Return of the War God

Chapter 7848: :Teleport


As far as the eye can see, a towering door is close at hand. Inside, you can see low-key luxury. After everyone walks in, they are immediately hit by the refreshing fragrance, which makes people feel refreshed when they smell it.

Not far away, the sweet sound of silk and bamboo came, as tender as water, like a Jiangnan tune.

The entire building is a huge rest area, where you can see all the facilities for relaxing.

Ling Ling Zong Zong, there are about a hundred creatures scattered around, and at a glance, they are all very young.

Obviously, these are the outstanding seeds who, like Ye Wuque and others, chose to join the Tianshui Fan family. Unlike the dozens of followers behind Fan Nichang, these nearly a hundred outstanding seeds chose to rest here.

Swish, swish, swish!

Just after Ye Wuque and the other five people walked in, almost all eyes from all directions were focused on them, and they were all in large numbers.

The eyes may be indifferent, curious, disdainful, or indifferent...

Everything you need. Obviously, in the eyes of most outstanding seeds, everyone except their own side can be regarded as competitors. What's more, the presence of Tianshui Fan family and Fan Nichang will highlight this point, making all outstanding seeds Can't help but

Independent and want to prove their worth!

However, Ye Wuque and his party were well-informed and turned a blind eye to such looks, and went straight to a vacant bar in the rest area.

In addition to the excellent seeds in the entire rest area, there are also service staff who have been arranged in advance. They are distributed throughout the rest area to ensure that they are available at any time.

"Welcome to the Fan family in Tianshui."

After Ye Wuque, Bai Ran and the others sat down along the bar, the waiter behind the bar immediately spoke respectfully and sent greetings.

Immediately, they started mixing drinks for everyone.

In such a rest area, people can indeed relax and feel comfortable mentally.

Ye Wuque and his group just drank and mixed drinks in front of the bar.

All the outstanding seeds in the entire rest area looked very quiet, each seemed to be immersed in their own world.

On the contrary, Leader Bairan's eyes kept glancing back and forth.

Just like it, the rest of the excellent seeds are naturally brought here by their guardians.

At a glance, Bairan Alliance Leader found that at least one-third of them, like him, had reached the level of "seeing one's mind clearly and reflecting oneself".

The remaining two-thirds are basically at the level of the Supreme True God.

When selecting people, the Tianshui Fan family naturally focuses on strong people and their outstanding seeds as much as possible.

Time began to pass slowly.

When Xu time arrived, the originally quiet rest area suddenly became noisy from the entrance.

After looking over, I immediately saw a graceful and beautiful figure stepping in.

"I have kept you waiting for a long time..."

Fan Nichang's voice sounded.

In an instant, almost all the outstanding seeds in the rest area stood up, and most of them looked at Fan Nichang with a flash of surprise in their eyes.

At this moment, behind Fan Nichang, the number of outstanding seeds following her had increased from dozens to nearly a hundred at the beginning.

"All the outstanding seeds who have reached cooperation with my Tianshui Fan family have been gathered now."

"Everyone, Nishang would like to thank you all again."

Fan Nichang spoke with a majestic temperament, every frown and smile, and every word she spoke gave people a perfect style.

This is a noble temperament that can only be formed by receiving unique training from an early age.

In front of the bar, Ye Wuque glanced over and instantly determined that apart from himself and the guardians, there were exactly one hundred and ninety-eight outstanding seeds.

"Nichang would like to toast you all..." As he spoke, a famous waiter walked out with a wine glass and walked up to each outstanding seed. Fan Nichang took the lead in raising the wine glass with her delicate hands. Naturally, all the outstanding seeds almost rushed to raise it. I took the wine glass and met Fan Ni

Shang shook his head in response.

After a glass of wine, the atmosphere naturally becomes more harmonious.

Fan Nichang seemed to have calculated the time, and then smiled sweetly and said: "It's not far from Haishi. Now we can set off to Tianyuan Central District."

As soon as these words came out, the eyes of all the outstanding seeds moved, and their eyes showed uncontrollable anticipation and excitement.

The eyes of the protectors, including Bairan Alliance Leader, were also shining in the same way.

Because even they have never been to Tianyuan Central District before, the real center of the Divine World!

Now that there is such an opportunity, even these old monsters will be moved.

"Everyone, please come with me."

Immediately, under the leadership of Fan Nichang, all the outstanding seeds boarded a gorgeous and beautiful floating battleship.

The floating battleship turned into a stream of light and rose into the sky, heading in one direction of the Tianshui area.

"The Tianshui area is indeed one of the top ten areas. In terms of area and cultivation environment, it is unimaginable!"

“It’s much better than our southern region!”

In one of the cabins, Ye Wuque, Leader Bairan and five other people stood together, looking at the outside world through a window. At this time, Dao Feitian spoke with emotion.

"As the saying goes, law, land, wealth, and companions are the indispensable external needs for cultivating a living being."

"The environment in the Tianshui area is extremely excellent. It is possible to practice here and encounter natural opportunities. However, in the eyes of the creatures in the Tianshui area, and in the eyes of the eldest lady of the Fan family, the Tianyuan Central District may be what they desire."

"As the saying goes, there is a mountain high, so the three of you should understand the value of this 'Monster Forum'!"

"This is the stage where you can truly reach the sky in one step!"

"As long as you can grasp it!"

The message from Alliance Leader Bai Ran rang in the ears of Dao Feitian, Dao Feiyu, and Si Ye Sword Emperor Lan, and his words were serious and thoughtful.

The latter three also nodded slowly, their eyes full of fighting spirit and desire.

Especially the Four-leaf Sword Emperor Lan, whose eyes are so sharp that people almost dare not look into them.

Ye Wuque on the side had his hands behind his back and seemed to be quietly looking at the scenery outside the window, but in fact his eyes were always focused on the huge light source at the end of the sky in the distance.

Tianyuan Central District!

For Ye Wuque, it is also the first priority right now.

About half an hour later.


The strong power of space suddenly overflowed from the sky and the earth in front of him, rushing towards his face, and the brilliance shone in an endless stream.

This is an aura that can only be emitted by an extremely special teleportation array.

The flying battleship that had been flying suddenly stopped suddenly.

Fan Nichang was the first to fly down, followed by all the outstanding seeds.

A moment later, an ancient regional teleportation array that exuded a mysterious aura appeared in front of everyone's eyes.

"Hai Shi has arrived, the time is just right."

Fan Nichang chuckled and spoke.


In the next moment, the huge ancient teleportation array in front of him emitted a strong light, as if it had been completely activated.

Even if all the excellent seeds and guardians enter it, they look relatively small. As a burst of intense light enveloped the space, the power of space boiled, and all the figures in the ancient teleportation array suddenly disappeared!

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