Return ten thousand times, I have no taboos in accepting disciples

Secret Realm Chapter 125: Alarmed by Witch Power

A Yuanying stage monk just... died like this?

The two Guanqing Pavilion elders widened their eyes in disbelief, as if looking at a monster, looking at Zhang Yun who walked out of the tree hole.

"So fierce?"

Zhang Yun looked a little surprised on his face when he saw the middle-aged man in white robe being blown up on the spot.

However, I was not too surprised to feel the density of witchcraft power around me at this moment.

This place is simply a wizard’s paradise!

Although his current wave of pulling only used less than 50% of his power, its energy density was enough to be comparable to the full blow of a Nascent Soul stage Dacheng monk.

He stretched out his hand and collected the storage ring and other items dropped by the white-robed monk from afar.

"Two stages of divine transformation inheritance?"

Zhang Yun was surprised when he found two large bottles of blood essence inside.

He thought the white-robed monk would be the owner of token No. 2, but he didn't expect it to be No. 3.

In this way, Token No. 2 is their sect leader or the third floor owner of Aurora Tower.

"Then it seems that No. 2 is the owner of the third floor of Aurora Building!"

Zhang Yun was determined for a moment.

After all, with the strength of their sect leader, it was impossible to get a inheritance until now.

Put away the loot.

"From Guanqing Pavilion?"

Zhang Yun looked at the two people next to him. The elder's robes running through the Qing Pavilion were very conspicuous.

Seeing him looking over, the expressions of the two Guanqing Pavilion elders changed. I wanted to run away, but I didn't dare to move my feet.

After all, even the Nascent Soul stage was easily crushed. If the monster in front of them wanted to kill them, it would probably be just a matter of a few clicks.

"Didn't your body be taken away?"

Seeing the fearful expressions on the two men's faces, Zhang Yun raised his eyebrows slightly and looked at their shadows.

【High Priest Spirit】

Status: Peak of growth stage (will enter mature stage in three minutes)

【High Priest Spirit】

Status: Peak of growth stage...

Sure enough, they all still have spiritual bodies, and they are all in the stage of maturity.

Zhang Yun's eyes lit up, these are all soul tonics!

I have just absorbed the inherited memory of the sea witch, and now I just need to replenish it.

By the way, where is the spirit body in the Nascent Soul stage just now?

Suddenly thinking of something, Zhang Yun looked around and found no shadow, and immediately spread his spiritual consciousness around.

A few dozen meters away, there was a shadow that looked like a small snake, escaping quickly into the distance.

Zhang Yun narrowed his eyes and immediately raised his hand, and a force of witchcraft was pressed down from the air.


With a scream, the shadow suddenly appeared as a spirit body under the pressure of witchcraft.

【High Priest Spirit】

Status: mature stage

Zhang Yun thought to himself, Sure enough, he hummed softly: "I almost got away from you!"

Immediately, he stepped forward and directly wrapped the spirit body with witchcraft power.

But I found that although the spirit body was in pain, it could still struggle.

"It seems that the suppression of Wuli is not enough!"

Zhang Yun raised his eyebrows and immediately released his aura of return.


The spirit body that was still struggling suddenly trembled violently, and screamed in agony.

"It must be my return energy!"

Zhang Yun curled his lips and immediately wrapped the spirit body with the returning energy, kneading it for a while.

"Stop! I am the big one...ah!!"

Under the scream of the spirit body, it was quickly kneaded into a dough shape.

Take one bite and it will be chewy and glutinous.

Sure enough, this dough shape tastes the best!

"You bastard! How dare you treat me like food...ahhhhh-!!"

Ignoring the roar of the spirit body, Zhang Yun chewed most of it in one bite.

Suddenly sensing something, he immediately turned around and waved his hand.

Snapped! Snapped!

A heavy witchcraft force immediately pressed the two Guanqing Pavilion elders to the ground. However, it was not them that Zhang Yun was pressing down on, but the two spirits that were trying to escape in the shadows beside them.

In a flash, he came to the two elders of Guanqing Pavilion.

"don't want!!"

The expressions of the latter two changed drastically.

But after waiting for a while, I found that there was no heavy attack.

"Ah!" "Ah!"

On the other hand, two screams suddenly sounded around them.

The two of them were stunned.

Only then did they realize that two spiritual bodies had appeared beside them. At this moment, Zhang Yun stepped on them one by one.

"I thought you wouldn't come out, but I didn't expect that you would accelerate your growth independently. Just mature and run away..."

Seeing that the state of the two spiritual bodies changed from the peak of the growth stage to the mature stage, Zhang Yun couldn't help but smile.

Originally, I wanted to wait for a while, but I didn't expect that these two spirits wanted to escape, and they accelerated their growth in the past few minutes to run away.

"Let us go quickly, do you know that we..."

"Okay, okay, I know you are the high priest!"

Zhang Yun interrupted them directly.

" know?"

The two spirits were stunned.

Zhang Yun rolled his eyes.

I found that the spirits emitted by the high priest were a bit stupid.

One by one, they found that they could not be beaten and began to identify themselves. The point is, your identity is not a deterrent at all, right?

Now the sea witch fairy kingdom is gone. No matter how glorious the high priest once was, it is just a passing cloud.

"Don't worry, I'll eat you right away!"

Zhang Yun quickly gnawed the small half of the dough in his hand, and then started kneading the two spirits, one with his left hand and one with his right hand.

"Asshole, stop it!!"

Ignoring the two roaring spirits, Zhang Yun quickly kneaded them into two pieces of dough.

Pick it up and chew it.


After chewing one piece, Zhang Yun burped, feeling that his soul was full and did not take another bite for a while.

"Put it away first, and let Ming'er and the others taste it when we get out!"

Thinking like this, Zhang Yun directly wrapped the spirit body with a layer of returning energy, put it into a container and put it away.

The two elders of Guanqing Pavilion next to him had already been stunned.

What is this spirit body?

How could he appear from their shadow?

The most important thing is, Zhang Yun actually kneaded the spirit body into dough and chewed it as food?

Zhang Yun glanced at them, stretched out his hand, and the two witch powers suddenly condensed into two blades and placed them on their necks, and said: "Submit or die, choose one!"


The two Guanqing Pavilion elders were stunned.

Zhang Yun didn't talk nonsense, and the blade formed by witchcraft touched their necks.

"Surrender! We surrender!!"

The feeling that their necks were about to be cut made the two Guanqing Pavilion elders shout out.

Zhang Yun didn't waste any time, and directly injected one or two Heart Pressing Techniques into their hearts with one palm.

"A little way to control you!"

Facing the horrified and confused looks of the two Guanqing pavilions, Zhang Yun explained lightly.

The two Guanqing Pavilion elders turned pale.

Zhang Yun didn't care what they thought and said to himself: "Continue to be your Guanqing Pavilion elder. I will contact you if anything happens!"

After saying that, he threw a special sound transmission stone to each of the two Guanqing Pavilion elders, and then headed forward.

He looked at the two elders of Guanqing Pavilion. They were at the peak of their cultivation at the Golden Core stage and could barely make do. The most important thing is the elder of Guanqing Pavilion. This identity may be useful in the future.

Since he planned to recruit a group of people to help him do things, Zhang Yun wouldn't mind accepting anyone he could.

It's a pity to think of the middle-aged man in white robe just now.

There is still a big gap between the Nascent Soul stage and the Golden Core stage.

Later, you might be able to find an opportunity to take two Nascent Soul Stages to work as a servant.

Just as Zhang Yun moved forward, he was in the main hall in the center of the desolate ancient city.

"Witch power?"

The high priest looked in the direction of Zhang Yun with a little surprise in his eyes.

As a wizard high priest, he is extremely sensitive to witchcraft. I just felt clearly that someone was using witchcraft power in that direction, and the amount used was quite large!

"who is it?"

The high priest was surprised.

Those who can use witchcraft power must be witch cultivators. And with such a large amount, the strength of this witch cultivator is at least as high as the Nascent Soul stage!

The high priest looked gloomy.

With this kind of witch cultivator entering, it would be more difficult for him to deal with than the previous ten or eight Nascent Soul stage ones.

We must confirm the identity of the visitor!

Thinking of him waving his staff, several phantoms condensed with witchcraft power condensed.


With a wave of his hand, several phantoms rushed out of the hall and flew in the direction of Zhang Yun.

At the same time, some distance away from the ancient city.

There was a toad standing on his shoulder, and the stooped man in black robes looked in the direction of Zhang Yun with focused eyes.

"The high priest took action?"

He wasn't sure.

But with the character of the high priest, he should not leave the ancient city...

Could it be that other witch cultivators entered?

The ricket man in black robe narrowed his eyes and couldn't help but let out a weird smile: "Jie Jie, it's getting more and more interesting!"

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