Return of the War God

Chapter 7797: :I have already taken action


The evil spirit **** who didn't take the initiative but knelt on the ground!

Who would believe this?

But Lord Hengri glanced at all the creatures present and saw clearly the embarrassment and speechless look on each other's faces, and his brows furrowed even more fiercely!

The reason why it came was naturally because of the message from the Golden God, which may be related to the coveting and conspiracy of the "Qiankun Society" human race forces, but I didn't expect that things would turn out like this.

At this moment, the atmosphere in the world became deathly silent again, even more embarrassing.

The moment the two brothers Dao Feiyu and Dao Feitian saw Lord Hengri appear, they already realized that the matter was completely serious!

But this is no longer a state where they can say even a single word, they can only watch helplessly.

Lord Hengri stood in the void, looking down at Ye Wuque!

The stagnant atmosphere seems to be completely tense at any time!

"Indeed, if you want to kill them, none of them will survive!"

Suddenly, Master Hengri took the initiative to speak again and said such a sentence, but his tone was still strong.

"But now they are just kneeling on the ground. Other than that, they are not even injured."

Lord Hengri continued.

It sounded like it was talking to Ye Wuque.

All the evil spirits inside and outside the audience were stunned!

"Your Excellency indeed has no murderous intention."

Lord Hengri gave Ye Wuque the final word, and the stagnant atmosphere seemed to be easing a little.


But Master Hengri suddenly changed the topic, and the brilliance in his eyes instantly became infinitely blazing, like two blazing flames!

"Our natural selection alliance has been disgraced today!"

"Just because Your Excellency appeared out of nowhere!"

"Disrupting the Hundred Million Blood Hegemony Trial!"

"How do you expect me to believe that you're just here as a friend?"

As he spoke, Lord Hengri glanced at Daolin San and his son.

Dao Feitian looked anxious and wanted to muster up the courage to explain, but under Lord Hengri's intimidating gaze, he couldn't open his mouth at all!

The atmosphere seemed to be stagnant again!

"so what?"

Ye Wuque said lightly.

"If I don't have a fight with you today, how can our Natural Selection Alliance gain a foothold in this southern region in the future?" Lord Hengri's voice became deeper, and an indescribable and vast wave exploded!

The power of cause and effect vibrates, and the path of cause and effect comes!

The entire sky becomes dark, and the boiling power of cause and effect can destroy the world!

The momentum and aura alone surpassed that of the Supreme True God under that void!

The two sides are not at the same level at all. Only Lord Hengri can be regarded as the true Supreme God.

A single thought of cause and effect turns everything upside down.

This is the essential difference between the universe of Shen Cang and the Supreme True God born under the complete path of cause and effect.

"Lord Hengri is about to take action!"

At this moment, the most excited person was not the hundreds of Supreme True Gods, including the Golden True God, but the Netherworld King.

It seemed to come alive again.

Lord Hengri stared closely at the void, his eyes filled with deep yearning, yearning, and awe!

Lord Hengri is its ultimate goal all along, the existence it longs to be.

Now Lord Hengri has arrived forcefully and is about to take action. This makes Netherworld King so excited!

"The deputy leader takes action and everything is settled."

"Even if this supreme true **** of the human race has no ill intentions, we cannot lose the face of the Natural Selection Alliance!"

"The deputy leader will ask for it back personally!"

"The deputy leader is not an ordinary Supreme True God. In this southern region, the Supreme True God level is enough to rank... in the top five! There are several existences of the same level that have been suppressed!"

"The Supreme True God is also superior and inferior!"

The evil spirits and true gods were extremely excited at this time, their hearts became hot, and evil spirits were about to burst out.

The huge power of cause and effect surged, overwhelming the sky and the earth, the entire universe was shaking, and all living beings were trembling, including the evil spirits and true gods.

Only Ye Wuque!

He stood there, motionless, with a calm face, just looking at the huge power of cause and effect from Master Hengri, with a hint of emotion in his eyes.

This Lord Hengri is indeed not simple. His strength is at least three times inferior to that of the Star Dou True God who possesses the power of Ye Zhiwu.

"At the level of the Supreme True God, you have reached a very deep level and are not far from the limit."


At this moment, Ye Wuque's voice sounded, with a hint of appreciation, and the words he said made the world go silent for an instant!

What is this nonsense?

This supreme true **** of the human race seems to be commenting on Lord Hengri?

It’s like a superior person praising a inferior person!

Why should he? ?

This is Master Hengri!

"Lord Hengri will definitely be able to suppress you with force!" King Netherworld roared in his heart!

Lord Hengri raised his eyebrows!

"Your Excellency's tone is so arrogant that it's unimaginable!"

"I hope your methods will not disappoint me!"

Lord Hengri responded forcefully.

"So, you must fight?"

Ye Wuque shook his head and asked.


Master Hengri stopped talking, and it took action directly!

The power of cause and effect boiled, and the flames all over the sky burned the sky, turning into a boundless heat wave and suppressing it with extreme power.

The void in all directions suddenly trembled and melted, and all the disciples and souls felt the disaster of annihilation.

Lord Hengri's figure is like a flaming emperor, spanning the nine heavens and everywhere!

This scene made all the evil creatures extremely excited and wanted to worship him.

"Lord Hengri is invincible!"

The King of Netherworld could no longer hold back, raised his head and roared excitedly

Ye Wuque stood there, looking up at this magnificent scene, with a calm expression on his face, and just shook his head slightly.

Then, he stretched out his right hand calmly, without any hint of fireworks.

Fingers spread wide.

Palms face down.


One click!


The world seemed to tremble inexplicably for an instant.

But other than that, nothing happened.

As if it were just an illusion.

Instead, Lord Hengri's power boils down and is so close!

Lord Hengri saw Ye Wuque's actions and shouted loudly.

"Your Excellency, you have gone too far!"

"You have reached this point and still haven't taken action. Do you really think you can avoid this battle?" Lord Hengri asked forcefully.

"I've already taken action."

Ye Wuque said lightly.

Hearing this, Master Hengri's eyes suddenly froze. He looked at Ye Wuque, who had his left hand behind his back and his right hand pressing down. He felt a little inexplicable...


"Why is it dark?!"

Suddenly, Master Hengri felt that the world was dark, and he instinctively looked up.

In an instant, the pupils shrank violently!

It saw a big hand!

Blocking out the sky!

Fingers spread wide!

It is coming down from the nine heavens, boundless, powerful and invincible!

Full of indescribable strong visual impact!

Click, click!

Wherever the big hand passed, all the strength and causal power of Lord Hengri were completely wiped out.

He pressed down on Master Hengri's back with a force that was as strong as breaking the dead!

Under the horrified and soul-shattering eyes of all the creatures between heaven and earth, they clearly saw that Lord Hengri was not even able to fight back, and was directly pushed from the sky to the ground!

With a bang, Lord Hengri was forced to his knees!

On its back, a white and slender hand pressed there.

Head down!

There was no difference from the hundreds of evil spirit gods before, just kneeling in front of Ye Wuque!

Lord Hengri is already stupid at this time!

It wasn't injured.

But Master Hengri seemed to have forgotten even the struggle.

The face is numb and the eyes are empty!

There was deathly silence in all directions.

Endless creatures, as silent as cicadas.

Hundreds of evil spirits and true gods shivered as if struck by lightning!

Only Ye Wuque's faint voice continued to ring out again.

"It's just that, as far as I'm concerned, no matter how powerful the Supreme True God is, it's just the Supreme True God."

"You are good."

"But that's it...that's all."

not far away. The Nether King, who was extremely excited just a moment ago, seemed to have been drained of all his energy and energy. His face instantly turned pale and ashen, and he stared blankly at Lord Hengri who was kneeling on the ground with Ye Wuque's hand. , just feel myself

His soul was shattered instantly!

Its ultimate goal in this life!

Lord Hengri, a powerful being among the Supreme True Gods who has to catch up all his life, cannot even take a single move from this human race!

The invincible Lord Hengri was as fragile as a mayfly in front of Ye Wuque... He could see the blue sky!

So what about it?

Even a mayfly is no better than a chance!


Blood spurted out wildly, and the Netherworld King fell straight to the ground on his back, passing out neatly.

The moment before he passed out, there seemed to be a few words murmuring at the corners of his **** mouth.

"Mayfly..." "Blue sky..."

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