Wanghai Cave Mansion, this is an exclusive cave mansion built in Nanhai Sect for the elder of Nanhai Sect.

At this moment in this cave.

The Grand Elder of Nanhai Sect was leaning on a soft bed, and a pretty woman wearing a thin black gauze skirt was nestling in his arms.

He hummed softly: "If the injury hadn't healed, I wouldn't have been held back by a few golden elixir stages!"

"Great Elder, you have done a good job and delayed enough time for us elders of the Lin family..."

The pretty woman smiled and said: "Next, just wait and receive the good news!"

"Speaking of which, I have been delaying for so long, and it's been almost a quarter of an hour since I came back. Why haven't Lao Wu and you, the Lin family, come back yet?"

The elder of Nanhai Sect looked outside the cave and frowned: "Is there going to be an accident?"

"How could there be an accident?"

The pretty woman said: "This time, our Lin family elders and fifth elders are carrying three-ring formation destruction tokens!"

Hearing this, the Nanhai Sect's elder immediately thought of the token that exuded special pressure and three haloes. A trace of fear flashed across his eyes, and he said calmly: "With this array, you really don't have to worry. It's just a pity. It's a pity for Lingxian Sect. That bastard named Zhang ran away first!"

"Great Elder, don't worry!"

The pretty woman smiled and said: "It won't be too late to deal with him after the ninth elder of the Lingxian Sect comes out from under the sea!"

Hearing this, the elder of the Nanhai Sect couldn't help but think of the purple-robed Lingxian Sect leader, and said in a deep voice: "Where are those people from your Lin family?"

"Great Elder, I can't reveal this to you. They want to use it as a surprise!"

The pretty woman smiled sweetly and said: "But don't worry, First Elder, our Lin family has made complete preparations to deal with the Lingxian Sect this time. Unfortunately, the Second Elder and the others cannot be contacted for the time being, and they cannot be sure of the situation at the Haixia venue. . But as long as the leader of Lingxian Sect comes out, it will be his death! "

"Okay, Great Elder, let's just wait quietly for the good news. Now..."

As she spoke, the pretty woman suddenly showed a charming smile: "Let's do something interesting~!"

The elder of Nanhai Sect raised his lips when he saw this, and his eyes showed some lust.

This time the Lin family took the initiative to approach him, but he originally didn't want to agree. After all, the head of the Nanhai Sect had given instructions. But the three-ring annihilation formation and specific plan presented by the Lin family, as well as the 'big gift' in front of him, made him unable to refuse in the end.

Lin Qin, a direct descendant of the Lin family, is a treasured woman with a Xuanyin body.

The first male monk to marry this woman will receive a large amount of feedback energy.

He was originally seriously injured, but it was because of this woman that he recovered more than half of his injuries in a short period of time. Although he has not recovered, he is not far from recovery.

The most important thing is that the feedback energy from this woman's physique has greatly increased his level. Within half a year at most, he is expected to enter the realm of Nascent Soul stage.

And every time he practiced double cultivation with this woman after that, he felt that he had received a certain amount of energy in return.

"bring it on!"

Looking at the dazzled Lin Qin, the Nanhai Sect Grand Elder smiled evilly and was about to have an in-depth exchange...

"Great Elder, it's not good!"

A cry full of panic interrupted the fire that had just risen in his lower abdomen.

The Nanhai Sect elder's mouth twitched, a little angry, but when he heard the panicked tone of the visitor, he still asked in a deep voice: "What's the matter?"

"Great Elder, the leader of Lingxian Sect has come out!!"


The Nanhai Sect's elder's expression became concentrated, and he suddenly lost all interest. He pushed Lin Qin away and stood up.

"Not only that, but someone else also came out!"

Before any questions could be asked, the people outside had already taken the lead and continued shouting.

"There is still one?"

The elder of Nanhai Sect was startled, "Who is it?"

"Kill your people!"

As soon as the words fell, a "whooshing" sound of breaking wind directly broke through the barrier arranged at the entrance of the cave, and rushed into the cave in an instant.


The elder of Nanhai Sect reacted quickly and immediately took out the black stone spirit gun to block

But the power contained in this sword was beyond his imagination. The moment it touched, the black stone spirit gun flew out of his hand.


The sharp sword light directly cut off his right hand holding the gun.


The Nanhai Sect elder screamed and staggered backwards, clutching his severed hand.

"Zhang...Zhang Yun??"

At the same time, he saw Zhang Yun holding Wu Haihai in his left hand and Yuntian Sword in his right hand. He looked shocked and asked, "Why are you here??"

"Go ask your sect master!"

Zhang Yun said indifferently before slashing out with his sword.


The face of the Nanhai Sect's great elder changed drastically. He wanted to hide, but his body was locked by a soul pressure. At this moment, his body was completely unable to move.

The sword was about to hit.


A burst of energy suddenly erupted next to him, directly knocking the Nanhai Sect's elder aside.

Zhang Yun cut the whole thing in the air with one sword.


She frowned slightly and looked to the side, only to see Lin Qin wearing a thin black gauze skirt standing next to the chair, with strands of black energy lingering on her slender palms.

Before Zhang Yun could think about it, he saw that the cave around him was suddenly shrouded in a black barrier.

Zhang Yun was surprised.

He did sense two auras in the cave before, but the other one besides the elder of Nanhai Sect was only in the foundation building stage, so he didn't pay much attention to it. But right now...

"Nascent Soul stage?"

Feeling the aura emanating from Lin Qin in front of him, he looked surprised and immediately started using the Immortal Eye Technique——

【Lin Qin】

Realm: Nascent Soul Stage Xiaocheng

Physique: Demon-absorbing yin body

Physical talent: can imitate various feminine physiques, leave a mark on the male monk's body through combination, and absorb the male monk's cultivation for one's own use.

Kung Fu and combat skills practiced: Witch Enchantment, Demon Spirit Incarnation, Demon-Sealing Holy Technique...

Cultivate special spiritual energy: demonic energy

Weaknesses: Good at enchantment, with a strong soul, but afraid of encountering beings with stronger souls than one's own. To practice demonic energy, you can use some objects with purification capabilities to restrain it.

"Demon energy??"

Zhang Yun perked up after seeing the information.

"Elder Zhang has a good eye!"

Lin Qin smiled faintly.

"Lin Qin, you..."

The elder of the Nanhai Sect, who had dodged a fatal blow by Zhen Fei, also woke up and looked at Lin Qin in front of him in shock.

This woman who used to be like a delicate wild cat in his arms is actually in the Nascent Soul stage?

"It's really rubbish. The dignified Nascent Soul stage was instantly defeated by a Golden Core stage!"

Lin Qin looked at him coldly, "I originally wanted to expose you later, but you are such a loser that I have to expose you in advance. Forget it, I'll suck you first!"

After saying that, he suddenly dodged and appeared in front of the Nanhai Sect's elder, and pressed his palm on the latter's dantian.

Strands of spiritual energy were immediately sucked out of the Nanhai Sect's elder's dantian and poured into Lin Qin's body along the palm of his hand.

"Are you absorbing my cultivation?"

The Grand Elder of Nanhai Sect felt that his cultivation was being absorbed. He looked shocked and couldn't help shouting: "Stop it!!"

Just about to explode.


But a luminous black butterfly mark suddenly appeared in his body, directly suppressing the energy he burst out, and his whole body seemed to be frozen for an instant, unable to move for a moment.

"What...what is this??"

The elder of Nanhai Sect looked horrified.

"Do you think Xuanyin's body is so delicious?"

Lin Qin licked the corner of his mouth, revealed a sneer, and said: "I originally wanted you to lose your cultivation and die in happiness, but unfortunately, it was ruined!"

He said and turned his head.

Seeing Zhang Yun approaching with a sword, she waved her hand and swept out a wave of demonic energy.

Zhang Yun quickly turned to one side to avoid it.

"Chichi..." "Chichi..."

But as soon as he avoided it, he saw several more incarnations in black skirts exactly like Lin Qin appeared in front of him, surrounded by evil energy.

"Don't worry, you will be next. Let my sister's incarnation accompany you to exercise first..."

Lin Qin smiled charmingly and said, "Sister will play with you later~!"

But the words just fell.

Puffy! !

Several incarnations in front of him exploded under the power of dark blue witchcraft, and the charming smile on Lin Qin's face suddenly froze.

Zhang Yun wrapped his palms with dark blue magic power and looked at her lightly: "Do you treat me like a weakling?"

As he spoke, he slashed out with his sword.

Lin Qin's expression changed and she had to stop absorbing the Nanhai Sect's elder and quickly jumped away.

But as soon as she dodged, her expression changed, "Stop!!"


Zhang Yun's sword cut off the head of the Nanhai Sect's elder without any pause.


Lin Qin was furious.

This Nanhai Sect was a tonic that she had spent a lot of effort to prepare. When she could nourish him immediately, he was actually beheaded!

"You deserve to die!!"

Lin Qin's long black hair fluttered up, and the demonic energy around her body surged wildly at this moment.


But at this moment, a stronger aura shook her tacit understanding to pieces.

Zhang Yun raised the Yuntian Sword and pointed the tip of the sword directly at the opponent: "No matter where you came from, since you are here, let's die together!"

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