
With a headache, Zhang Yun asked Tao Gulan: "Gu Lan, where are we now?"

Tao Gulan had recovered from his dizziness and spoke: "We are now in the western part of Nanshou Prefecture. Not far away is Xuanyuan City. Our current position is over the Xuanshou Mountains..."

She has been searching for the entrance to the Immortal's Secret Realm all year round. She has stayed in various places in the six states of the Southern Territory and is no stranger to most places. At this moment, the route to Nanxingzhou was also guided by her.

As she said something that came to her mind, her expression changed: "Hurry up! There are many powerful spirit beasts deep in the Mysterious Beast Mountain Range, and there are even Nascent Soul stage spirit beasts. This movement just now..."

"That's too late!"

Zhang Yun shook his head and looked towards the sky not far away.

Phew——! !

Just hearing a high-pitched eagle cry, a huge flying eagle nearly ten meters long and covered with dark red feathers flew over quickly.

Feeling the astonishing aura of the dark red eagle, the white-haired eagle under Zhang Yun and his two men, who were only in the foundation-building stage, suddenly trembled, with fear on their faces.

Zhang Yun's Immortal Eye Revealing Technique——

【Tiangang Eagle Falcon】

Realm: Nascent Soul Stage Xiaocheng

Talents: Dark Red Gangfeng, Sharp Feathers, Eagle Eye Freeze...

Weaknesses: The abdomen is fragile, and the crystal core is located in the neck. It has a powerful soul comparable to the peak of the Nascent Soul stage, but if it encounters a stronger soul, its eagle eyes will be restrained.

"Nascent Soul Stage Spirit Beast!!"

Tao Gulan's pretty face turned pale when she felt the aura emitted by the Tiangang Eagle.

Zhang Yun silently held the Yuntian Sword.

When the Tiangang Eagle Falcon saw Zhang Yun and the others in front of him, a hint of surprise flashed across his huge pupils, but he quickly locked on the staff in Wu Haihai's hand in Tao Gulan's arms, with a trace of desire in his pupils.

From this staff, it felt the breath of dragon blood.

If it can be swallowed, it will greatly increase its cultivation!

Phew——! !

The Tiangang Eagle immediately screamed and raised its dark red wings that were more than ten meters long.


A dark red wind swept out immediately.

It wanted to crush the few humans in front of it and the weak fellow, leaving only the staff behind.


But halfway through the sweep of the Gangfeng, it was blocked by a dark blue witchcraft barrier.


Before Tiangang Eagle could think too much, a sharp wave of sword energy suddenly swept across the air.


He quickly fanned the wind to sweep it away.

At the same time, a figure flashed in front of it, it was Zhang Yun.

court death!

Seeing that the human in front of him did not run away but took the initiative to attack, Tiangang Eagle Falcon felt that he had been provoked.

Whoosh! !

Immediately he waved his wings, and a row of sharp feathers shot out.

Just as Zhang Yun was about to dodge, the Tiangang Eagle in front of him suddenly widened its pupils, and a fierce soul pressure swept over him.

"Waiting for your move!"

Zhang Yun smiled faintly when he saw this, and his soul in the transformation stage appeared.

Make contact with the opponent's eagle eye.


The Tiangang Eagle suddenly let out a painful scream, and two lines of blood flowed directly from the pupils.

The soul trembles beyond belief.


How could the human soul in front of me, who was only at the Golden Core stage, be stronger than this?


Before he had time to think about it, when he saw Zhang Yun avoiding Fei Yu and rushing forward, the Tiangang Eagle's expression changed and it quickly waved its wings to sweep him away.

Snapped! Snapped!

Zhang Yun took two Qingyuan Steps directly in the air, perfectly avoiding the wings, and quickly approached the belly of the Tiangang Eagle.


The Yuntian Sword stabbed directly forward, cutting half of the falcon's body into two pieces along its abdomen.

A lot of blood spurted out.


The Tiangang Eagle let out a burst of shrill screams, and its huge body suddenly fell from the sky.

Zhang Yun immediately stretched out his hand and threw it into the Witch Fairy City in the staff space.

The Tiangang Eagle Falcon is so large that it cannot fit in a general storage ring, but it can fit in the staff space.


Tao Gulan looked at this scene with shock on his face.

Although he knew that Zhang Yun was very strong and had seen Zhang Yun kill many top elders of the Lin family and many other people at the peak of the Golden Core stage, this was now a Nascent Soul stage spirit beast!

Is this solved?

Zhang Yun had no time to pay attention to her shock, and immediately glanced at the two places below.


He saw a huge silver wolf that was more than ten meters long standing on the top of a small mountain, roaring towards him from a distance, and when he raised his claws, a huge claw light covering dozens of meters came through the air.

Roar--! !

At the same time, in the forest below on the other side, a striped white tiger several meters wide opened its mouth and sprayed out a white energy shock wave.

Two astonishing offensives that could seriously damage the average Nascent Soul Stage came from both sides at the same time.

The two Nascent Soul stage spirit beasts obviously saw him killing the Tiangang Eagle Falcon, and reached a consensus at this moment, and attacked him together!

The spiritual beasts that have reached the Nascent Soul stage are no less intelligent than humans.

Zhang Yun did not panic. The golden elixir in his dantian fluctuated slightly, and a layer of light golden return energy instantly surged into the Yuntian Sword.

brush! brush!

Two sword energy waves containing the energy of return were slashed out.

Peng! Peng!

As soon as the claw light and shock wave came into contact with the sword energy wave, they were chopped away.

When Silver Wolf and White Tiger below saw this scene, their pupils shrank.

They used all their strength in this attack, but they were broken so easily!


The golden elixir stage in front of me is a disguised human powerhouse!

Without hesitation, they turned and ran.

Seeing the death of the Tiangang Eagle Falcon, they actually wanted to quit, but they still wanted to give it a try because the dragon's blood aura was too tempting!

Now that they know it's impossible, they don't want to stay. but……

"Now that you're here, why are you leaving in such a hurry?"

Zhang Yun's faint voice sounded in their ears at the same time.

The expressions of the two giant beasts changed drastically.

A huge wave of dark blue witchcraft suddenly descended in front of Silver Wolf, causing it to brake suddenly.

Sensing something, its expression changed, and its huge wolf body quickly rolled on the ground.


Dodged a wave of sword energy falling from the sky.


But before the silver wolf could breathe a sigh of relief, another sharp light came from above its head, causing its expression to change drastically, but it was already too late to hide.


Zhang Yun held the Yuntian Sword in his hand and pierced Silver Wolf's head directly.

This location is its weakness.


The silver wolf suddenly whined and fell slowly, its vitality quickly disappearing.

Zhang Yun drew his sword and immediately shot towards the white tiger on the other side, who was also blocked by a piece of dark blue witchcraft he poured out.

Bai Hu had already changed his direction and wanted to run away.

But in terms of speed, Zhang Yun, driven by the command brush, Qingyuan Step and Wuli, was more than a little faster than him.


He caught up with him in almost the blink of an eye. Zhang Yun raised his hand and slashed out with a wave of sword energy.


White Tiger's shoulder was cut with a bloody gash, and his huge body rushed down diagonally, breaking more than ten trees in a row and then smashed into the side of the mountain wall.

"Don't kill me! I can pay the price for attacking you!!"

Zhang Yun was about to continue taking action when he suddenly heard a sound of soul fluctuations.

He saw the white tiger lying in front of the mountain wall, looking at him with fear in his pupils.

"Being able to communicate with your soul is a rare talent!"

Zhang Yun spoke calmly, not too surprised. He had already used the Immortal Eye Technique to read the white tiger's information.

Striped tiger.

Possessing a talent called soul fluctuation, it can use it to transform the thoughts it wants to express into various languages ​​and transmit them to the ears of other living beings.

"Human, I can pay the price!"

The striped spirit tiger said quickly.


Zhang Yun responded to it with a wave of sword energy that directly cut through the side of the mountain wall.

The body of the striped spirit tiger trembled, but when it saw that the sword energy wave did not hit it, it was startled, and its pupils lit up: "Human, do you agree?"

But just as it opened its mouth, Zhang Yun appeared in front of it like a ghost, with the tip of the Yuntian Sword pointed directly at its pupil.

The striped spirit tiger's body trembles, its pupils are its vitality!

"I'm not interested in the price you mentioned!"

Zhang Yun said calmly, "You have only two choices now, surrender to me, or die!"

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