Return of the War God

Chapter 8085: :show me!

As this cold and stern voice fell, three figures stepped out of the teleportation array instantly!

These are three old men who all look to be at least seventy years old.

One was wearing a white robe, with a faint brilliance shining all over his body. His face was ruddy, but his eyes were cold and stern.

One is covered in jewels and wears a lot of decorations. He has a fat figure, his small eyes are squinted, and his eyes are shining.

The simplest one, with blue coarse linen clothes and short hair. Although it is gray, it gives people a strong vitality!

Three majestic divine soul powers complement each other, surging like three Yangtze rivers, covering the entire platform.

Lord Tianmu was the first to step forward, quickly bowed his hands and said, "I have met Grandmaster Xuan Da!"

"Grandmaster Mo Li!"

"Grandmaster Fenyuan!"

A group of elders followed immediately and bowed respectfully.

Master Tianmu's words also directly revealed the identities of the three old men!

The master of alchemy!

Belonging to the three great masters in the ten ancient worlds.

Grandmaster Xuan Da is the old man in white robe.

Grandmaster Mo Li is none other than the fat old man.

Grandmaster Fenyuan was the short-haired old man.

Obviously, Lord Tianmu took the initiative to say hello quickly and was introducing these three great masters to Ye Wuque in disguise.



Seeing Master Tianmu coming to say hello, the three great masters immediately returned the greeting.

"So, Tianmu, you are in charge of this 'Ancient Realm Selection', and you were the one who sent the previous intelligence information back to the Ancient Realm?"

Grand Master Mo Li, the fat man among them, immediately asked, but his voice had a hint of sharpness, and it was obvious that he was not the owner of the cold and loud voice just now.


Master Tianmu immediately nodded in acknowledgement.

The eyes of the three great masters immediately fell on Master Tianmu, unable to take their eyes away!

"Tianmu, do you know the impact your message has had on the ten ancient worlds??"

"Do you know the significance of the news you sent back?"

"Do you even know how exaggerated and...ridiculous the news you sent back is??!"

Grandmaster Mo Li continued to speak in a low tone.

Huge oppressive force radiated from Grandmaster Mo Li's body and spread in all directions, immediately making the six elders change their expressions.

This is not to say that Grandmaster Mo Li's strength is terrifying, but that it belongs to his momentum and majesty, the demeanor of a Grandmaster that has been accumulated over the years!

Grandmaster Xuan and Grandmaster Fenyuan had never spoken, but at this time they only looked at Lord Tianmu with stern eyes.

Master Tianmu looked calm and seemed not surprised. At this moment, he just said calmly: "Three great masters, all the ten ancient worlds know what I am like."

“Since it’s my turn to be responsible for the ‘Ancient Realm Selection’, I will naturally do my best!”

"The entire selection process in the ancient world is supervised by me personally!"

"Everything, without the slightest bit of fraud, can be verified!"

"Three great masters, I, Tianmu, can guarantee this with my life!"

As soon as these words came out, the eyes of the three great masters flickered slightly.

At this time, the eyes of the short-haired old man among them, Grandmaster Fenyuan, suddenly fell on Ye Wuque!

"Are you Maple Leaf?"

During the whole process, Ye Wuque stood quietly behind Master Tianmu and all the elders, standing with his hands behind his back.

As Grandmaster Fenyuan spoke, the eyes of the other two Grandmasters suddenly looked like sharp swords!

"Maple Leaf!"

Grandmaster Xuan Da’s voice also sounded slowly!


His voice was cold and stern and full of authority, and he was clearly the owner of the words just now.

Grandmaster Mo Li's small eyes fell on Ye Wuque, and there seemed to be countless rays of light shining within them!

The atmosphere on the entire platform suddenly became stagnant, as if a storm was coming.

this moment.

Whether it was Master Tianmu or the six old men, the four great gods who were full of doubts and foolishness were all silent, and they all felt this huge oppression!

Master Tianmu's heart sank slightly!

The three great masters of alchemy seem to be coming with bad intentions!

They came specifically for Maple Leaf Alchemy God, and they didn’t even wait for Maple Leaf Alchemy God to officially enter the ancient world!

Because of…





And then...embarrassing Maple Leaf Alchemy God?


After all, before this, they were alchemy masters with a special status in the ancient world, and now an alchemy god-level existence suddenly appeared!

Wouldn’t it be necessary to put pressure on them in the future?

Who can bear this? ?


We must prevent this from happening as much as possible.

Ye Wuque, on the other hand, looked calm, and his faint eyes looked at the three great masters opposite.

For a moment, the atmosphere seemed even more depressing!

"Three great masters!"

At this moment, Lord Tianmu's voice sounded again, seeming to break the stagnation.

"We personally witnessed Maple Leaf Alchemy God's performance in the Ten Absolute Roads of Alchemy..."

As he spoke, Master Tianmu pointed his right hand toward the void!

Immediately, a ray of divine soul power flowed out, condensed in the void, forming a light curtain, and then a picture began to play inside. It was the entire performance of Ye Wuque in the alchemy room.

In an instant!

The eyes of the three great masters were immediately attracted, and they all looked at the memory light curtain in the void.

The four elders who had just arrived also looked over immediately!

In the memory soul screen, Ye Wuque's process of refining the three major elixirs is clearly recorded in detail!

As the three great masters continued to watch, their expressions began to change drastically!

The other four elders were also dumbfounded and couldn't believe it!

On the other side, Chi and the other four gods were watching for the first time. The three of them, Xuan Qing Qian Shen, were stunned as if they had been struck by lightning!

Soon, the memory screen finished playing.

The entire platform fell into dead silence!

As for Master Tianmu, he flipped his right hand, and suddenly, three rays of light spread out from his hand, illuminating the void!

Three pills were lying quietly in his hands!

"Three great masters, these three great elixirs..."

"Bagu Blood God Pill!"

"Yunling Tiandan!"

"Building Heaven and Defying Fate Pill!"

"It's in my hands!"

Three ancient elixirs of different brilliance were clearly visible, their aura boiling and shining in the void. From the moment they were taken out by Master Tianmu, they immediately attracted three great masters.

"Show them to me..."

Grandmaster Xuan Da immediately stretched out his right hand, his voice became a little hoarse, with an unquestionable tone!

The eyes of Grandmaster Mo Li and Grandmaster Fenyuan seemed to be burning with terrible flames!

Master Tianmu felt the terrifying aura emanating from the three great masters, took a slight breath and immediately threw out the three pills!

In an instant, one was caught by each of the three great masters!

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