After collecting the treasures, Zhang Yun took Gu Hongwen and others out of Haixia Treasure Cave.

There are still many monks searching in various caves along the way.

Zhang Yun didn't care.

This treasure cave under the sea was specially created by the high priest. There are many treasures in order to attract people, but at this moment, most of them have been taken away. There might be a few pieces left, but he wasn't in the mood to search.

Without stopping, he rushed out of the treasure cave and came to the huge venue outside.

There were many sea beasts wandering around the venue at this time, and most of them were eating some of the corpses in the venue.

The appearance of Zhang Yun and others immediately attracted the attention of many sea beasts.

Among them was a giant shark more than ten meters long, its scarlet pupils locked directly on them.

Golden elixir stage spiritual beast.

Zhang Yun raised his eyebrows,


The giant shark roared and rushed towards them, and its bloody mouth full of sharp teeth could swallow them all in just one bite.

Zhang Yun gently raised a finger, and a dark blue magic power condensed on his fingertips.

"One finger from the sea witch!"

Just a few meters before the giant shark rushed to them, they could already smell the fishy smell.


A dazzling finger streaked across the sea water, directly penetrating the entire giant shark from head to tail.

As blood gushed out, the huge shark collapsed and turned into a corpse.

Gu Hongwen and others next to him all looked shocked.

Looking at Zhang Yun's fingers, there was a hint of fear in his eyes.

Just this one finger has already made them feel the threat of death. Gu Hongwen believed that if he faced it, his whole body would be penetrated directly like this giant shark!

"The sea witch's method?"

The three priests were shocked by Zhang Yun's method of casting spells with this finger.

Because he had seen it more than once, and that was more than two thousand years ago when the Sea Witch Fairy Kingdom was still there. One of the Sea Witch's best tricks at that time was the powerful Sea Witch's Fingerlight!

In terms of destructive power, this finger was ranked among the top ten in the Sea Witch Fairy Kingdom.

Could it be that the cloud in front of me has been inherited by the sea witch?

The three priests were thoughtful.

Zhang Yun didn't pay attention to their gazes, and raised his eyebrows slightly at this finger.

After absorbing Wu Lihai and breaking through to the priesthood, he can now use all the methods inherited from the memory of the sea witch. This finger is a small test, but its power is quite good!

Zhang Yun looked at the many sea beasts in the venue, and they were all attracted by the blood emitted by the giant shark.

In their eyes, the blood of this golden elixir stage giant shark is comparable to jade liquid.

They all wanted to get closer.

Zhang Yun immediately snorted, and the pressure of his soul suddenly spread to all directions.

These were all sea beasts in the foundation building stage or even lower realms. Their bodies were all shaken, and they were suddenly frightened and fled away from the venue.

"Transformation... Divine transformation stage!?"

Gu Hongwen and others looked at Zhang Yun in shock.

Zhang Yun looked calm.

Although his realm is now at the peak of the tenth level of the Golden Core stage, his soul has already exceeded this level. The high priest's spirit body that he had swallowed before was not in vain, especially the spirit body that swallowed half of the high priest's body in the end.

His current soul state is definitely no worse than some in the stage of divine transformation.

Zhang Yun glanced at the many sea sharks still lingering outside the venue. He was too lazy to waste his soul power and said calmly: "Old Gu, open the way!"

"Okay... okay, sir!"

Gu Hongwen came back to his senses. Although he felt a little uncomfortable given such an order, he still nodded.

Gu Qi and the other two people looked uncomfortable for a while.

Their majestic Jade Pirates, the overlord of the Blue Sea, had to obey orders like this one day, but something weighing on their hearts made them dare not say a word.

With Gu Hongwen opening the way, the group easily rushed out of the venue.

Zhang Yun was about to go out when he suddenly sensed something and frowned.

"What's the matter, sir?"

Xiao Qingyu and others noticed his expression.

Zhang Yun did not answer, but looked directly at Gu Hongwen and said: "Old Gu, take your people back and gather people to take down the Nanhai Sect!"


Gu Hongwen was startled and nodded immediately.

He had already planned this after learning that the leader of the Nanhai Sect had died. But now that he was doing it as a servant, he always felt a little weird.

But something suddenly occurred to him, and he spoke again: "Sir, there is something I want to report to you..."

Zhang Yun glanced at him: "Say."

"Among the foreign aid I invited this time, there was an elder from Qianhai Island in South Star State. Now his whereabouts are unknown..."

"You mean the ninth elder of Qianhai Island, right?"

Zhang Yun reacted immediately and said calmly: "He was killed by me!"


Although he had guessed this possibility, he couldn't help but tremble when he actually heard Gu Hongwen at this moment, and looked at Zhang Yun in horror.

This is the elder of Qianhai Island!

Killing the opponent, Qian Haidao's reaction...

He couldn't help but tremble just thinking about it.

"It will take some time for Qianhai Island to receive the news. You should do the current thing first. We will talk about this later!"

Zhang Yun spoke.

He didn't pay much attention to the Ninth Elder of Qianhai Island at first, but now he heard Gu Hongwen mentioned it and remembered that it was the Ninth Elder of Qianhai Island invited by the other party. This means that once Qianhai Island discovers that its ninth elder is dead, it will definitely come to the Jade Pirates to settle the score.

That was all before. Now that the Jade Pirates are under his command, this matter must be dealt with...

Thousand Islands...

Thinking of the giant power in Fangnan Territory, Zhang Yun took a deep breath.

Although its strength has skyrocketed now, it is still far from enough to deal with this giant force. Not to mention anything else, the Qiandao Ancestor who was written in Zuoqiubei's diary before, a peak god-transformation stage is enough to kill him in an instant.

The soul is now comparable to the stage of becoming a god, but it is only a soul.

Zhang Yun admitted that it would be difficult to deal with someone like the master of the Lingxian Sect who was in the stage of becoming a god, mainly because he couldn't see the other party's information.

We have to break through the Nascent Soul stage as soon as possible!

After reaching the Nascent Soul stage, you can see the weaknesses of these transformation stages, and then you will have ways to deal with them!

"Okay, sir!"

Seeing what Zhang Yun said, Gu Hongwen immediately left without saying anything more and took Gu Qi and the others away quickly.

Zhang Yun looked at the two Guanqing Pavilion elders, "Have you forgotten what I told you before?"

The latter two nodded quickly.


Zhang Yun waved his hand.

The two elders of Guanqing Pavilion immediately nodded and left.

Suddenly, only the three priests and Xiao Qingyu were left.

"Follow me!"

Zhang Yun said something and then galloped away in a direction under the sea.

He is a little unsure now.

Because he discovered that the aura of Yun No. 1 at this moment was under the sea not far away, not above the sea.

In the secret realm, he discovered that Xu Ming and Wu Xiaopang had made breakthroughs one after another. He was anxious at first, but then he found that the aura of Yun No. 1 was always present and he was no longer so anxious.

After all, Yun No. 1 was fine, which meant that Xu Ming was most likely fine too.

But at this moment, he felt Yun No. 1's aura under the sea, which made him feel a little uneasy.

While moving forward following the breath, he took out a special sound transmission stone to contact Xu Ming and the others.

But all the information sent out fell into disarray.

This made his mood completely sink, and his face became extremely cold for a moment.

The coldness radiating from the inside out could be felt by the three priests on the side even across the sea water. They all looked at Zhang Yun with stern expressions, not understanding why the other party was so murderous.

In Zhang Yun's arms, Wu Haihai also felt this emotional change, and was already half asleep when he was awakened.


Looking at Zhang Yun, he shouted.

"Haihai, it's okay for me, master. You have a good sleep. When you wake up, I will take you to see your senior brothers and sisters!"

Upon seeing this, Zhang Yun immediately showed a gentle smile and touched Wu Haihai's head.

Seeing this, Wu Haihai relaxed his mind, stayed in his arms, closed his eyes and fell asleep.

Zhang Yun's smile disappeared immediately, and he wrapped Wu Haihai with a layer of sea magic power, allowing him to sleep peacefully.


Then he unleashed his sea witch power with all his strength, took out his command brush and wrote the word "quick", pushed aside the layers of sea water in front of him, and shot towards the direction of Yun No. 1's aura at full speed.

The three priests were suddenly pulled away from each other, and they accelerated to catch up, but found themselves being pulled further and further away.

"You don't have to follow me anymore, go back to the sea and wait for me!"

Hearing Zhang Yun's voice from a distance, the three priests immediately stopped.

Looking at Zhang Yun, who was like a bolt of lightning in front of him, and it spread out in an instant so that they could not see the shadow clearly, they were secretly speechless.

This speed is simply ridiculous!

Under the sea, above a dark trench.

"Three small foundation-building periods, why are there so many methods?"

An old man with black hair stared at the trench below, his expression ugly.

The faces of the people beside him didn't look good either.

Three of them were at the peak of the Golden Core stage, and two of them were great masters at the Golden Core stage, but they actually allowed three of them at the Foundation Establishment stage to escape from their grasp. If word of this got out, people would probably laugh out loud.

"It's all this damn bitch from Lingxian Sect. If she hadn't blocked this elder, I would have captured these three people long ago!!"

The fifth elder of the Nanhai Sect, who was missing an ear and had a scar on his face, was among them. At this moment, the face was extremely gloomy and he looked towards the side of the trench. The shoulder was pierced by a spear and nailed to a submarine rock. The pale black-haired woman.

"Some of these Lingxian Sect elders are sensible, but some are so ignorant. It's really annoying!"

A square-faced middle-aged man next to him said, came directly to the pale black-haired woman, and said coldly: "Sixth Elder of Lingxian Sect, why can't you learn from Meng Zhong, your tenth elder? If you don't stop me, I'll let you go, but why do you insist on getting in my way?"

"You are openly attacking the disciples of our sect. If the master of our sect knew..."

The sixth elder of the Lingxian Sect sounded a little weak, but he still looked at the people in front of him coldly and said, "You guys. You can't eat anything and walk around!!"

"How stubborn!"

The square-faced middle-aged man snorted coldly, stared at the fair and beautiful face of the sixth elder of Lingxian Sect, and curved his mouth: "Since you want to die so much, then I will cut off your head and keep it as a collection!"


As she spoke, she pulled out the spear, and a large amount of blood immediately poured out from the shoulder of the sixth elder of the Lingxian Sect. Her already weak body trembled, and she collapsed directly on the rock.


Without giving her time to breathe, the square-faced middle-aged man raised his spear and penetrated her shoulder directly.


The spear pierced the shoulder bone directly, and the severe pain caused the sixth elder of Lingxian Sect to scream in agony.

The last bit of aura on his face, which was used to breathe under the sea, could not be maintained for a while. A large amount of seawater was poured directly into his mouth and nose. For a moment, his entire head was washed by the water, and blood mixed with it flowed from his mouth, the tip of his nose, and even his eyes. Emerge.


A sad smile appeared on the beautiful face of the sixth elder of Lingxian Sect.

I thought that as a cultivator, I could live for at least hundreds or even thousands of years and witness countless things, and even be qualified to return to that home one day. But I didn't expect that he only lived for more than thirty years.

To have come this far...

"You are also considered a rare beauty who can cultivate to the Golden Core stage. Before this, I only collected a few beautiful heads at the peak of the Foundation Establishment stage. Today, I can add a rare Golden Core stage beauty head!"

The square-faced middle-aged man took out a long knife with a sneer on his face, aimed it at the tender white neck of the sixth elder of the Lingxian Sect, and slashed it off.

Before the knife arrived, the sea water with sharp fluctuations rushed towards his neck. The sixth elder of Lingxian Sect smiled miserably and slowly closed his eyes.

But just when her eyelids were about to close, a shadow suddenly passed in front of her eyes.

The afterimage you saw before death?

It turns out that just like the rumors, death can see the shadows of some people it wants to see.

The sixth elder of Lingxian Sect was thinking.


Blood spurts out.

But the pain in her neck that she imagined did not come. Instead, the tip of her nose suddenly sucked in a stream of blood that was not hers.

This startled her.

Opening his eyes, he only saw the middle-aged head in front of him. At this moment, he suddenly separated from his body and began to writhe in the sea water.

She froze.

Not far away, the black-haired old man with a square face who was waiting for the middle-aged harvester and the five elders of Nanhai Sect were also stunned.


But they quickly reacted and shouted loudly around them.


A cold voice sounded as if it came from the Nine Nether Hell.

The black-haired old man and the fifth elders of Nanhai Sect were startled. Only then did he realize that at some point on the rock where the sixth elder of the Lingxian Sect fell, there was a handsome young man in white clothes holding a child.

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