Return of the War God

Chapter 8119: : The evil girl praying to heaven

Although this was not the first time Ye Wuque heard the roar of the "River of Time and Space", every time he heard it, he was still extremely shocked and unable to calm down!

Because once the roar of the "long river of time and space" appears, it proves that it will be accompanied by earth-shattering events!

The little fat man on the side didn't feel surprised when he saw Ye Wuque who suddenly stopped and seemed to have turned into a sculpture, and didn't bother him.

The little fat man understood that the elder brother must have thought of something or realized something.

After a few breaths, Ye Wuque finally took steps forward again.

The ancient road beneath our feet is still hazy.

Ye Wuque had withdrawn his mind, but a trace of his mind remained on the faint sounds around him, paying attention.

"Huh? The road ahead seems to be getting wider? Is there anything else?" The little fat man suddenly spoke, and it looked ahead.

Ye Wuque also began to look around, and the scene in front of him changed indeed.

The originally hazy ancient road was no longer narrow, but spread out, seemingly turning into a huge area.

At the same time, the various vague sounds that had been coming from both sides suddenly disappeared!

"There seems to be something ahead! Look, brother, what is it?" The big iron rod suddenly flew into the sky, and the little fat man looked forward with his big eyes, as if he saw something.

At the end of his gaze, in the middle of the ancient road, there was a huge and long and narrow ancient stone platform, directly blocking the way forward.

On the stone platform, there were faint figures sitting cross-legged, more than one.

"Are there other living creatures on this road?" The little fat man became curious.

Ye Wuque's face was calm and his eyes were sharp. He walked straight forward at an unhurried pace. When he was about a hundred feet away from the ancient stone platform, his eyes finally narrowed slightly.


"What is this thing?? It's not a living thing at all. This is... a skeleton??" The little fat man screamed strangely.

The figures on the ancient stone platform were completely clear. They were huge...skeletons sitting cross-legged!

Twelve skeletons in total!

Sitting evenly cross-legged on the ancient stone platform, they seemed to be lined up in a row.

Each skeleton is hundreds of feet in size, full of visual impact!

The most terrifying thing is that the color, posture, shape, and race of each skeleton are completely different and very weird!

One of the skeletons looked like a humanoid sitting cross-legged, but a pair of bone spurs spread out on its back, and it was clearly a pair of flesh wings in front of it!

Some skeletons are shaped like giant lizards. Their bones are a strange gray color and their postures are ferocious. They seem to be roaring toward the sky, full of an unknown ominousness!

The skeleton in the middle seems to be a female skeleton. The bones are pale silver. The whole posture is like kneeling and praying devoutly, but it faintly exudes a sense of compassion!

There are also skeletons with red-gold bones that seem to be burning with blazing flames. Three spear-like bone spurs on the back stand upright, as if they are about to poke into the sky, so powerful and evil!

"What the **** is this?"

"These twelve skeletons seem to come from different races, with completely different temperaments and shapes!"

"Wait! The praying female skeleton in the middle seems familiar. What race is she from??"

The little fat man seemed to have his eyes opened, but then he vaguely realized something and immediately started to recall crazily.

A few dozen feet away from the ancient stone platform, Ye Wuque stopped and stopped getting closer.

Because his extremely keen spiritual sense is giving a warning at this moment!

He felt a sense of evil coming towards him, coming from the twelve skeletons on the ancient stone platform!

Ye Wuque's eyes became captivating and he looked into the distance.

This huge ancient stone platform lay across the road ahead, which meant that if he wanted to continue moving forward, he had to face these twelve skeletons and had to pass through.

"I remembered!"

"This seems to be the 'Wicked Women praying to heaven' clan!"

"That's right! The intertwining of holiness and evil is a very scary special race! I have seen it in many ancient books written by my ancestors!"

"He actually appeared here? And only the skeleton was left? Who was killing him??" The little fat man's voice was filled with a hint of shock at this time.

The evil girl praying to heaven?

A very contradictory name!

But when Ye Wuque looked at the silver female skeleton in a praying state again, he felt it was extremely appropriate.

Holy and evil!

They are intertwined together on this skeleton, which is very strange. Even if it has fallen and only the bones are left, it is still extremely rich.

"Brother! Something's wrong!" The little fat man spoke again, seeming to have noticed something.

"The evil girl Qi Tian is not a simple race. She is unpredictable and fierce. However, her bones are not in the center, but only close to the middle. What does this mean??"

The little fat man's words made Ye Wuque's eyes flash and he said: "It means that some of the other skeletons are not inferior to the evil girl Qi Tian in terms of origin and identity. In fact, none of the races of these twelve skeletons are simple!"

The big iron stick nodded immediately!


"What the hell! How could a skeleton from a powerful race like the 'Wicked Lady praying to heaven' appear on the ancient road of reincarnation in the nine ancient worlds? It makes no sense at all!" The little fat man couldn't figure it out.

But this sentence reminded Ye Wuque again of the roaring sounds he heard from both sides of the ancient road of reincarnation, and his eyes became deeper and deeper.

"These twelve skeletons are so visually impactful and lifelike! Each skeleton still seems to embody its unique temperament and power in life, which is enough to make people unable to take their eyes away."

"This also leads to the fact that anyone who sees them will subconsciously ignore the countless seemingly small white bones around the ancient stone platform under each hundred-foot-sized skeleton." Ye Wuque's voice revealed a calmness. , but hit the nail on the head.

The little fat man's eyes suddenly widened!

Only then did I discover that as Ye Wuque said, there were actually far more than twelve skeletons on the ancient stone platform, but they were the largest and most attractive. In fact, there were too many skeletons on the ancient stone platform, making this place It's like a skeletal hell.

"These twelve skeletons have different colors, but the rest are not only very small, but also very ordinary white. They... wait! Brother, could it be..." The little fat man suddenly reacted.

Ye Wuque nodded slightly, looked at the many white bones on the ancient stone platform with his deep and sharp eyes, and said lightly: "These bones should be the masters of the nine ancient worlds who chose to go through reincarnation in the past and present. They were buried here. too much."

"Wow! The first level is disgusting bugs! The second level is colorful skeletons? Can't this ancient road of reincarnation include some better-looking things?" The little fat man suddenly became unhappy.

But here, Ye Wuque's stopped steps stepped out again, heading towards the ancient stone platform.

This ancient road of reincarnation must come to an end.

No matter what the **** is blocking you, sweep them all away!

Thirty feet!

Twenty feet!

Ten feet!

When Ye Wuque walked about ten feet away from the ancient stone platform!


Suddenly, a strange roar sounded in the dead void!

as if…

The sound of bones rubbing together was normal.

The little fat man immediately flew back to Ye Wuque's side, his big eyes rolling around on his fat face.

"What the **** is going on?"


"Brother! Since when have twelve, twelve skeletons been staring at us??"

this moment.

On the ancient stone platform, the twelve skeletons of different shapes originally had no sight, but at this time, their dark eye sockets were all looking straight at Ye Wuque!

A creepy feeling seemed to rise in the void!

Ye Wuque's face was expressionless, but his eyes were still sharp and captivating.

He raised his right foot and took a step forward again.

One minute closer to the ancient stone platform.

Click! Click!

"It's moving! Brother, the skeleton with the three dog heads on the far left has moved!" The little fat man immediately spoke to remind Ye Wuque.

Ye Wuque's eyes had already looked over immediately.

On the ancient stone platform, the skeleton with three heads and a body like a tiger on the far left began to tremble slightly, and its dark bones actually shone with a faint brilliance!

This skeleton seemed to suddenly come to life!

"Years...long time..."

"Finally...the here again...the new...physical body..."


"The lost...divided road...can't be stopped..."


An intermittent, but terrifying sound full of evil aura resounded!


Dark will-o'-the-wisps emerged from the six eye sockets of the three-headed skeleton, and it instantly stared at Ye Wuque!


The next moment!

The three-headed skeleton actually shot towards Ye Wuque. In an instant, the wind howled and the void dimmed!

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