Zhang Yun couldn't help but take a deep breath as he thought.

He immediately looked behind him, "Xiao Pang, Shui'er!"


Wu Xiaopang and Yu Shuier looked at him immediately.

Zhang Yun handed Wu Haihai in his arms to Wu Xiaopang, "Xiao Pang, give your junior brother a hug!"

Wu Xiaopang immediately stretched out his hand.


But Wu Haihai suddenly struggled and resisted Wu Xiaopang's embrace.

Zhang Yun said in a deep voice: "Haihai, don't make trouble, I have business to do as a teacher!"

When Wu Haihai heard this, he stopped struggling. Instead, he raised his chubby little finger and pointed at Yu Shui'er: "Wo... Wo Yaosi, Sister Si..."

"Then Shui'er, come on!"

Zhang Yun spoke.

Yu Shui'er nodded and took Wu Haihai's hand.

With living on land, she is now less resistant to human contact.


But the moment she took over Wu Haihai, she couldn't help but scream.

Zhang Yun and others looked over.

As soon as Wu Haihai reached Yu Shui'er's arms, he kept rubbing his chubby little face up, making Yu Shui'er blush.

Wu Xiaopang's eyes were on fire as he watched.

This little bastard disliked his embrace. It turned out that he disliked his chest muscles that were not as good as fish. It was too much!

A few black lines appeared on Zhang Yun's forehead, and he immediately coughed twice and said: "Xiao Pang, Shui'er, and Gu Lan..."

Wu Xiaopang and Tao Gulan looked at him doubtfully.

Zhang Yundao: "If you hear me say let go later, just relax!"

Tao Gulan and the others were a little confused, but they still nodded, "Okay!"

Zhang Yun didn't say any more, but he had already left a mark of witchcraft power on the three of them. As soon as something changes, they will be brought into the Witch Fairy City immediately.

In the distance above the Lin family's mansion, Xu Ming and Lin Yongshou were also colliding at this moment.

To be precise, it was Xu Ming who launched the offensive.

I saw Xu Ming Gao raising the Sword of Revenge, and his pupils turned into golden dragon pupils at this moment. The burst of golden dragon aura all over his body combined with the shadow of the golden dragon above his head, surrounding the sword of revenge he raised.

The surging spiritual energy fluctuations made the face of Lin Yongshou on the opposite side change, and he felt a huge crisis inexplicably.

Although it felt a bit absurd, I still chose to take action immediately.

We can't let Xu Ming strike with this sword!

"Golden Dragon——"

But he had just moved, and Xu Ming also moved. This sword did not need to concentrate energy at all, and his hands directly grasped the hilt of the sword of revenge, "Roaring Sword!!"

Cut out with one sword.

A large amount of golden dragon spiritual energy gathered into a sword energy wave formed by the entanglement of the golden dragon, which directly covered less than half of the sky above the Lin family mansions and swept towards Lin Yongshou.

"not good!!"

Lin Yongshou's expression changed greatly, but he had no way to hide at this moment and could only release his spiritual energy frantically to block.

However, his spiritual energy was as fragile as tissue paper in front of this golden dragon sword energy wave.


As he screamed, the sword energy wave cut through his spiritual energy and cut through his entire body.


Those present only saw a flash of golden light sweeping past, and then Lin Yongshou's entire body burst into pieces.

Everyone immediately opened their mouths and looked at this scene in disbelief.


The eighth elder of the Lin family, a dignified Jindan monk, died like this under Xu Ming's sword? ?

"Impossible! This is impossible!!"

Many Lin family members in the Lin family mansion were in disbelief.

This was their golden elixir stage elder, how could he be killed by Xu Ming?

But the blood that splashed down like a rain of blood and fell on the heads of many Lin family members proved to them that everything in front of them was true.

The entire Lin family was speechless for a moment.

"Huchi, Huchi..."

Xu Ming also slumped directly on the eagle's back, his face was pale, and he was breathing heavily.

This sword gathered all his strength!

But the corners of his mouth couldn't help but rise.

He did it and successfully killed the Jin Danqi who killed his parents!

It's just a pity that the ones behind may not be killed.

"Master, this is all I can do..."

Looking at the mountain top outside Nanyun City from a distance, Xu Ming slowly lay down on the eagle's back and fainted.

"Fainted! He fainted from exhaustion!!"

"Quick, kill him now!!"

"Kill! Avenge the Eighth Elder!!"

Many people from the Lin family below reacted, and those above the foundation building stage immediately shouted and flew up, with excitement in their eyes.

If they could kill Xu Ming now, it would be a great achievement for them.

Many people in Nanyun City shook their heads looking at this scene.

Although Xu Ming's current strength is beyond everyone's expectations, attacking the Lin family single-handedly like this is simply asking for death!

"Do it!"

At this moment, there was a faint message from the top of the mountain in the distance.

Whoosh! !

The Lin family monks who had just flown into the sky of the Lin family's mansion had no time to think about it when they saw a large row of sharp arrows filled with spiritual energy being shot from all directions.

"not good!"

Their faces all changed, and they all released spiritual energy to block.

Whoosh whoosh! !

However, as soon as he blocked this wave of sharp arrows, he saw many masked people suddenly rushing out from all around the Lin family's residence, holding various weapons to kill them.




Most of the Lin family monks had no time to react and were killed on the spot.

Hundreds more monks wearing masks, at worst the seventh level or above of the Foundation Establishment stage, appeared around them. At this moment, they all rushed into the Lin family and began to massacre.

For a moment, there were screams in the Lin family's mansion, and the large amount of blood could be smelled even through the streets surrounding the mansion wall.

"Oh my god, what's going on?"

"Is it Xu Ming's back-up plan?"

"Lin family! Is the Lin family going to die?"

When the people in Nanyun City saw this, their faces turned pale.

Could it be that the huge Lin family was going to be slaughtered like this?

The top of the mountain outside Nanyun City.

Tao Gulan was shocked when he saw this scene, "Who are these people?"

"I hired him."

Zhang Yun spoke calmly and was staring at the Lin family mansion with squinted eyes.

The people in front of Lin Jiaming are the nine golden elixir stage elders plus some clan elders. And before that, he killed Tao Gulan at the sect competition venue, and later when he rescued Tao Gulan. Together, most of the elders of the Lin family should be dead.

But judging by the number, there should be a few more.

In addition, there is Lin Tiandong, the head of the Lin family.

This Nascent Soul Stage hasn’t shown up yet!

In addition, there are demon cultivators who may be hiding, and Mu Wenxuan who is watching not far away...


As I was thinking about it, I suddenly realized that Mu Wenxuan's figure on the highest attic in the distance had disappeared!

Zhang Yun frowned and looked down at the Lin family mansions. Those being massacred at this moment were just ordinary monks from the Lin family. Not to mention the Nascent Soul stage, even the aura of the Golden Core stage could no longer be sensed.

With the sound transmission stone in his arms, the voice of the three priests came from the sound: "Sir, there seems to be no one above the Golden Core stage in the Lin family!"

Zhang Yun's face darkened, "Didn't you tell me before that you sensed the aura of the Nascent Soul stage?"

"Sir, I did feel it before..."

The third priest said quickly: "But just after Young Master Xu Ming killed Lin Yongshou, he seemed to have disappeared. I also confirmed it several times..."

Zhang Yun's expression condensed, and he immediately sent a message to Gu Hongwen on the other side: "Immediately search the Lin Mansion to see if there are any hidden secret passages and teleportation arrays!"

"Gu Lan, come with me!"

As he said that, he also took Tao Gulan and three others to search around Nanyun City, but found nothing.

And as soon as he finished searching, Gu Hongwen's voice came from the special sound transmission stone: "Sir, a teleportation array was found underground under the Lin family's mansion. There is still energy left on it, but it has been destroyed!"


These two words suddenly appeared in Zhang Yun's mind.

There's something incredible about him.

The head of the Lin family and the remaining senior officials actually gave up on the Lin family and ran away?

Zhang Yun said to the sound transmission stone in a deep voice: "Continue to search and see if there is anything else in the Lin Mansion, especially about magic cultivation!"


Gu Hongwen, who was across from him, his eyes narrowed and he immediately continued his search.

"Ninth Elder, what is going on?"

Zhang Yun deliberately concealed the summons, so Tao Gulan couldn't hear it and was a little confused at the moment.

Zhang Yun didn't hide anything, "The head of the Lin family and some of the remaining senior officials should have run away!"


Tao Gulan was stunned.

The head of a dignified family actually abandoned his family and ran away? How afraid of death is this?

The most important thing is that the head of the Lin family is in the Nascent Soul stage. He just ran away without fighting? How cowardly is this?


Zhang Yun breathed out, guessing that the whereabouts of the three priests, Gu Hongwen and others should have been exposed.

Otherwise, Lin Tiandong, the head of the Lin family, who is in the Nascent Soul stage, would have no reason to be afraid of a person who is already unconscious at the peak of the Foundation Establishment stage. Even if he is in the Golden Core stage, he will not be afraid.

But according to what the three priests said, the head of the Lin family had always been alive until Xu Ming killed Lin Yongshou before running away. This shows that the other party may not have noticed the whereabouts of the three priests and others before.

How could you suddenly notice it?

Zhang Yun frowned.

"Mu Wenxuan!"

The name quickly came to mind.

When the other party saw him at that time, he might have noticed the three priests and others. If the head of the Lin family and others were demon cultivators, they would most likely be in the same group as Mu Wenxuan.

Choosing to escape rather than attack indicates that the opponent's strength here is insufficient.

From this point of view, Nanyun City should be just a stronghold of the Nanfeng Demon Sect, not the headquarters.

Thinking of this, he relaxed a little.

The moment he guessed it, he was even ready for a battle with the demon in the transformation stage.

Mu Wenxuan...

But when he thought of this person, his expression became serious.

As the young master of the South Treasure Pavilion, he is a demon cultivator. If this were to spread, it would be earth-shattering news. After all, the Nanzang Treasure Pavilion's position in the Southern Territory can be said to be unique.

Even such a force has been infiltrated by demonic cultivators, and he is still in the position of Young Pavilion Master...

Thinking about Zhang Yun is a bit creepy.

The power of the Southern Feng Demon Sect may be more terrifying than imagined!

"Sir, nothing was found!"

At this time, I received a summons from Gu Hongwen, and Zhang Yun was not surprised to hear the content.

Since the other party is preparing to evacuate, it will definitely not reveal any traces of the demonic cultivators. It is estimated that all traces will be destroyed before leaving.

Gu Hongwen asked, "Sir, how should the Lin family deal with it?"

"Wipe it off!"

Zhang Yun replied lightly.


After listening to Gu Hongwen's response, Zhang Yun put away the special sound transmission stone.


At the same time, there was an eagle cry from the sky, and the white eagle flew over with the unconscious Xu Ming.

"Let's go!"


"Go to Nanxingzhou!"

Zhang Yun said as he climbed on Bai Ying's back.

Tao Gulan, Wu Xiaopang, and Yu Shui'er saw this and immediately followed.

The group of people immediately rode the white eagle and headed in a certain direction.

After Zhang Yun gave Xu Ming two recovery pills, he sat down cross-legged on the eagle's back.

The consciousness entered the great world of immortal masters.

Come to the mission pavilion.

"Congratulations on completing mission one, you will be rewarded with a drop of golden dragon blood and a chance to capture the light group!"

As soon as I came in, I saw the area in the mission hall where the missions were originally recorded, now turned into this paragraph of text.

"Is it done..."

Zhang Yun raised his eyebrows.

He was also worried that it would not be completed if the head of the Lin family and others ran away. It seemed that he was overly worried.


At this moment, a burst of light appeared in the void in front of him, and a jade bottle containing a drop of rich golden blood appeared. Across the bottle, Zhang Yun could feel the power of the dragon in it.

Pure golden dragon blood!

Zhang Yun smiled slightly.

Xu Ming's physique can be completely unblocked now!

There is another chance to grab the light group.

Zhang Yun curled his lips and was about to leave the mission pavilion.

Buzz! !

A burst of light suddenly appeared in the mission area in front of me, and soon a new mission appeared——

Task 2, related apprentice Yu Shui'er

Mission content: Rescue the mermaid tribe and rescue the mermaid tribe imprisoned by Qianhai Island.

Task duration: one year. Countdown: 364 days 23:59:39

Mission reward: One chance to grab the light group

Note: After completing this task, task three will be opened.

Zhang Yun raised his eyebrows.

He doubted whether this mission was intentional.

Because the Southern Star State that we were going to next was the territory of Qianhai Island. This time the entrance to the Immortal Secret Realm was opened there, and he had actually thought about whether to do something before.

It's good now, the world of immortal masters is directly forcing him to do it!

Qianhai Island, it seems that I have to go and have a look in advance.

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