a thought in his heart, Ye Wuque stepped forward and found that it was a beating purple thunder prison!

Intertwined together, they kept crackling and bombarding, as if they had lasted for a long time.

"There are traces of a fight, but it's a long time ago. I'm afraid it came from a long time ago."

Ye Wuque and the other three walked to the purple thunder prison and watched.

"A thunder prison that has lasted for a long time? Can such power still remain? It must not be easy to leave only the creatures in the purple thunder prison!" After the true **** Xing Dou checked it, his tone became solemn.

But at this moment, Ye Wuque's eyes looking at the purple thunder prison suddenly narrowed slightly, a little surprised.

Because from the beating remaining purple thunder, he actually felt a faint but not unfamiliar power fluctuation that remained!

"This power fluctuation seems to be..."

"Innate Purple Thunder God's Qi?"

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