I saw a short-haired, round-faced, slightly fat young man standing helplessly in front of a middle-aged man in a Taoist robe and begging: "Master, please give me another chance. I will never make the same mistake again next time!"

"Wu Xiaopang, you are no longer a disciple of my Lingxian Sect. Leave the sect immediately and stop making trouble!"

"Master, I know that you are unhappy because I haven't paid the tribute recently. But I am really short of money recently. Please give me some more time. Next month, next month I will definitely make up for it with the spiritual stones!!"

"What nonsense are you talking about!"

The middle-aged man in the Taoist robe changed his face when he heard this.

He quickly looked around and found that Zhang Yun and Mu Sheng were just walking up the mountain road. His face twitched and he quickly grabbed the fat boy's hand: "Come with me!"

He wanted to leave immediately.


But a voice suddenly sounded.

The middle-aged man in the Taoist robe paused and looked at Zhang Yun who spoke with a smile: "Is there something wrong with the Nine... Nine Elders?"

Zhang Yun ignored him. At this moment, his eyes were attracted by the fat boy next to him.

[Wu Xiaopang]

Qualification: Saint level. Overlord Holy Body (not awakened); inferior spiritual root (can be transformed into holy spiritual root)

Realm: First level of Qi Refining

Practice method: Surge Spirit Technique (low-level practice method)

Combat skills: Surge Spirit Fist

Defects: First, the holy level qualification is not developed, and the Overlord Holy Body is not awakened. Second, the practice method gathers spiritual energy at the back of the neck, making it the vital point. Third...

Cultivation suggestions: Help him obtain the Overlord Qi to activate the Overlord Holy Body, and change his practice method...


Holy level qualification? Overlord Holy Body?

Zhang Yun was surprised.

This is the second disciple he has met with such qualifications.

On the side, Mu Sheng frowned slightly when he saw Zhang Yun calling the two middle-aged men in Taoist robes.

He heard the conversation between the latter two, which clearly revealed that the middle-aged man in Taoist robes had received the spiritual stones from the fat boy.

The master received the spiritual stones from the apprentice. If you think about it a little, you can guess the trick. If this matter gets out, it will have a great impact on their main peak!

"Ninth Elder, this matter is an internal matter of our sect master peak, we will handle it ourselves!"

Mu Sheng immediately spoke up and said to the middle-aged man in Taoist robes in a deep voice: "Go back and wait for notification!"

The middle-aged man in Taoist robes turned pale when he heard this.

He cursed his bad luck and was actually caught by Mu Sheng, the sect master's disciple. He looked at Wu Xiaopang with some resentment: "You are not my disciple anymore, get out!"


Wu Xiaopang wanted to say something else.

But the middle-aged man in Taoist robes had already left without looking back.

"Leave the sect yourself!"

Mu Sheng said lightly.

Wu Xiaopang trembled and his face turned pale.

Is his dream of cultivating immortals coming to an end just at the beginning?

Not many people know how much effort he has put in to cultivate. As a low-grade spiritual root, he was not favored by others since the beginning of cultivation. Whether it was outsiders or family members, they all advised him to be an ordinary person honestly and not to have any hope for cultivation.

But he was unwilling.

When he was young, he almost died in the mouth of a monster in a mountain forest. At the critical moment, a monk wearing shining golden armor came and cut the monster several meters tall with one knife, and floated away...

That scene was deeply imprinted in his mind, and it is still vivid in his mind.

Since then, cultivating immortals has become his dream.

For this dream, he did not hesitate to quarrel with his family and ran away from home. He paid all the price and finally asked for help from Lingxian Sect, becoming a middle-aged registered disciple in Taoist robes as a deacon.

I was looking forward to officially embarking on the path of cultivating immortals, but for half a year, the other party did not teach him anything else except teaching him a low-level technique. Instead, he arranged a bunch of chores for him to do every day, and he had to pay a sum of spirit stones as offerings and tuition every month.

Although it was different from his expectations, he still resolutely completed every chore required by the other party. He hoped that his efforts would be seen by the other party and his registered status would be removed.

But the final result was that just because he failed to pay the spirit stones on time this month, the other party picked out a small mistake he made when completing the chores and wanted to expel him...

Wu Xiaopang bit his lips tightly, feeling indescribably aggrieved.

Seeing that he didn't move, Mu Sheng was a little unhappy: "Why are you still standing there? Leave quickly. We don't allow outsiders in our sect master's peak!"

Wu Xiaopang trembled when he heard the words, lowered his head bitterly, and took a step.

As soon as he took a step, he felt his calves soften and his body fell forward uncontrollably.


Just as he was about to fall, a strong hand supported him: "Your name is Wu Xiaopang, right? Are you interested in joining my ninth peak?"

The gentle voice in his ear made Wu Xiaopang stunned, and he looked up at Zhang Yun who was supporting him beside him, a little dazed.

Seeing this, Mu Sheng frowned and said in a deep voice: "Ninth Elder, this is the internal affairs of our main peak, you'd better not interfere!"

"Who interfered with your internal affairs?"

Zhang Yun rolled his eyes and said: "I like this young man and want to take him as a disciple, is it not okay?"


Mu Sheng grinned, who would believe it?

Although he was not familiar with this Wu Xiaopang, since he could only become a nominal disciple by worshipping a deacon, and it seemed that he relied on spending spirit stones to get in, it was enough to see how poor his qualifications were.

In his opinion, Zhang Yun wanted to take Wu Xiaopang, most likely to ask him more details about the granting and receiving of spirit stones by Deacon Li.

Mu Sheng said in a deep voice: "Ninth Elder, this matter concerns the reputation of our main peak. If the matter is really made a big deal, Master will also be unhappy!"

"Whatever you think!"

Zhang Yun was too lazy to talk to him, and looked at Wu Xiaopang with a smile on his face: "Are you interested? You should have heard of my name. Although there were some mistakes during the cultivation process, at least I have had successful experience. Now I have one Disciple, if you join, you will be my second disciple!"

"You...you want to accept me as an official disciple?"

Wu Xiaopang’s face was filled with disbelief.

He had heard the name of the Ninth Elder, a strange elder who had cultivated himself to the point of becoming obsessed and his cultivation had regressed.

But so what?

No matter how bad he is, he is still an elder! Moreover, the other party wants to accept him as his second disciple, which means he is a formal disciple, not a registered disciple!


Zhang Yun nodded.

"Yes! I am willing to join the Ninth Peak!!"

Wu Xiaopang did not hesitate, fearing that Zhang Yun would regret it, so he quickly performed a apprenticeship ceremony: "Master, please bow to me as a disciple!"

"Okay! From today on, you are my disciple, Zhang Yun!"

Zhang Yun was all smiles.

Mu Sheng frowned on the side.

He has already said it so clearly, Zhang Yun still wants to accept it?

Do you really have a crush on this Fatty Wu?

He looked at Xiaopang Wu, and a trace of disgust flashed in his eyes.

If nothing else, the other person's figure is not what a normal monk should have. Generally, after practicing Reiki, the impurities in the body will be washed away, and the body will become well-proportioned. This fat Wu is still so fat, so there must be something wrong with him.

It is often more difficult for such people to practice cultivation!

Zhang Yun accepted this apprentice, how about fun?

Ignoring Mu Sheng, Zhang Yun smiled and said: "Little Fatty, Master, I have something to deal with now. You go directly to the Ninth Peak, your senior brother is there. After Master has finished handling the matter, I will find you when I return. !”

"Okay, Master!"

Wu Xiaopang nodded, swept away the previous gloom, and headed towards the ninth peak happily.

After Zhang Yun watched the other party leave with a smile, he continued walking towards the sect leader's peak, humming a tune leisurely and in a good mood.

These two disciples were a complete surprise to him!

Mu Sheng, who was standing next to him, was speechless for a while.

Are you so happy to accept named disciples that even the deacons don’t want?

Sure enough, the rumors were right, this girl is a weirdo!

At the top of the Sect Master's Peak, in the magnificent Sect Master's Hall.

When Zhang Yun arrived, he found that besides him, there were many elders from the Lingxian Sect present. Including Mengzhong.

Seeing Zhang Yun's arrival, Meng Zhong snorted softly.

Zhang Yun ignored the other party and couldn't help but look at the leader of the Lingxian Sect, who was sitting on the main seat above the hall and wearing a purple Taoist robe.

"Ninth Elder, take a seat!"

The leader of Lingxian Sect said calmly.

Zhang Yun nodded and found a random seat in the hall to sit down.

He glanced at the elders in the field and thought in his mind.

I thought that the leader of Lingxian Sect was looking for him alone, but he didn't expect that other elders were also called. Judging from this posture, he has something to announce.

"Seeing that all the elders of your sect have basically arrived, fellow Taoist Lingxian, it's time for my guest to appear, right?"

Shortly after Zhang Yun arrived, a hearty laughter suddenly came from outside the sect leader's hall.

Everyone was startled.

Outside the main hall, a strong man wearing a black and gold robe walked in.

As soon as this person entered the sect master's hall, the invisible aura emanating from him made the temperature in the entire hall seem to drop a few degrees.

The air became a little depressing.

Zhang Yun only felt his breathing was slightly suffocated, and looked at the strong man in surprise.

Nascent Soul stage!

This feeling was only brought to him by the leader of the Lingxian Sect who was in the Nascent Soul Stage. Is the strong man in black gold robe in front of me a Yuanying stage monk?

The elders of the Lingxian Sect present also felt this depression, and they all looked shocked.

"Fellow Taoist Nanshan, this is my Lingxian Sect!"

But soon, with a faint voice, Zhang Yun and the elders of Lingxian Sect felt their bodies lighten, and the sense of depression disappeared.

"Fellow Lingxian Daoist, don't mind. This sect is just joking with the elders of your sect!"

The strong man in black gold robe smiled at the leader of Lingxian Sect, calmed down his breath, looked at Zhang Yun and other Lingxian Sect elders and said: "You elders may not have met with this sect. We took office three years ago, and this is The leader of the Nanshan Sect!”

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