Return of the War God

Chapter 8051: A lot!

Ye Wuque's words were like a thunderbolt from the blue to the ancestor of the Ning family, like a loud slap in the face while he was sleeping. In an instant, bloodshot eyes welled up in his eyes, and his breathing became crazy and rapid!

"No, no...possible!"

"There is absolutely no way anyone... can plot against me!"

"Absolutely impossible!"

The ancestor of the Ning family flatly denied it, so naturally he couldn't accept it all.

Ye Wuque didn't speak, but continued to look at him lightly.

The dead silence in the main hall was also broken by the crazy denial of the ancestor of the Ning family!

But gradually, the ancestor of the Ning family forced himself to calm down. Although his breathing was still rapid and his eyes were still red, he had to calm down.

At this moment, the ancestor of the Ning family looked at Ye Wuque again, a trace of determination and desperate determination suddenly flashed in his eyes!


Immediately, under the shocked gazes of both the little fat man and the True God Xingdou, the ancestor of the Ning family stood up and knelt down in front of Ye Wuque with a plop!

"Please give me some advice!"

"I and the entire Ning family are willing to listen to your orders from now on, and will go through fire and water without any hesitation!"

"In this regard, I can discover the oath of heaven!"

"If I tell a lie, not only will I never be able to make any progress in my cultivation in this life, but my injuries will never be healed. I will die without a complete body, and my body and soul will be destroyed!"

The resolute voice of the ancestor of the Ning family was so loud and firm in the hall.

"Bang bang bang!"

Even the ancestor of the Ning family started kowtowing to Ye Wuque, making a loud noise!

Even Ye Wuque's eyes flashed slightly at this scene.

And the little fat man has opened his mouth slightly!

"What a guy! Is this old man so...exaggerated?? He will just accept it if he disagrees with you! Cunning! So cunning!"

Xingdou Zhenshen's beautiful eyes twinkled. She had already seen that this ancestor of the Ning family was not only very knowledgeable about current affairs, but he was also good at beating snakes and following the stick. Once he figured it out, he would place a heavy bet and give everything without hesitation.

Can bend and stretch!

What a talent!

No wonder he can become a being similar to the "Supreme Emperor" of the Ning family!

As the saying goes, don't hit someone with a smiling face. Even Ye Wuque, the ancestor of the Ning family, couldn't find fault with his performance.

"Where did your Ning family's 'Glorious Ancestor Training' come from?" Ye Wuque did not comment, but changed the topic and asked again.

The ancestor of the Ning family, who had completely put down his posture, quickly stood up, kept bending slightly, and said respectfully: "As far as I know, this 'Glorious Ancestral Instruction' originated from the Ning family's first injunction. The first generation family leader! He is also the founder of the Ning family.”

"On the day the Ning family was born, the founder left many rules to future generations. Among them, the 'Glory to the Ancestors' is the most important and has a long history. It has been passed down from generation to generation and entrusts the founder's most determined will! Every generation of family leaders will support it and pass it on to the next generation.”

"After all, this 'Glorious Ancestral Instruction' contains the time, place, and location. Naturally, the Ning family, who was born at the wrong time, can only take a look at it. There is no other way. Knowing that it cannot be completed, they are happy to see the inheritance completed. Go down."

"It has been passed down to this generation, which exactly matches the time and place recorded in the 'Glory of the Ancestors'. To be honest..."

The ancestor of the Ning family said this, paused slightly, and then continued: "If I hadn't been seriously injured and needed retreat for healing, maybe I wouldn't be able to help myself to complete this glorious ancestral precept. After all, if I could complete it, it would be of great significance. , which is worthy of receiving many things passed down by the ancestor, not only glory."

"Now it seems that I didn't succeed in going, but it was a blessing in disguise. Otherwise, I might have died by now!"

"And I didn't go, which is destined to lead to competition among the five lines of this generation. Each line wants to complete it, but the winner in the end is Haichuan..." The ancestor of the Ning family seemed not to worry about anything at this time, and directly He confessed everything in front of Ye Wuque and proved his sincerity.

"The founder of the Ning family, why did you leave this glorious ancestral precept?" Ye Wuque continued to ask lightly.


"I don't know the specific reason, after all, too much time has passed, but according to some clues and clues left behind, it seems that the ancestor once owed a huge favor!"

"This favor is so big that even the entire Ning family seems to be unable to compensate it! That's why the ancestor made such an arrangement, but I really don't know who the favor is owed to. It seems that the ancestor also deliberately concealed it. , has not been disclosed.”

The ancestor of the Ning family answered Ye Wuque's question honestly, but the waves in his heart were once again set off!

The ancestor is a creature from the past years and the founder of the Ning family.

It’s been too long since now!

A long time ago, the founder left behind his glorious ancestral precepts just to kill a living being in the future?

Is this a prophecy?

How did the founder know? ?

And this creature really appeared at this time and location!


Spanning a long time, it seems that even time cannot cover it!

But it’s really happening!

So who are these three people in front of me, especially this most terrifying young man? Where does it come from? ?

The more the ancestor of the Ning family thought about it, the more frightened and unable to calm down he became.

Ye Wuque was naturally thinking too, his eyes getting deeper and deeper!

"What is the name of your ancestor?"

"Your Excellency, the name of the ancestor is 'Ning Bugui'!"

Ye Wuque muttered the name repeatedly, and after confirming that he had never heard it before, his eyes moved slightly. Then, he looked at the ancestor of the Ning family and suddenly pointed out with a finger!

The ancestor of the Ning family suddenly changed his face, and his soul was gone.

Ye Wuque's movements were too abrupt!

The ancestor of the Ning family instinctively wanted to resist and avoid, but when he saw Ye Wuque's plain and deep eyes, he gritted his teeth suddenly, stopped where he was, and spread his hands, making a gesture of giving up resistance. .

Finally, Ye Wuque let his finger point on his forehead!

In an instant, the Ning family ancestor's body trembled violently!

A faint light shone on his forehead, and his eyes suddenly closed tightly.

After a few breaths, Ye Wuque retracted his finger.

The ancestor of the Ning family opened his eyes again, panting and sweating profusely, but his eyes looking at Ye Wuque still showed no resentment, only more intense awe and fear.

"You're lucky."

"There is no 'soul restriction' planted in my mind."

As Ye Wuque spoke like this, the ancestor of the Ning family suddenly showed excitement and immediately wanted to thank him.

But a majestic force stopped him, and the ancestor of the Ning family immediately trembled in his heart!

Only Ye Wuque's faint voice was heard again...

"According to what Ning Haichuan said before his death, he should have fallen into the scheme of one of the other members of the Ning family. It seemed that he had the last laugh, but in fact he got a life-threatening operation."

"That is to say, among the other four branches of the Ning family, there are people or clues that I am really looking for."

"Find a way to recall everyone from the other four veins, especially the four gods who are the leaders of the fourth vein."

"Any questions?"

As soon as these words came out, the ancestor of the Ning family trembled, but without the slightest hesitation, he clasped his fists and shouted decisively: "No problem!"

"Please rest assured, leave everything to me!"

"In three days at most, everyone in the other four veins will be gone!"

"I also want to find out the abominable murderer who stole everything and killed Haichuan!!"

The ancestor of the Ning family’s mobility is still extremely amazing!

Take charge of all this immediately.

Just two days later.

The ancestor of the Ning family brought the news.

"Your Excellency, all the members of the four branches of the Ning family have been recalled, and all the four gods are here."

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