The third floor owner of Aurora Building's pupils shrank.

"Third floor master, it seems you are very anxious to die!"

Zhang Yun's faint laughter suddenly came from his ears.

The face of the third floor owner of Aurora Building suddenly changed. Zhang Yun, who was still in the center of the hall a second ago, was already beside him this second.

Before he even had time to react, his eyes were filled with dark blue witchcraft like a vast ocean.

"Then just go die..."

Following Zhang Yun's faint voice.

Peng——! !

There was an explosion, and the third floor owner of Aurora Tower couldn't even resist. His whole body was crushed into a ball of blood mist by the deep blue witch's power and exploded.

The whole process was lightning-fast.

By the time Gu Hongwen and the others reacted, they had already seen the scene of the third floor master of Jiguang Building exploding.

For a moment, his mouth was wide open in shock.


A powerful Nascent Soul Stage Dacheng monk died like this! !

Looking at Zhang Yun, their eyes were filled with horror.

What kind of strength does this guy have?

"High Priest, I didn't expect you to look like this!"

Zhang Yun looked at the high priest with four limbs and an old face, raised his eyebrows slightly and spoke.

Seeing him, the high priest's expression condensed and he raised his left staff without saying a word.

Buzz! !

The staff that was originally out of order, now that Zhang Yun came out, obviously regained its function. A sea of ​​magical power surged out directly, forming a waterspout that swept out.


Upon seeing this, Zhang Yun was about to take action when Wu Haihai in his arms suddenly shouted and rushed forward.


Before he could react, Wu Haihai had already rushed in front of the huge Wuli waterspout.

"court death!"

Seeing that the baby in Zhang Yun's arms dared to meet his waterspout, a cold look flashed across the eyes of the high priest.

Just waiting to see Wu Haihai's small body exploded, however...

The moment the huge waterspout touched Wu Haihai's small hand, it suddenly stopped, as if frozen, and actually stopped directly in the void.


The high priest stared in shock: "How is that possible?"

Gu Hongwen and the three priests on the side also looked confused.

How could a baby actually hold such a huge magical waterspout?


At this time, Wu Haihai screamed and pushed forward with his little palm.


Immediately, the huge witchcraft waterspout swept up again, but this time it did not rush in the direction of Wu Haihai and Zhang Yun, but in the direction of the high priest.

"not good!"

The high priest's expression changed suddenly, but he had no time to hide. The entire door was directly hit by the magic waterspout. It hit the side wall of the main hall directly, and the entire iron door was embedded in it, with some cracks in the door body.

Gu Hongwen and the three priests were stunned.

Did they read that correctly?

A baby actually rebounded the high priest's attack and knocked him down?

Zhang Yun couldn't help laughing when he saw this, but he wasn't too surprised.

His four disciples were reincarnated witch immortals. They had just learned how to use the sea witch cultivation method once before, and they had sucked up a large area of ​​the sea of ​​witch power. It is naturally easy to deal with such a magic waterspout now.

"Haihai, good job!"

He immediately gave a thumbs up, stepped forward and touched Wu Haihai's little head.


Wu Haihai shouted happily, and his little hand suddenly pointed at the high priest embedded in the wall.

Buzz! Buzz!

Two waves of waves emerged, and the two staffs held tightly by the high priest's iron gate flew out forcibly at this moment.

"Don't even think about taking my staff!!"

The high priest was not dead but just a little dizzy. He felt someone trying to snatch the staff from his hands and quickly grabbed them tightly.

But the two staffs seemed to have encountered something extremely attractive, and they took the initiative to burst out with magical power and break away from the hands of the "master" of the high priest, and flew towards Wu Haihai.

The high priest was shocked.

These two staffs both recognize their owners, how could this happen?

He doesn't believe it!

I couldn't help but yell: "Come back! Come back to me with my staff quickly!!"

But the two staffs ignored him at all.

Wu Haihai, who flew all the way, was like two servants, floating on the left and right beside him.


Wu Haihai smiled happily when he saw this, and immediately turned his head and pointed at the shoulders of the three priests.

The expressions of the three priests changed upon seeing this.

Guagua! !

But the toad on his shoulder was not under his control at all. It had already leapt out and jumped under Wu Haihai very docilely.

Wu Haihai sat down directly on it, as if he had got a fun toy, and cried out happily, "Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeally!"

Gu Hongwen next to him was stunned.

The two staffs of the high priest and the toads on the shoulders of the three priests had produced extremely terrifying effects in previous battles. Especially the staff in the left hand of the high priest, which was left by the Witch Fairy.

At this moment, these three treasures actually flew to the baby in front of me?

Zhang Yun also raised his eyebrows slightly, and couldn't help but look at the Immortal Eye Jue——

[Witch Fairy Staff (Space)]

Level: Immortal Weapon (Part)

Equipment skill: Witch Sea Space - contains a sea of ​​witch power energy, which can be released at any time to form various witch power offensives, and at the same time collect various living things.

Introduction: One of the seven major components of the magic weapon, the Witch Fairy Staff. It has the ability to control the Witch Fairy City. It was forged by the Witch Fairy himself and divided into seven parts using the magic power...

Repair method: Gather seven staffs and use witchcraft to fuse them to restore them to a complete immortal weapon.

[Witch Immortal Staff (Array)]

Level: Immortal Weapon (Component)

Weapon Skill: Array Control - Place this staff in most arrays to read the array content and control the array in a short time.

Introduction: One of the seven components of the immortal weapon, the witch immortal staff...

[Witch Immortal Staff (Transformation)]

Level: Immortal Weapon (Component)

Weapon Skill: Transformation - Can transform into various creatures and gain different abilities.

"Immortal Weapon?"

Zhang Yun was shocked.

In the Immortal Dao Continent, weapons are mainly sharp weapons and spiritual weapons, but above spiritual weapons there are holy weapons and immortal weapons. But these two levels of weapons are almost legendary.

At least in the Southern Region, such weapons have not appeared for hundreds of years.

The staff in front of me is actually a part of an immortal weapon!

But it doesn't seem strange to think about it. After all, this is an immortal weapon. Now that it is in Wu Haihai's hands, it can be regarded as returning to its original owner!

The staff flew out uncontrollably, causing the high priest to suddenly realize something. He suddenly opened his eyes and looked at Wu Haihai, " are!!"

He had only sucked Zhang Yun and the leader of the Lingxian Sect into the staff before, but there was no such baby, which meant that the baby was taken out of the Wuxian staff, and now he could make the three staffs of Wuxian City so obedient...


He couldn't help but think of these two words in his mind.

The three priests with broken legs beside him also had the same guess, and couldn't help trembling, looking at Wu Haihai in shock.

Wuxian, this is the first Wu Xiuxian born from their Sea Wuxian Kingdom tens of thousands of years ago, and Wuxian City is left by Wuxian.

But in the era of the three priests, Wuxian was already just a legend. However, there has always been a rumor in Wuxian City that Wuxian has never left Wuxian City.

Because every time a Wu Xiu breaks through the realm above the priest, the strange phenomenon left by Wuxian will appear in Wuxian City. But the people of their Sea Wuxian Kingdom mostly just regard this as a legend. At the moment...

The third priest looked at Wu Haihai with a complicated expression.

Is this baby really a Wuxian?

The high priest stared at Wu Haihai, his eyes full of fire.

Regardless of whether the guess is true or false, there is no doubt that this baby body can perfectly control the three magic wands of Wuxian City. If it can become his...


Without any hesitation, the old face of the high priest broke away from the iron gate and rushed towards Wu Haihai frantically.

He wants this baby body!

"No, let him hide..."

The third priest's face changed when he saw this, and he hurriedly wanted to remind him loudly, but he stopped talking halfway.

Just because...


A hand wrapped in pale gold energy has already grabbed the spirit body formed by the old face of the high priest one step ahead.

"In front of me, you want to take over my apprentice?"

Zhang Yun looked at the high priest indifferently, and the return energy in his hand surged.

Chi Chi...

The spirit on the face of the high priest was immediately eroded, which made his face change drastically, and he struggled hurriedly: "Let me go!!"


The returning energy in Zhang Yun's hand burst out, forcibly suppressing the other party's struggle. Then he began to knead with both hands, wrapping the spirit of the high priest with the returning energy, and skillfully kneaded it into a large dough.


Take a bite, it's actually a bit crispy.

"I didn't expect you to be so ugly, but the taste is so good!"

Looking at the high priest's spirit in the dough, which was no longer in shape, Zhang Yun was slightly surprised.

"Asshole! How dare you treat me as food, you... ah ah ah!!"

The high priest roared. But before he finished roaring, Zhang Yun had already started to nibble on the crispy 'dough' with the second bite, the third bite... one bite at a time.

Gu Hongwen and the three priests next to him were all stunned.

What the hell?

The high priest was actually gnawed as food? ?

Gu Hongwen immediately thought of the words Zhang Yun said in the previous voice transmission, "I ate two dishes and it tasted good", and his face twitched.

I thought Zhang Yun was joking, but he actually ate it!


At this time, Wu Haihai suddenly shouted.

Zhang Yun was startled, and saw Wu Haihai staring at the "dough" in his hand with fiery eyes, and raised his eyebrows slightly: "Haihai, do you want to eat?"


Wu Haihai nodded immediately.

Zhang Yun thought about it, and immediately used the return energy to cut a small piece of the "dough".


The high priest screamed miserably.

Zhang Yun ignored it and handed the small piece to Wu Haihai, "Try to eat some, if you can't eat it, spit it out immediately!"


Wu Haihai immediately took it with his little hand, with a hint of excitement on his face, and he actually used the magic power to condense a few teeth in his mouth, and bit on this small piece of the spirit.

After chewing for a while, he slowly swallowed it.

A hint of satisfaction suddenly appeared on his face.

At the same time, it was visible to the naked eye that Wu Haihai's small body had grown a little.

Zhang Yun was surprised, but he quickly reacted.

The Immortal Eye Technique gave him the training advice that he should give Wu Haihai some spiritual medicines and elixirs that can increase the soul. It seems that eating such things that increase the soul can accelerate Wu Haihai's growth.

Thinking of this, Zhang Yun looked at the remaining half of the dough and didn't chew it. He directly cut it into small pieces with the return energy and fed it to Wu Haihai.

Wu Haihai accepted everything and chewed and swallowed it mouthful by mouthful.


Being cut like this, the high priest roared in pain.


The human being in front of me is simply a demon!

They actually treated him like food, and even worse, they even shared it with him! !

The corners of Gu Hongwen and the three priests' mouths twitched.

However, they couldn't help but swallow as they looked at the spirit body that was wrapped by Zhang Yun's return energy and cut into pieces like cakes.

Not to mention whether it tastes good or not, but they can feel that this kind of spirit body can directly enhance the soul power after eating it!

After all, this is the soul of a powerful person in the transformation stage!

This also made them even more surprised by Zhang Yun.

You know, the soul of such a strong person is normally difficult to swallow. However, Zhang Yun's light golden energy can process spiritual bodies, wrap them up and use them as food.

They have never heard of this kind of energy!

Zhang Yun ignored the two of them and stared closely at Wu Haihai's changes.

As he ate the remaining spirit body of the high priest, Wu Haihai's body seemed to have grown from a small baby's body, growing to the size of a two or three-year-old child in just a few minutes.


That round face looks even cuter.

Zhang Yun couldn't help but hugged him in his arms, touched his head and said with a smile: "Haihai, call me master..."


Wu Haihai actually screamed.

Although the tone was not right, Zhang Yun couldn't help but laugh.

At the same time, he said calmly, "Where do you want to go?"

The three priests and Gu Hongwen standing aside seemed to be quietly moving towards the exit of the hall.

His expression changed after hearing his words.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

But without hesitation, the two of them immediately jumped up and ran away.

The third floor owner of Aurora Tower was instantly killed by Zhang Yun, and he ate the high priest as food.

Such a terrifying Zhang Yun filled their hearts with fear. Facing Zhang Yun, they can only run now!


They had just taken two steps out when they felt a strong wind passing by them.

React again.

Zhang Yun, holding Wu Haihai, had already appeared in front of them.

"You two, why are you leaving in such a hurry? I still want to talk to you!"

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