Return ten thousand times, I have no taboos in accepting disciples

Secret Realm Chapter 111 We meet again so soon!

"This token has been connected to the Sea Witch inheritance and cannot be connected to the second inheritance!"

In front of a wizard statue between a lake, Zhang Yun looked at the information on the token, and his smile froze.

I followed the lead all the way, and I was happy that there was no one here at the statue, but...

"What does it mean to be unable to connect to the second inheritance?"

Zhang Yun's eyes suddenly widened.

Isn't this making trouble with him?

What a steal!

His excitement suddenly cooled down.

MMP, the high priest of the Sea Witch Fairy Kingdom is definitely mentally ill!

Do you want to create a rule that connects this token with the inheritance?

What, you said that the high priest is a fair person and wants to give an inheritance benefit to one person?

Believe it or not!

This guy is thinking about possessing a spirit and seizing someone else's body, and will create a ghost inheritance!

Zhang Yun really couldn't understand the brain circuit of this high priest.

By creating such a secret realm, it can be understood that the other party is delaying time for the spirit body that is possessed by everyone in the shadow. After all, the other party's spirit body needs time to grow.

But since we have to delay time, why do we have such a ghost rule?

After doing this, everyone knows each other's coordinates, wouldn't it just speed up the process?

More importantly, what good does it do for possessed people to fight each other?

Zhang Yun didn't understand, but was very unhappy.

Glancing at the shadow at his feet, he saw that the spirit body had grown to the sixth level of the foundation building stage.

He thought it was quite fast at first, but now he feels it is too slow!

Damn it, he wants to swallow the damn high priest’s spirit body right now! !

Seeing that the statue in front of him has inheritance and cannot be taken, this feeling that the treasure mountain can only be seen in front of him makes Zhang Yun extremely uncomfortable.


At this moment, an idea suddenly flashed in his mind, and he murmured to himself: "My token is connected, but other people who entered still have many tokens that are not connected, right?"

According to the information on the stone tablet when I came in before, there are a total of sixty-six passages, which means that up to sixty-six people can come in with wizard tokens.

I don’t know if there will be anyone in the future, just count the people in front of him.

At present, apart from him, only five entrants have connected to obtain the inheritance essence and blood of the God Transformation Stage, which means that there are at least 32 people whose tokens have not been connected.

He can't use his own token now, he can use the tokens of those who are not connected!

Thinking of this, his eyes lit up again.

But looking for someone...

Zhang Yun immediately shook his head.

In this case, he probably doesn't need to look for it. His coordinates have been exposed, someone should come looking for him!

When he thought of this, he immediately unfolded the spirit stone and swept it around.

This sweep made him smile!

The lake he was in at the moment was deep in a forest, and in his spiritual consciousness, a weak aura that was deliberately restrained was approaching him little by little from the woods a few hundred meters away.

"It came just in time!"

Licking the corners of his mouth, Zhang Yun sensed the breath approaching within a hundred meters of him, and immediately took out his command brush and wrote the word "speed".


His entire body instantly turned into a bolt of lightning and shot out.

Among the woods.

"I hope it won't be the Nascent Soul stage!"

The Great Elder of Jihuodong could already see the statue between the lakes through the trees, as well as the figure who was obviously the entrant No. 39 standing in front of the statue, and he prayed secretly in his heart.

As long as he is not in the Nascent Soul stage, he is sure of a fight and has a high probability of winning.

Inheritance of the Divine Transformation Stage...

He couldn't help but drool just thinking about it.

If he can get it, his breakthrough to the Nascent Soul stage will be just around the corner!

Isn't that what I'm trying to do when I break in and have a fight?

Don’t be in the Nascent Soul stage! Don’t be in the Nascent Soul stage!

The great elder of Jihuodong kept thinking silently in his heart.

Suddenly, a strong gust of wind came towards him, causing his expression to change suddenly, and he quickly ducked to one side.

I saw a wave of sword energy almost grazing his body, cutting off the corners of his clothes.

"Nascent Soul stage? No, this breath..."

The Great Elder of Jihuodong felt a chill in his heart. He quickly sensed something and slowly turned his head.

"It turns out it's you. I didn't expect to meet again so soon!"

Zhang Yun's familiar smiling face caught his eye.

" it you?"

The great elder of Jihuodong opened his mouth.

Well, it’s indeed not the Nascent Soul stage!

But why is this guy Mao! ?

The corner of the Jihuodong elder's mouth twitched.

Without thinking, he turned around and ran away.

Previously, he didn't dare to join forces with four peak Golden Core level players, but now he didn't have to choose when facing Zhang Yun alone.

At the same time, he couldn't help but curse himself.

Should have thought of it earlier!

He was number 40 when he entered the secret realm. As for entrant No. 39, isn't it Zhang Yun who entered before him and four others?

It's just that he always held a trace of luck in his heart, thinking that the order might be out of order!

After all, if something goes wrong, the entrants ranked so low are most likely to be in the Golden Core stage. Although he had been entangled and fighting with the eleven and three killers in the cave before, during the process, he sensed some golden elixir stage aura passing outside the cave, following the footsteps of those at the Nascent Soul stage rushing to the deepest place.

Therefore, those who came in were at the Golden Core stage, and there were quite a few of them!

If these golden elixir stages were true, he would be sure to steal the inheritance of the divine transformation stage from the other party. This temptation made him guess that it might be Zhang Yun, but he still had a chance.

It's just a fluke, it's a fluke after all.

At this moment, the Great Elder of Jihuodong's only thought was to escape.

But how could Zhang Yun let the token fly away?

He directly commanded the brush and the upgraded version of Qingyuan Step to reach full speed and caught up with the opponent in an instant.


Under the screams of the great elder of Jihuodong, he fell to the ground with a sword.

"Ninth Elder of the Lingxian Sect, we have no grievances or enmities, why do you want to kill us all?"

The Great Elder of Jihuodong covered his injured shoulder and shouted.


Zhang Yun was too lazy to talk nonsense with him and directly extended his hand.

The Great Elder of Jihuodong was stunned for a moment, then quickly realized what he was doing and quickly handed over his wizard token.

Zhang Yun took the token and showed no resistance to him, but just in case, he waved to the elder of Jihuodong: "Come with me!"


The great elder of Jihuodong was at a loss.


Zhang Yun didn't waste any time and directly slashed out a small wave of sword energy.


The collar of the Great Elder of Jihuodong brushed across his neck, and a clear bloodstain appeared.


The Great Elder of Jihuodong suddenly screamed, feeling as if his neck had been cut off once.

"Shut up!"

Zhang Yun drank deeply.

The Great Elder of Jihuodong trembled and quickly closed his mouth of surprise.

"I don't want to repeat it again, come here or die!"

Zhang Yun said indifferently and walked towards the wizard statue.

The great elder of Jihuodong twitched his lips, but still followed.

Come to the statue.

Zhang Yun ignored the elder Jihuodong and tried to put the opponent's No. 40 token on the statue staff.

Buzz! !

The statue staff suddenly glowed.

Zhang Yun raised his eyebrows.

It seems that there is no need to place it in person for the corresponding entrant, as long as you get the token.

This is easy to handle!

Next, just grab those tokens that are not connected to the inheritance blood of the Transformation Stage, and you can get more inheritances from the Transformation Stage!

The statue in front of him quickly shattered into pieces and turned into a ball of blood.

Zhang Yun immediately took out a large empty jade bottle to collect the essence and blood, and was about to put it into the storage ring...


An astonishing wave of metallic spiritual energy suddenly swept down from above.

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