Return of the War God

Chapter 8134: : A river of blood!

"Kill, kill, kill!"

"In the middle of the main road, I shall be one of the invincible kings!"

"Ah! Little God King! I will definitely come back!"

"Nirvana can only occur after death! No living thing can interfere with my rebirth!"

Various roars buzzed in Ye Wuque's ears, as if they had passed through unimaginable years and time periods, desperately drilling into his brain. They were unprecedentedly violent, enough to drive many living beings crazy!

Of course, Ye Wuque's soul was powerful and his soul was thick. This interference was nothing, but it also made him immediately aware of something.

"The roars and fighting sounds that most likely came from the 'Dao Shen Main Road' suddenly became louder here. It is definitely not an accident. I am afraid it is related to the mountain in front."

Ye Wuque's eyes were as bright as lightning as he stared at the mysterious mountain. For some reason, there was a hint of uncontrollable... excitement in his heart!


In fact, ever since he learned about the "Road to the Taoist God" and heard those countless roars, Ye Wuque had already had this emotion in his heart.

There is no fear, only shock, no fear, only excitement.

In the past, he once took the "Road to the Heavenly and Wild Taoist God", and finally fought to the end, won the supreme glory, became the "Tianhuang Taoist God", and left his name on the Tianhuang Taoist Monument.

It was an exciting and **** experience. He kept fighting, kept moving forward, and faced off against various masters until he rose to the top. It was an unforgettable experience for him.

Now, how could he not be excited when he heard about the "Road to the Taoist God" again, and it was very likely that it was a road to the Taoist God at a higher level than the "Tianhuang Taoist God"?

Ye Wuque did not deny this.

It's just that he is currently carrying a vital task and has limited time. He cannot do as he pleases and must focus on the overall situation, so he has not revealed anything about it.

"The information about the evil girl Qi Tian is most likely true. This ancient road of reincarnation is a branch of a lost road to Taoism and God!"

"Their greatest desire must be to fight back!"

"That is to say, on this ancient road, there may be a way to return to the main road of Taoism..."

Ye Wuque's eyes became deeper and deeper, and the mysterious mountain peaks ahead seemed more and more unknown in his eyes.

Without staying for too long, Ye Wuque quickly headed towards the mysterious mountain peak.

Soon, the mysterious mountain peak was close at hand.

Only then did I realize that this mysterious mountain was very majestic, and the silver mountain gave people an inexplicable dazzling look.

"Brother, this mountain looks a little weird!" The little fat man suddenly said.


"I seem to smell a terrible smell of blood, as if this is a magic mountain!" The little fat man said with a hint of solemnity.

At this moment, Ye Wuque had arrived at the foot of the mountain.

The smell of blood?

He hasn't smelled it yet, but he doesn't doubt the fat man's words.

There is no doubt about the miraculous powers of the Tianling clan. The little fat man's spiritual sense is also extremely sharp. Coupled with his special talent, he must have sensed something.



Suddenly, a strange roar came from the seemingly dead mountain, like the sound of some kind of running water, vague and uneven.


"Brother! Look! This mountain is... bleeding!" The little fat man screamed strangely.

Ye Wuque also noticed it immediately!

He clearly saw that on the silver mountain, liquid suddenly began to seep from the inside out!

These liquids are dark red, but exude a strong smell of blood. It is blood!

In just a few breaths, the entire mountain, which was originally silver, was dyed red with dark red blood, as if transformed, it turned into a dark red blood mountain!

Rivers of blood!

Shocking, weird and horrifying.

That gurgling roar was like something weird sucking crazily and greedily!

The disgusting smell of blood assaulted the nostrils, rendering this place like a **** hell.

"A very ancient and evil aura seems to be emanating from the inside out, as if there is a terrifying evil spirit wrapped inside the mountain..." Ye Wuque's eyes were like daggers, and he calmed down at this moment.

The next moment, he moved, heading straight up the mountain road at his feet, toward the top of the mountain.

This mountain peak also lies in front of the ancient road of reincarnation, and one must climb it before moving forward.

Step, step, step!

The sound of Ye Wuque's footsteps climbing the mountain was very clear, breaking the dead silence here, but as he continued to move forward, he actually left a series of bright red **** footprints!

Thick, weird, fishy smell.

"What the **** is this place! It's so disgusting!" The little fat man was a little disgusted.

Ye Wuque looked back at the **** footprints he had stepped on. The ground was covered with dark red thick blood, which made people feel numb.

But strangely, after he walked up the mountain road, the roars from the Taoist Road suddenly disappeared in his ears.

Ye Wuque looked calm as he continued to move towards the top of the mountain.


He saw some scattered skeletons on both sides of the mountain road leading to the top of the mountain.

Almost all of these skeletons were twisted and mutilated, as if they had suffered great torture before death.

"For a long time, among the creatures of the nine ancient worlds, there must have been powerful Star Lords who came here and came to this mysterious mountain, but some of them were buried here, and their bodies were not intact..." Ye Without a word.

The entire Blood Mountain was eerily silent, with only the sound of Ye Wuque climbing and walking.

The weird "puff, plop, plop" sound made by your feet stepping on the thick blood makes your scalp numb.

The closer you get to the top of the mountain, the fewer bones there are on both sides.

Until Ye Wuque took another step forward, the top of the mountain was finally close at hand, and he reached the top of the mysterious mountain.

During the entire process, no accidents occurred, and no terrifying creatures appeared. It was eerily quiet, and only the dark red blood trickling out of the mountain told a strange and terrifying feeling.

On the top of the mountain, it was completely empty.

There seemed to be nothing, but strangely, there was no blood on the ground on the top of the mountain, but it was very clean.

Ye Wuque's blood-stained feet gently stepped into it, seeming to bring a strange red color to the place.

But at this moment, Ye Wuque's eyes had already froze slightly!

He looked ahead!

Straight ahead!

In front of his sight, in the center of the mountaintop, stood an extremely ancient altar.

Mottled and dilapidated, it seems that it has been eroded by the years and has existed for too long.

And the reason why Ye Wuque's eyes were fixed...

It's because this ancient altar presents... eight colors!

It is an eight-color altar made up of eight different colors!

Ye Wuque remembered it very clearly!

At first.

On his way out of Bahuang, he once saw an eight-color altar!

It was also on the Bacai altar that his title of Taoist God of Heaven was reflected, and then he got the "Seed of Trial", and he almost participated in the ultimate trial of Bahuang!

Regardless of its shape or size, that eight-color altar is strikingly different from the eight-color altar in front of you...

Exactly the same!

For a moment, Ye Wuque's heart was in turmoil again!

Could it be...


Suddenly, the little fat man shouted loudly, and the big iron rod flew up directly, pointing to a place behind the eight-color altar!

"I have discovered you! Get out of here!"

But the little fat man's warning seemed to be useless, and no living being came out.

But in the next moment!

A strange hoarse voice suddenly resounded, as if carrying the vicissitudes and evils of endless years, echoing throughout the mountain top, seemingly everywhere!

"You finally came…"

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