
Zhang Yun was startled and sensed an aura of the divine transformation stage appearing outside the hall.

"Haihai, let me borrow your staff for a moment!"

He immediately spoke to Wu Haihai.


Wu Haihai shouted immediately.

Without Zhang Yun holding it, the three staffs flew directly in front of Zhang Yun, and even the toad turned back into the staff.

"Good boy..."

Zhang Yun touched Wu Haihai's head, then immediately picked up a staff, put Wu's power into it and waved it gently.


Another loud noise came from outside the main hall, but it did not shake the main hall again. Instead, it was blocked by a layer of barrier before it was about to attack the main hall.

Because Zhang Yun used his staff to open the protective formation of the main hall.

This hall has been in disrepair for a long time, and it cannot withstand a few full-force bombardments from a god-transformation stage.

After setting up the protective formation, he immediately sensed one of the observed formation messages along the staff, and immediately waved his hand.

Buzz! !

A picture suddenly appeared in the void in front of him.

In the picture, it is the scene everywhere in Wuxian City.

At a glance, he saw one of the pictures outside the main hall. At this moment, a middle-aged man in purple robe was standing outside the main hall with a stern face, frantically bombarding the protective barrier on the main hall.

This person is clearly the leader of the Lingxian Sect!

When Gu Hongwen and the three priests saw this, they couldn't help but look at Zhang Yun.

"What do you see me doing?"

Zhang Yun was confused.

He was just wondering why the leader of Lingxian Sect was missing. When he was sucked out of the Wulihai space before, he found that the other party seemed to have disappeared. He didn't expect that he would be outside the hall now.

"Sir, Master Lingxian came out one step ahead of you."

Gu Hongwen explained, pointed to the gap above the hall and said, "But the beam of light you created when you came out just now knocked him away..."

Looking at the big hole in the ceiling, Zhang Yun said: "..."

The leader of Daqing Lingxian Sect was not present, he was the culprit.

Touched his nose.

"Those behind the scenes, get out!!"

At this time, only an angry shout was heard, and the leader of the Lingxian Sect seemed to see them through the screen.

Zhang Yun knew that the other party just sensed the breath, and immediately waved his hand with the staff.

Teleported directly outside the hall.


The leader of the Lingxian Sect, who was staring coldly at the main hall, was startled, and immediately glanced over. When he saw him, he was stunned: "Zhang...Zhang Yun?"

"Sect Master, it's me!"

Zhang Yun nodded and immediately told everything that had just happened, but he did not talk about Wu Haihai and the subjugation of Gu Hongwen and the three priests.

"Did you kill the third floor owner of Jiguang Building and the person behind the scenes?"

The leader of the Lingxian Sect was astonished after hearing this.

However, he was silent when he thought of Zhang Yun's deep breath in the Wuli Sea before, and Zhang Yun's aura that was obviously thicker than a little thicker at this moment.

The kid in front of me has become stronger again!

Zhang Yun said: "Also, Sect Master, I have found the exit of this secret realm, and I can send you out now!"

The leader of the Lingxian Sect glanced at Zhang Yun upon hearing this, and when he saw the smile on his face, he immediately understood something. He couldn't help but sigh softly and said: "Zhang Yun!"

"Sect Master, I'm here!"

Zhang Yun responded.

The leader of the Lingxian Sect expressed emotion and said: "It is not easy for the sect to develop. If you have anything that can help the sect, as an elder, please help us as much as possible!"


Zhang Yun was silent for a moment and took out a storage ring: "Sect Master, these are some resources I have harvested. They should be of some help to the sect!"

The leader of the Lingxian Sect took the storage ring and took a look at it. When he saw the two volumes of spiritual skills inside, his eyes suddenly froze.

Looking at Zhang Yun's smiling face, I was stunned, knowing that this kid was getting rich!

However, he didn't have any ideas, and immediately made a look of great relief: "Zhang Yun, the sect didn't train you in vain! I will record this sponsorship, and when you return to the sect, it will be recorded in the sect's merit book. Come on, I’ll give you a homage!”

After saying that, he flicked his sleeves and said: "Okay, let me go out!"

"Master, come with me!"

Zhang Yun immediately pushed open the door of the main hall in front of him, and saw a circular teleportation array in the front hall inside the door.

"Sect Master, you can go out through this teleportation array!"


The leader of Lingxian Sect nodded, stepped into it immediately, and was teleported out in the blink of an eye.

As soon as he left, Zhang Yun immediately rolled his eyes.

This sect leader openly wanted to ask for something from his sect elders. It was so shameless!

It just so happened that he also planned to contribute some skills to the sect.

Regardless of whether he wants to form his own force or not, he still has feelings for the Lingxian Sect, and he still hopes that the sect can become stronger.

Now the leader of the Lingxian Sect, Zhang Yun, can start working.

Immediately teleported back to the inner hall of the main hall, looked at the three priests and said: "According to what you just said, this Witch Fairy City was pushed into this secret realm. In other words, this Witch Fairy City can be moved?"


The three priests nodded and said: "Witch Fairy City can directly use the staff to control movement!"

"I see!"

Zhang Yun nodded, looked at Gu Hongwen and said, "Go and take your people outside the city!"

As he spoke, he picked up the staff and waved his hand, teleporting Gu Hongwen directly outside Wuxian City.

Then he immediately looked at the three priests, "I'm going to put the Witch Fairy City into the space of this Witch Fairy Staff. Come and help me control the mobile Witch Fairy City!"

"Put it into the staff space?"

The three priests were stunned, then frowned and said: "This staff should be filled with the sea of ​​witchcraft. I'm afraid there is no space in this wizarding city..."

"Maybe it didn't happen before, but now it does!"

Zhang Yun shrugged, and picked up the staff to take a look. He and Wu Haihai had sucked most of the Wu Lihai inside, but now it was less than a third. This large area of ​​​​vacation is enough to accommodate the entire Witch Fairy City.

In this Witch Fairy City, there are many inheritance and cultivation methods about witch cultivation, as well as some formations that can gather witch power...

These things are valuable.

Zhang Yun didn't have time to move them one by one at the moment, so he simply took the entire Witch Fairy City out. There happened to be such a space as the Witch Fairy Staff at the moment.

He said and started doing it immediately.

The three priests were left in place to control the toad staff, while Zhang Yun teleported out of the Witch Fairy City with the staff containing the Wulihai Space, and stood outside the city to open the staff.


As the majestic witchcraft power merged into the staff, a huge vortex like the bloody mouth of a prehistoric beast suddenly appeared above the staff.

Boom! !

At the same time, the entire Witch Fairy City rose up from the ground under the control of the three priests' staffs, approached the whirlpool, and soon submerged into the whirlpool bit by bit.


Not far from the Witch Fairy City, three figures were approaching and their mouths opened wide when they saw this shocking scene.


When they saw Zhang Yun holding a staff and releasing a vortex, the three of them looked shocked.

"Come here and wait!"

Zhang Yun noticed them and spoke.

These three people were none other than Xiao Qingyu, whom he had conquered, and the two Guanqing Pavilion elders.

The people who entered this secret realm this time are basically dead, because most of them were taken away by the spirit bodies separated by the high priest, and as soon as the high priest died, those separated spirit bodies also perished on their own.

Currently, the only people left alive in the secret realm are him, the three priests, Gu Hongwen, the deputy leader of the Jade Pirates and his son Gu Qi, and the three Xiao Qingyu in front of him.

It took nearly a quarter of an hour for Zhang Yun to fit the entire Huxian City into the space of the Wuxian Staff.

Although it was just a city, the consumption was really not small, even Zhang Yun had a trace of paleness on his face. As for the three priests...


At this moment, he was lying on the wasteland after the Witch Fairy City was moved. His face was pale and he was panting continuously, unable to get up.


Xiao Qingyu and three others next to him swallowed secretly when they saw this.

Just two people managed to take over such a large ancient city!

They didn't know how Zhang Yun did it. At this moment, they could only think of "monster" in their minds.

Looking at Zhang Yun for a moment, there was a hint of reverence in his eyes.

They were forced to subdue the other party before. But now that they saw each other's methods, they recognized it!

Being the servant of such a strong man may not be a bad thing for them!

"Gu Hongwen, if you don't want to go out, please slow down! I don't mind letting you and your people stay in this secret realm forever!!"

After Zhang Yun finished collecting the Witch Fairy City, he took a deep breath, opened his mouth, and let out a roar that resounded throughout the secret realm with the vibration of his witchcraft power.

This roar startled Xiao Qingyu and the other three, and they were shocked by the sound wave that rushed out without warning. They all flew more than ten meters, and fell to the surroundings in embarrassment.

Zhang Yun frowned and said calmly: "You are too weak. Break through to the Nascent Soul stage as soon as you have time. With your current strength, you are not qualified to be my servant!"

Xiao Qingyu and the others lowered their heads bitterly.

They were actually blown away by a roar, which would probably make them laugh to death if this was spread.

But I was more shocked.

What is the strength of the master in front of me? It was obvious that the aura emitted was only at the peak of the Golden Core stage, but this roar gave them a more terrifying feeling than those at the Nascent Soul stage!

"By the way, come here!"

Zhang Yun suddenly thought of something and waved to the two elders of Guanqing Pavilion.

The two Guanqing Pavilion elders immediately stepped forward.

Zhang Yun said, "I have a task for you."

"Master, please give me your instructions!"

The two said immediately.

Zhang Yun said: "When you go back, give me control of Guanqing Pavilion!"


The two Guanqing Pavilion elders were stunned and a little embarrassed, "Sir, I'm afraid..."

"Now that the master of Guanqing Pavilion and the first elder are dead, as the second elder and third elder, don't you have control over Guanqing Pavilion?"

"What! The Pavilion Master and the Great Elder are dead?"

The two Guanqing Pavilion elders stared with astonishment on their faces, "Sir, are you serious about this?"

Zhang Yun said calmly: "I killed them all!"

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