Return of the War God

Chapter 8082: : One punch!


Only a yawning sound was heard at this time.

The man in the silver mask, who had been sleeping on the ground, finally slowly stood up and stretched out.

The posture is casual, and there is no sign of any tension. All the gods are looking at each other in shock!

What is the origin of this guy wearing a mask?

Not only does it look mysterious, but it really feels like you are on an outing!

Just when the man in the silver mask stood up, the attention of Mr. Tianmu, Mr. Wang Su, and Mr. Yunsu on the other side were immediately attracted!

Ye Wuque has naturally noticed this.

He also looked at the mysterious man in the silver mask.

Among all the gods who participated in the selection in the ancient world, only this man in the silver mask made Ye Wuque feel special. There seemed to be a faint layer of mysterious mist surrounding him.

And from the very beginning, this person had had eye contact with him, and Ye Wuque could feel that there might be some kind of... connection between the other person and himself!

At this moment, the man in the silver mask has attracted everyone's attention.

But he didn't seem to care at all, and just walked towards the ring calmly, finally jumped up, and fell down lightly.

His opponent No. 3 Ganshen's eyes were already fixed on him like a blade!

"Wearing a mask to hide your true face, are you so shameless?" God No. 3 smiled coldly, his whole person exuding great oppression!

The confrontation has begun. He is looking for flaws in the silver mask and wants to use words to oppress the place.

However, the man in the silver mask on the ring just stood quietly, as if he had no reaction.

In the eyes of God No. 3, the man in the silver mask opposite seemed to have flaws all over his body!

But this was simply impossible. It only made him feel a little wary and he didn't dare to take action easily.

"Hey, why don't you do it?"

Finally, the voice of the man in the silver mask sounded. This seemed to be the first time he spoke.

His voice was not high-pitched, and seemed to have a touch of magnetism.

God No. 3’s eyes suddenly focused!

"Then let's fight!"

If you can't find any flaws, they all look like flaws, so there's no need to wait, just decide the winner!


The vast territory spread out, 50,000 feet in size, earth-shattering, wrapped around Ganshen No. 3 and rushed towards the man in the silver mask.

The man in the silver mask still stood there, watching his opponent coming from a distance!

"Reverse Thunder!"

The predecessor of No. 3 used his killing move and used all his strength to suppress everything in one fell swoop!

Lightning and thunder thundered across the 50,000-foot-large territory, falling like a thundering sky, with such momentum that it made many Gods' eyes flash!

Thousands of thunders are roaring with infinite power!

Almost all the Gods in the audience looked at the blow of No. 3 God, thinking about their own response methods, and they all felt the power of this blow!

So, how will this silver-masked man number 18 respond?

Temporarily avoid the edge?

Or tough?



The next moment, everyone immediately saw the man in the silver mask standing on the spot suddenly extending his right hand!

Fingers spread wide!

Then the five fingers rotate!

Clench into a fist!

Just like that, he punched the incoming God No. 3 lightly!

There was no earth-shattering momentum, nor was there any dazzling brilliance. It seemed to be just an ordinary punch.


With a powerful blow from God No. 3, the thundering 50,000-foot territory was directly... shattered at this moment!

Exploded in the void!

It instantly fell apart and exploded into nothingness.

God No. 3 fell directly from the void as if struck by lightning, hit the ring hard, and passed out neatly.


The entire peaceful world seemed to have become dead silent!

All the gods in the audience were stunned, their scalps were numb, as if they had seen a ghost in the daytime!

Lord Tianmu and other three ancient world creatures also had their eyes widened!

"Defeated the God of Heaven with a territory of fifty thousand feet with one punch?"

"This guy's territory has to exceed at least 80,000 feet to achieve this!" Wang Su Lao's voice carried a hint of solemnity.

"haha okay!"

"He is indeed the first creature to break history and walk out of the Ten Dead Roads in Starlight!"

"I didn't expect that there would be such a surprise!"

Master Tianmu showed a satisfied smile.

Ye Wuque was sitting upright, his face calm, but his eyes flickering slightly.

The strength of the man in the silver mask is... very strong!

A territory of eighty thousand feet?

not only!

Ye Wuque could easily see that the man in the silver mask had actually shown mercy with this punch, otherwise God No. 3 would have been directly blown up, and he would have died without even leaving his body.

And this punch...

There is quite a feeling of conquering the world with one fist!


Under the entire ring, all the remaining Ganshen, including the other seventeen Ganshen who won the first round, had their expressions changed wildly. Their eyes looked at the man in the silver mask, full of fear, disbelief, and... Weak, bitter…

They saw a huge gap!

What would be the outcome if I met the man in the silver mask?

"The victorious eighteen gods will advance to the second round."

Wang Sulao's voice continued to sound, announcing the start of the second round.

There is no doubt about it.

When it was the silver masked man's turn to appear again in the second round, facing his opponent, he simply came out...

One punch!

This powerful **** was also punched directly and knocked unconscious.

As for the other duels, it was another battle between dragons and tigers, and the winner was determined only after fighting to the limit.

Until the end, the remaining nine winning gods advanced to the next round.

Nine gods, four places.

It seemed that victory was in sight.

At this moment, Master Tianmu's voice sounded again.

"Number 18."

Master Tianmu pointed to No. 18, which was the name of the man in the silver mask.

All the gods looked over immediately.

"You'll get a spot straight away, there's no need to waste any more time."

As soon as these words came out!

The expressions of the remaining eight gods changed again!

But this time, they couldn't say a word, and even if they wanted to refute, there was no way.

In the promotion just now, the man in the silver mask defeated his opponent in two rounds with just two punches, and there is no doubt about the strength he showed.

Who can compare with them? ?

Only silence acquiesces.

After hearing Master Tianmu's words, the man in the silver mask just nodded slightly, and then...

He once again lay down on the ground as if there was no one around, and took a nap.

The remaining eight godmen began to do their best to grab the remaining three places.

Until a certain moment.

"The three of you who have the last laugh will get the remaining three places."

Lord Tianming spoke indifferently.

The three godmen, who were covered in blood, staggering and almost unsteady, finally cheered!

Selection from the ancient world.

That’s the end!

The winners of the five quotas have all appeared.

"Next, let's enter the ancient world together immediately!"

Master Tianmu spoke again and made the final decision.

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