Return ten thousand times, I have no taboos in accepting disciples

Secret Realm Chapter 142 Mainland Wanted List, Three Demons

"I am looking for you for two main things. The first one is about the quota for the Immortal Secret Realm..."

The leader of the Lingxian Sect glanced at him and said: "After discussions between me, the ancient leader and the remaining leaders of the forces, our sect has obtained five elders. One of them will be given to you. In addition, we have obtained twenty disciples. All three of your disciples can get the quota!"

"Sect Master, there are four of them!"


The leader of the Lingxian Sect was startled, and quickly thought of Wu Haihai, whom Zhang Yun had been holding since he appeared from under the sea a few days ago: "Is that child your fourth disciple?"

"Yes, Sect Master!"

Zhang Yun nodded: "The child's name is Wu Haihai. I gave him the name. He was accidentally picked up in the blue sea!"

"Found it?"

The leader of Lingxian Sect was stunned.

Zhang Yun smiled and told a story.

After he came out of the secret realm, he accidentally found an abandoned child under the sea. After examining it, he found that his bones were good and he took him with him...

Hearing this story, the leader of Lingxian Sect thought it was a bit ridiculous, but other than this possibility, he couldn't figure out where Zhang Yun got such a child.

When Zhang Yun sent the other party away in Wuxian City before, he did not let the other party see the existence of Wu Haihai.

"So, you want to bring your four disciples into the Immortal's Secret Realm?"



The leader of the Lingxian Sect refused without thinking: "It's too ridiculous to enter the Immortal Secret Realm at such a young age. And it's unfair to other disciples in the sect who need places!"

Zhang Yun smiled and said: "Sect Master, I will take care of this quota myself!"

"You can do it yourself?"

The leader of Lingxian Sect frowned.

When he was in the central hall of the secret realm, he didn't know what happened after he was thrown away by the beam of light. He had no doubts about Zhang Yun's words about killing the high priest and the third floor owner of Aurora Tower.

But he had some doubts about the relationship between Zhang Yun and Gu Hongwen.

After all, since Zhang Yun could kill the high priest and the third owner of Aurora Tower, he had the ability to kill Gu Hongwen, but Gu Hongwen came out alive in the end.

Could it be...

Suddenly thinking of a possibility, the leader of the Lingxian Sect took a deep look at Zhang Yun and said: "Since you have a way to get the quota yourself, you can decide who to let in. But I still want to remind you. …”

"There is energy coercion in the Immortal's secret realm, which is difficult for ordinary adults to withstand when entering. If you want to bring a child in, either the child must have a foundation-building level or above, or you must protect him throughout the entire process..."

The leader of Lingxian Sect said calmly: "This is a thankless task for you!"

"Sect Master, I understand this!"

Zhang Yun nodded.

This didn't worry him at all.

Are you kidding me, would the reincarnated wizard be afraid of that pressure?

Moreover, Wu Haihai's own realm has reached the same peak as him at the golden elixir stage. If he hadn't stopped him, he would have even reached the Nascent Soul stage.

Seeing him like this, the leader of the Lingxian Sect did not continue to talk about this topic, "Second thing, I said before that I wanted to talk to you about magic cultivation..."

Zhang Yun's expression became serious.

"If you don't know anything about demon cultivators, then I will tell you about some of the more well-known demons among today's demon cultivators!"

The leader of Lingxian Sect said calmly: "You should have heard of the Mainland Wanted List, right?"

Zhang Yun nodded. There is probably no monk in the mainland who doesn't know about this list of immortals.

"This list has been around for a long time, and all those recorded are people who have committed heinous crimes, and most of them are demon cultivators!"

The leader of Lingxian Sect said: "I won't talk about those at the top because even I can't reach them. What I want to talk to you about are the three major demons operating in our southern region. These three people, They are all demon cultivators in the transformation stage!”

Zhang Yun's expression condensed, and he couldn't help but think of the person who rescued Lin Qin before.

The leader of the Lingxian Sect seemed to have guessed what he was thinking: "The person who rescued Lin Qin from you in Wanghai Cave Mansion before, I suspect is ranked 96th on the mainland's most wanted list, and is also one of the three major criminals that haunts our southern region all year round. One of the demons, Shadow Demon Lord!”

"Number 96 on the mainland's most wanted list, Shadow Demon Lord?"

Zhang Yun raised his eyebrows.

He knew about the mainland's most wanted list, but he hadn't really been able to contact it, or read it in detail.

Because there is a lot of content on it, it is not open to ordinary monks. Only when you reach a certain level are you qualified to see it.

For example, among the top 100 most wanted people in mainland China, as far as he knew, only monks who had reached the Nascent Soul stage could access them.

Because those who can be on the top 100 of the mainland's most wanted list are at least monks at the level of the gods.

"Fifty years ago, this Shadow Demon Lord massacred three ordinary people's countries in the Southern Star State with a population of over 10 million..."

The leader of the Lingxian Sect said calmly: "All of these people were provided as nutrients to the monster he raised, the Shadow Monster!"

Zhang Yun's pupils shrank.

Although monks often kill, they do not kill ordinary people wantonly, and most of the people killed are monks.

More than 30 million ordinary people...

Zhang Yun took a deep breath and for the first time had an idea of ​​the cruelty of these demon cultivators.

"In addition to this Shadow Demon Lord, there are two other demons in our southern region. One is the Black Demon Ancestor who is ranked 91st on the mainland's most wanted list, and the other is the Wind Demon Lord who is ranked 93rd on the mainland's most wanted list."

The leader of the Lingxian Sect continued: "The Black Demon Ancestor has been active since more than two thousand years ago. The last activity was hundreds of years ago. It is unknown whether he is alive now. But the Wind Demon Lord and the Shadow Demon Lord, these two have been active for nearly a hundred years. They have all had activities. What I want to mention is that these two demons belong to the same demonic cultivator force!"

"Belong to the same demon cultivator force?"

Zhang Yun's expression condensed slightly.

"This demon cultivating force is called Nanfeng Demon Sect!"

The leader of the Lingxian Sect nodded and said: "It is the largest demonic cultivator force in our southern region. In addition to these two demons at the God Transformation stage, there are more than ten Nascent Soul stage demonic cultivators. As for the Golden Core stage and beyond, There are countless demon cultivators.”

"Many of these demon cultivators have been placed in various forces in the Southern Territory. The purpose is to one day turn all the forces in the entire Southern Territory into the stronghold of their Southern Feng Demon Sect!"

Zhang Yun raised his eyebrows, "Do they want to rule the entire Southern Region?"

"You can say that!"

The leader of the Lingxian Sect nodded and said: "I know this because I caught a Nascent Soul stage demon cultivator in my early years and learned it from his mouth!"

"I am telling you this specifically today because I hope you can preserve your sanity and not be deceived by demonic cultivators!"

After a pause, the leader of the Lingxian Sect looked at Zhang Yun seriously and said: "With the talent you are showing now, I can tell you with certainty that you have been targeted by the Nanfeng Demon Sect. And next, there is a high probability that they will come Contact you and recruit you!"


Zhang Yun narrowed his eyes when he heard this, and suddenly thought of Feng Yuan, who had invited him several times before.

So, the other party wants to invite him to join the team?

Southern Feng Demon Sect...

Zhang Yun secretly wrote down the name.

"You just have to know it yourself."

The leader of the Lingxian Sect suddenly said: "In addition, if you want to touch the Lin family next, remember to inform me!"

Zhang Yun was startled.

The leader of the Lingxian Sect said calmly: "There is a demon cultivator in the Lin family. There is no guarantee that some will hide deeper. If you want to take action, you must strike with a fatal blow!"

Zhang Yun nodded, "Sect Master, I understand!"


Zhang Yun immediately nodded and left.

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