Return of the War God

Chapter 7868: : One flower per person

outside world.

Above the nine heavens.

"It's getting lively!"

"Haha, no outstanding seed can refuse the temptation of the Divine Flower. Wasn't it the same for us in the past? I still feel nostalgic when I think about it!"

The nine major existences in Tianyuan Central District are communicating with each other.

"Xu Weilan came first."

"Changkong Can is here too! Master Jueluo, please calm down the smile in your eyes!"

"Interesting, Jiang Yika clicked, it is indeed different. Lord Destiny, what do you think? Hahahaha!"

The voices of Old Man Ghost and Old Demon Gan kept ringing, mainly because they were talking.

"On a full moon night, the flowers bloom to overcome adversity."

"The three kings gathered together, the situation is very exciting!"

At this moment, the eyes of the nine great beings all fell firmly on the endless light curtain, and all the light curtains were almost filled with images of the small world of Dahan!

Within the light curtain, the eighteen Doomsday Flowers in the Great Cold Waterfall have slowly bloomed!

The moon shines brightly.

Bright and bright.

I saw eighteen divine flowers that rose up into the sky, came to the void, and bathed in the moonlight as best they could!

The tightly closed flower bones unfolded layer by layer, and the strange and mysterious floral fragrance began to permeate the air, and the entire small world of Dahan seemed to be illuminated!

You can feel the beauty of the God of Warfare flower through the light curtain!

Not to mention the countless excellent seeds that have been witnessed at this time!

With Dahan Falls as the center and millions of miles around, countless outstanding seeds gathered here all looked intently at the eighteen divine flowers blooming slowly above the void, their eyes full of shock, trance, longing, Excited!

this moment.

Even the gazes of Xu Weilan, Changkong Can, and Jiang Yi, the three most outstanding geniuses in Tianyuan Central Region, were also focused on the Divine Flower of Fighting Calm without blinking.

"Thirty, twenty-nine, twenty-eight, twenty-seven..."

Countless outstanding seeds looked dazed and excited, but in their hearts they were silently counting the time.

The same is true for Fan Nichang's team and all the outstanding seeds at this time!

Although there was no expression on Fan Nichang's stunning face, her beautiful eyes were fixed on her, her red lips were parted, and she was silently counting the time.

It takes thirty breaths for the divine flower to bloom completely!

The entire small world of Dahan was now illuminated by the brilliance of the moon and the divine brilliance, like a bright heaven.

The atmosphere is becoming more and more tense!

It's like the storm is about to come and the wind fills the building!

Outside, all the guardians were also paying close attention to the light curtain, looking at the outstanding seeds they had personally selected, and their hearts were slightly tense.

"Fifteen, fourteen, thirteen, twelve..."

The countdown is approaching the end.

At this time, the eighteen divine flowers for crossing the disaster have condensed into eighteen little suns, and the flower bones have completely stretched out.

A divine peanut has eighteen petals.

Now the petals of each divine flower are stretched out in the void, crystal clear, and seem to be about to bloom at the most beautiful moment!

"Eight, seven, six..."

There were already outstanding seeds shouting loudly, and soon there were more and more matching voices. In the end, it seemed that all the outstanding seeds could not help but count down.

Every one of the outstanding seeds that can be seen in the sky and on the earth has their bodies tensed to the extreme!

The eyes are sharper than ever before!

Divine power is boiling like never before!

The momentum is unprecedented!

Only one person...

He was still sitting there quietly without getting up, looking leisurely and contented, which was incompatible with all outstanding seeds, but no one noticed him at this time.



The countdown has reached the last moment!


But the moment the last number fell from the mouths of all the outstanding seeds!

I saw that the eighteen divine flowers that saved the calamity in the void also bloomed to their perfection at this moment!

Crystal clear!

The fragrance of flowers is boiling!

There are a total of three hundred and twenty-four petals. Each petal seems to condense the most unpredictable breath and fluctuations, shining in the void.

Like the most perfect work of art in the world, the mysterious atmosphere circulates everywhere!


At this moment, the eighteen divine flowers that bloomed perfectly and perfectly trembled rapidly, and their own spirituality bloomed together, and each of them turned into a stream of light, shooting out in different directions!

The treasures of heaven and earth have their own spirit.

We are born to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages, and instinctively start to flee and avoid!

Just at this moment!



Whoosh! Whoosh!

Countless outstanding seeds moved together!

"The divine flower that overcomes calamity!"


"One of them must be mine!"

"Kill whoever blocks the road!"

"Come on!"

The whole small world of Dahan was boiling!

All the outstanding seeds have already exerted their energy and are heading desperately towards the divine flower that they have set their sights on!

The sky and the earth are filled with countless excellent seeds, as if locusts are passing through.

The eighteen evil flowers escaped very quickly, but how could they be faster than the countless outstanding seeds that were staring at them!

I was stopped in every direction almost immediately!

"The divine flower that saves you from trouble! Mine!"

At this time, an outstanding seed rushed to a divine flower that was close at hand, with endless greed and madness surging in his eyes. His eyes were red, and he roared!


However, the next moment, he exploded!

Dozens and hundreds of attacks came from behind, killing him solidly!

Not just here, the same scene happened in all directions.

All the outstanding seeds who rushed to the Divine Flower of Duanhe in the first wave, no matter how many there were, were directly destroyed by the concentrated fire!

For a moment, the blood mist exploded, and divine blood shot into the sky.

It heralds the beginning of a **** storm!

"Boiling Formation!"

"The sky is set ablaze!"

At this time, Fan Nichang's team had already caught up with a divine flower that would bring relief, but Fan Nichang directly gave orders at this time.

Nearly two hundred outstanding seeds immediately accepted the order in a tacit understanding, running the six-turn Hunyuan Heavenly Fire Formation, condensing a big flame hand, and swept directly forward!


Another thunder stick shadow stopped the flaming hand!

Another team has arrived!

Apparently they had the same goals as Fan Nichang's team, and they began to compete with each other.

Then the third, fourth, fifth...

Suddenly more than a dozen teams rushed over!

All the outstanding members of Fan Nichang's team looked fearful and solemn at this moment!

The same goes for the rest of the team!

At this moment, Fan Nichang's beautiful eyes flashed, turning into a touch of determination and sharpness.

"Under this situation, no matter whether it is a team or an individual, whoever encounters a divine flower that can save people from trouble will be attacked by a group of people!"

"So there is only one best way..."

The formation rotated, and the sky fire reappeared, but this time, under the control of Fan Nichang, it blasted directly towards the divine flower in front of it!


The divine flower that brings relief suddenly split open!

The eighteen petals on it immediately dispersed, as if they turned into eighteen small star streams, and each began to disorder the void!

"Being too greedy will only lead to failure!"

"But if you only take one, that's the best solution!"

"Rush over!"

Fan Nichang's red lips curled up slightly, and she looked directly at one of the petals, and her team immediately rushed over!

The rest of the team was stunned by Fan Nichang's behavior, but the stunned state only lasted for a moment, and then they all woke up and rushed towards the remaining seventeen petals regardless of risk.

Similarly, Fan Nichang is not the only smart person.

At this time, in other directions and areas, there are also outstanding seeds who have thought of this and implemented it too!

At this time, ten complete divine flowers of crossing the calamity have been scattered!

More than one hundred and eighty petals scattered randomly into the void, causing countless outstanding seeds to chase after them.

The killing begins!

In an instant, many excellent seeds died, leaving no bones left.

It seems that the few remaining intact divine flowers of crossing the calamity will not last long.

But just at this moment!

Xu Weilan!

The sky is bright!

Jiang Yi!

These three peerless prodigies who had remained unmoved in Tianyuan Central District almost disappeared in unison!

In three directions, there are three complete divine flowers for crossing the disaster.

There are countless excellent seeds chasing madly!

Almost at the same time!

Each figure, with an incredible way and speed, crossed all the outstanding seeds, arriving first, reaching the target in one step, and smoothly grabbed a complete divine flower of crossing the disaster in their hands. It was Xu Weilan and Changkong Can. , Jiang Yi and three others.

They accomplished everything in such an understatement and incredible way.

Each person has a complete divine flower that can save the disaster, just standing in the void, all with calm expressions, and then they look at all the excellent seeds in all directions.

"I want this divine flower that can save you from troubles."

Changkong Can spoke calmly, with overwhelming momentum and an unquestionable domineering look.

The other direction.

Xu Weilan didn't speak, she just watched quietly, her beautiful eyes were deep and peaceful, and no one rushed to look at her.

The third direction.

Jiang Yi had a slight smile on his face and was caressing the Divine Flower of Solitude in his hand. Then he looked at the countless outstanding seeds and whispered, "I'm sorry, please forgive me."

In an instant!

Heaven and earth are dead silent!

Countless outstanding seeds saw this scene and were almost stunned!

They were shocked by the incredible speed and methods of Changkong Can, Xu Weilan, and Jiang Yi!

The shadow of the tree is the skin of the human being.

The names of the three peerless geniuses are too big!

It’s enough to shock the entire Monster Forum!

What’s even more shocking is!

What the three peerless geniuses want is not just one petal, but a complete divine flower that can save them from adversity.

How domineering is this?


Those outstanding seeds that had caught up saw the Divine Flower of Divination disappearing so close at hand, and the originally stunned eyes slowly began to become crazy, scarlet, desperate, and vicious...

What about the three great geniuses? ?

Let them just hand over the Divine Flower of Solitude to others? ?

It's impossible!

The next moment!

The boundless boiling evil energy began to surge, and the blazing and desperate killing intent began to sweep across!

The ten directions of the universe, heaven and earth.

The three peerless geniuses seemed to have become the center of three whirlpools, shrouded in endless evil aura and murderous intent!

Just at this moment.


A corner that no one cares about.

A tall and slender figure finally stood up slowly.

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