Return of the War God

Chapter 7861: : I don’t want to either!

"It seems that my guess is good. As expected, it was the seventeenth senior who took away the twenty-eighth seniors and the True God Star Dou, and he was able to move at such an incredible speed."

This is the best result!

What Ye Wuque was most worried about was that the organizational force behind the scenes would take action. What awaited Ye Wuque might be a killing situation, and he wouldn't be able to do it.

Ye Wuque raised his powerful mace, with a solemn look in his eyes, and then spoke softly.

"Senior Zhentian Mace..."

"Can you hear me?"

Ye Wuque began to call for Zhentian Mace.

After all, this is the treasure of the Tianling clan, not an ordinary weapon, it has its own spirituality.

However, no matter how Ye Wuque called, Zhentian Mace remained silent and showed no response.

Ye Wuque's eyes kept flickering, and suddenly his heart moved, and then he began to inject his own power into the Thundering Mace!


The next moment, the white jade-like mace suddenly trembled, and then emitted a faint brilliance!

Immediately afterwards, through the Sky-shattering Mace, Ye Wuque felt that one of the "Divine Soul Brands" seemed to be activated, turning into a vicissitudes of time but powerful strange soul sound that resounded in Ye Wuque's mind!

"Brother Ye!"

"Senior Zhentian Mace has fallen into a deep sleep."

"A year later, Senior Zhentian Mace will wake up."

"That's when!"

"If, little brother Ye, you cannot have the strength to escape from the hands of the 'True God's Great Perfection', Senior Zhentianmai will immediately send you as far away as possible to keep you safe, away from our clan, and to avoid being contaminated by the cause and effect. Avoid being implicated by my Tianling clan!"

"If, little brother Ye, you have the strength to escape from the hands of the 'True God Dzogchen', then Senior Zhentian Mace will immediately activate the void coordinates and bring you to us!"

"I'm sorry, Brother Ye!"

"The situation is extremely critical! It's extremely urgent!"

"Except for Twenty-Eight, I can only protect Xingdou who successfully merges with Twenty-Eight."

"You're far away! I don't have time!"

"There is no other way but to give you one year! I can only wait for you for one year!"

"I hope you can forgive me, Brother Ye!"

"My Tianling clan owes you so much!"

"If there is still a chance to repay, the Tianling clan will be utterly devastated!"

"Brother Ye!"

"Take it very seriously! Always put your own safety as the first priority! Never..."

The sound of the soul came to an abrupt end.

The cave became deathly silent. Ye Wuque held the powerful weapon in his hand tightly, his eyes flashing!

"The owner of this strange voice should be that senior Seventeen."

After a few breaths, Ye Wuque whispered to himself softly.

Within a short period of soul transmission, the information revealed was extremely shocking, causing Ye Wuque's heart to continuously fluctuate.

"First of all, it is certain that the Tianling clan must have encountered... big trouble!"

"This trouble is probably enough to sweep through the entire Tianling clan, and it has already reached the point of becoming extremely urgent."

"Otherwise, a being like Senior Seventeen who is above the 'True God' would not act like this."

At this moment, Ye Wuque thought of a lot.

For example, in Yuanyang Ring, the square iron box entrusted to him by Brother Xiaosha!

His intuition told him that the trouble the Tianling clan encountered might be related to the Sifang Iron Box.

Moreover, everything they encountered in Zhanhuang before, and the plans that the Tianling clan had worked so hard to achieve, also proved this point.

The arrival of Senior Sixty-Six and Senior Twenty-Eight, the transfer station of Senior Seventeen, and the activation and maintenance of the ancient array nodes may all be traced back to the ultimate point.

Regarding the Sifang Iron Box, Ye Wuque still remembers what Brother Xiaosha said back then!

The square iron box involves unimaginable cause and effect, which is enough to shock the past and present. A little carelessness can cause huge disasters.

This is why Ye Wuque never revealed that the Sifang Iron Box was in his hands!

Because the stakes are too high!

"Senior Seventeen's spirit transmission seemed to have given me an opportunity, so I deliberately left the thunderous mace and two ancient talismans in the 'Monster Forum', but in fact, the more important meaning is that To...protect me."

Ye Wuque felt bright in his heart.

From Senior Twenty-eight and True God Xingdou, Senior Seventeen should have already known the level of his strength at that time.

Can you escape from the hands of the "True God Dzogchen" in one year?

This is common sense and is simply impossible!

In the eyes of Senior Seventeen, even if he is amazingly talented, it is almost impossible to achieve it.

"So, the most fundamental reason why Senior Seventeen deliberately left Senior 'Zhentian Mace' behind is to leave a way out for me!"

"Pick me out of the great cause and effect of the Tianling clan to avoid being involved."

"It was just to protect my face that I didn't say anything."

"Senior Zhentian Mace is the escape route left to me by Senior Seventeen!"

The good intentions are evident!

In a short period of time, Ye Wuque had understood everything.

Holding the powerful weapon in his hand tightly, Ye Wuque looked over again, his eyes gradually became sharp, sharp, and... sharp!

In one year, is he powerful enough to escape from the hands of the "True God Dzogchen"?

Putting it on any other living being, it is simply impossible, there is only deep despair and powerlessness!

"But I'm... different!"

Ye Wuque murmured to himself, the sharp edge shining in his eyes seemed to be able to pierce the nine heavens!

He moved his eyes to look at the world outside, and suddenly showed a faint and unruly smile.

"Now it seems that my entry into this 'Monster Forum' was a mistake and it provided me with a wonderful opportunity!"

what chance?

Naturally, it is to make one's strength further!

With eyes as sharp as a knife, Ye Wuque slowly spit out three words again...

"True divine calamity!"

Ye Wuque knew very well that he was now a five-step saint king, and his physical body had just broken through to the second transformation of the True Self Great Immortal Technique, and his divine aperture had also just been successfully opened.

No matter the level of cultivation, the strength of the physical body, or the number of divine orifices, it is temporarily out of reach, so there is no need to think about it in the short term!

Then the only way left that can improve the strength, and possibly significantly improve the strength, is "crossing the true divine tribulation"!

This is an idea he has had for a long time!

It's just that he has never had the opportunity or time, but now, he has come to a stage like the "Monster Forum".

And the "Monster Forum" happens to be the most perfect place in the entire universe of gods to survive the true divine tribulation.

The right time and the right location, and now, even more so, Ye Wuque himself!

It can be said that "the right time, the right place, the right people and everything are all there", every detail is perfect.

"Although I have never had a true 'virtual godhead', I am indeed a genuine 'triple legendary false god'!"

"What's more, the thing I use to carry the characteristics of the three true gods is countless times more incredible than the 'virtual godhead'!"

"There is no 'virtual godhead', but it is better than 'virtual godhead'!"

"This proves that I can also 'survive the true divine tribulation', even if it is unbelievable and unprecedented!"

"But hasn't the path I've taken all this time been unique?"

"I've long been used to it."

"Since the human-king realm can condense the power beyond the realm and become a triple legendary false god, who stipulates that the human-king realm can't also survive the true **** tribulation?"

At the thought of this, the sharp smile in Ye Wuque's eyes became intense, he looked at the powerful weapon in his hand again, and murmured softly.

"One year?"

"too long!"

"I can't wait!"

"I need to be fast, faster, extremely fast to increase my strength to a strong enough level!"

"At that time, I am fully confident that I will be able to awaken Senior Zhentian Mace in advance..."

Immediately, he solemnly put the powerful weapon into an idle storage ring, then walked out of the cave and returned to the void outside.

Looking at the whole world, Ye Wuque's sight seemed to be able to see countless outstanding seeds shuttled throughout the demon discussion venue. The sharpness in his eyes slowly turned into a depth, and then he sighed softly.

"I don't want to either."

"But the plan can't keep up with the changes, there's nothing we can do!"

"So, don't blame me for bullying the small..."

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