Return ten thousand times, I have no taboos in accepting disciples

Fairyland Chapter 15 You made the mistake of starting too lightly!

In the next few days, Zhang Yun focused on giving Xu Ming guidance on combat skills. Xu Ming was alone in the first two days, and Wu Xiaopang, who was already able to use Overlord Qi, was also brought along in the second two days.

In this way, time quickly came to the day of the exchange meeting between the two sects.

Early in the morning.

Zhang Yun took his two disciples to an open space outside the mountain gate of Lingxian Sect.

When he arrived, many people had gathered here.

Among them are Meng Zhong and Mu Sheng.

The former is an elder who came with his disciples. The latter came to observe. As a disciple of the sect leader, a monk at the peak of the foundation-building stage can be said to be a future elder.


Meng Zhong was slightly startled when he saw two disciples following Zhang Yun, and couldn't help but glance at Wu Xiaopang.

Who is this fat man?

When did Zhang Yun have a second apprentice?

Other elders present also found out and were a little surprised.

Although they were envious that Zhang Yun had received a talented apprentice, given the former's reputation within the sect, there should be no other disciples willing to become his disciple. This little fat guy...


Thinking of the vision that the Ninth Peak had crazily gathered and absorbed the spiritual energy of the entire sect a few days ago, the elders looked stern.

Could that vision be caused by this little fat man?

Could it be that Zhang Yun has accepted another talented disciple?

"Ninth Elder, have you really accepted this Fatty Wu?"

At this time, Mu Sheng's voice interrupted the elders' thoughts.

All the elders were startled and looked at Mu Sheng.

Does the latter know Zhang Yun, his second apprentice?

Just listen to Mu Sheng continue to speak: "The Ninth Elder has unique interests. You actually accepted a registered disciple that even the deacons of our sect master peak did not want. Looking at this attitude, are you planning to take him to participate in the exchange meeting between the two sects?"

"Oh, too..."

He looked like he was thinking of something, nodded and continued: "After all, we, the Ninth Elder, only have two disciples under our command!"

He spoke in a deliberately loud tone.

After being fined with three months' salary, Mu Sheng became furious when he saw Zhang Yun.

Seeing Zhang Yun with Wu Xiaopang, he couldn't help but start sarcastically. He wanted the elders to know what kind of Zhang Yun's new second disciple he was.

A registered disciple that even the deacons don’t want?

The elders raised their eyebrows when they heard this, and immediately stopped paying attention to Wu Xiaopang.

They thought they were geniuses, but they thought too much!

"Tsk, tsk, I thought the Ninth Elder took in another genius, but I just took in a trash!"

Meng Zhong couldn't help but laugh.


Zhang Yun looked at him indifferently: "Are you talking about yourself, you piece of shit with no eyesight?"

"Zhang Yun!!"

Upon hearing these words, Meng Zhong's face instantly darkened.

Zhang Yun didn't bother him much. He looked at Mu Sheng aside and said, "I haven't seen you for a few days, but you have become more talkative. It seems that the bone in your right hand no longer hurts!"

Mu Sheng's face turned cold when he heard this, and he subconsciously retracted his right hand into his sleeve robe, humming without saying anything more.

Zhang Yun was too lazy to talk to the two of them.

"Master, my junior brother and I went over to say hello to those senior brothers and sisters!"

Xu Ming suddenly spoke, his eyes looking not far away.

Zhang Yun glanced at the words. At this time, the disciples led by the elders were gathered over there.

Xu Ming and Wu Xiaopang have become his disciples and have not yet come into contact with other peak disciples, but now is an opportunity to make contact.

He nodded immediately, "Go!"

Xu Ming and Wu Xiaopang immediately walked over there.

"Hello fellow brothers and sisters, we are Xu Ming and Wu Xiaopang from the Ninth Peak!"

The two came forward and asked politely.

When all the elders and disciples present heard this, they looked at the two of them, and their eyes couldn't help but paused at Xu Ming.

They all heard about this new disciple who caused the dragon roaring phenomenon when he first joined the sect. Thinking of the strange phenomena caused by the Ninth Peak in the past few days, they all looked at Xu Ming with complicated expressions.

They don't know whether to envy or sympathize.

With such a talent, he actually accepted the service of this weird Ninth Elder...

However, they still nodded kindly to Xu Ming.

No matter what, the talent is here, no matter how bad the master is, there will be some achievements in the future!

"Are you the disciple that the Ninth Elder Qi Pa accepted?"

But not everyone was friendly. A young man in black robe looked at Xu Ming and said disdainfully: "I advise you not to go to this exchange meeting. As a new disciple, you are not worthy. Participate in this grand event and go back to practice honestly, don’t go out and embarrass the sect!”

All the disciples were startled.

But they were not surprised when they saw it was a young man in black robe.

This man's name is Jin Nan, and he is a disciple of the Tenth Elder Meng Zhong.

Xu Ming's face darkened when he heard this, "Say it again!"

"What, what I said was wrong?"

The young man in black robe Jin Nan sneered: "You still think you are qualified..."

Xu Ming didn't wait for him to finish, but interrupted with a shout: "I'm asking you, who are you talking about!?"

Jin Nan was stunned for a moment, then quickly reacted and smiled disdainfully: "Why, there is something wrong with what I said? The Ninth Elder is just a weirdo who has ruined his own cultivation..."

"You're looking for a fight!!"

Before he could finish speaking, Xu Ming shouted angrily and punched him.

Jin Nan didn't expect his reaction to be so big, but he sneered secretly when Xu Ming took action. Although the process is somewhat different from what he imagined, this is the result he wants!

If he strikes first, it will be bullying the small. But if Xu Ming strikes first, then he can naturally teach him a lesson and no one will say anything. The task the master gave him was very simple!

"This guy is so impulsive!"

Everyone around them shook their heads slightly when they saw this scene.

Although Xu Ming is a genius, he has just joined the sect after all. Jin Nan had joined the Lingxian Sect three years ago and practiced under Meng Zhong for three years. Now his cultivation has reached the seventh level of the Qi Refining Stage.

If this fight breaks out, Xu Ming will suffer a big loss!

The elders not far away also noticed this scene and couldn't help but look at Meng Zhong.

"It's normal for disciples to have some friction..."

Meng Zhong smiled and looked at Zhang Yun deliberately: "Are you right, Ninth Elder?"

Zhang Yun shrugged upon hearing this: "The tenth elder is right!"


Seeing that his reaction was so dull, Meng Zhong was stunned.

The next second...


I heard an uproar not far away.

I saw Xu Ming and Jin Nan colliding with each other's fists. The expected scene of Xu Ming being directly subdued did not appear. Instead, it was...


Under Xu Ming's punch, Jin Nan was knocked to the ground like a child bumping into an adult.

"hold head high!"

Xu Ming's fist was surrounded by red gold spiritual energy, and the dragon's power seemed to be faintly roaring.

"Ninth level of Qi refining stage!?"

Feeling the aura emanating from him, the whole audience was shocked.

"How can this be?"

Meng Zhong's eyes widened.

This Xu Ming was clearly in the first level of Qi refining stage during the apprenticeship ceremony. How many days has it been?

Is it the ninth level of Qi refining stage? ?


Just as he was thinking about it, he saw Xu Ming continuing to attack Jin Nan not far away. His expression changed and he quickly stepped forward to stop him.

Zhang Yun stepped in front of him and said calmly: "Tenth Elder, what do you want to do? There is some friction among the disciples, isn't it normal?"


Meng Zhong was very angry when he heard this.

Not far away, Xu Ming punched Jin Nan again. After beating him hard, his expression changed, and he immediately shouted angrily: "Xu Ming, stop. Do you want to openly kill your fellow disciples?"

Hearing this, Xu Ming made a move.

"Die to me!!"

This meal allowed Jin Nan, who had been beaten a little bit irrationally, to find an opening and angrily took out a sword and stabbed Xu Ming directly in the neck.

This sudden change caused everyone's expressions to change.

Fortunately, Xu Ming sensed the crisis and quickly reacted by tilting his head and dodging the sword.


But he was also angered by Jin Nan.

This sword completely wanted to kill him!

The golden dragon spiritual energy burst out from Xu Ming's fist.

hold head high!

With a dragon roar, he punched out with all his strength in anger.


Jin Nan vomited blood, and there was a crackling sound from the bones on his body, and his whole body was blown away.

Meng Zhong's expression changed when he saw this, and he quickly stepped forward to catch Jin Nan who was about to fall to the ground.

"Little beast, how dare you do such a heavy trick!!"

After checking Jin Nan's condition, Meng Zhong suddenly looked at Xu Ming angrily.

At this moment, Jin Nan had an unknown number of broken ribs, his whole body was unnaturally distorted, and he had only one breath left.

"A heavy hand? Did your apprentice just want to kill him?"

Zhang Yun also stepped forward to Xu Ming at this time, looked at Meng Zhong coldly and said: "According to the sect's rules, if you openly kill a disciple of the same sect, you will be sentenced to death. Damn it, even if your disciple is beaten to death, he deserves it." !”


Meng Zhong was very angry.


At this time, a deep voice came, and the great elder of Lingxian Sect shouted: "The exchange meeting with Nanshan Sect is about to happen, what are you making a fuss about?"

Meng Zhong looked ugly.

Although Jin Nan is not dead, he will definitely not be able to participate in the two exchange meetings due to his injuries. Before the exchange meeting has even begun, there is one less apprentice...

What made him even more uncomfortable was that Xu Ming was already at the ninth level of Qi refining stage and had not suffered any injuries. After this wave, Zhang Yun's side was unscathed, and he lost one of his apprentices.

Stealing the chicken will lose the rice.

Just thinking about it makes him angry!

Zhang Yun ignored Meng Zhong and looked at Xu Ming at this moment: "Ming'er, do you know you are wrong?"

"Disciple knows his mistake!"

Xu Ming lowered his head.

"Do you know where you went wrong?"

"Disciple should not be impulsive."

The elders in the field raised their eyebrows slightly as they listened to the conversation between Zhang Yun and Xu Ming.

Although he is new to being a master, it seems that Zhang Yun still knows how to teach his disciples.

However, Zhang Yun's next words almost made them memorize them in one breath.

"You're so impulsive! You made the mistake of attacking too lightly. Faced with the situation just now, you should have killed yourself!!"

Listening to Zhang Yun's scolding, Xu Ming was stunned.

I bet he started too lightly?


All the elders twitched their mouths. You really think the problem is not big enough!

Meng Zhong's eyes were spitting fire, and he wanted to rush forward and chop Zhang Yun down immediately.

This bastard! !

All the disciples were speechless when they heard this. This strange Ninth Elder really lived up to his reputation as a strange person.

But the word 'weird'...

They couldn't help but glance at Xu Ming.

The reason why the latter beat Jin Nan earlier was obviously because the other person called him Zhang Yun. Even if Xu Ming is weak, the strength he just showed...

They secretly smacked their lips.

The ninth level of Qi refining stage, and the spiritual energy containing dragon power...

This Xu Ming is really amazing!

If there is a disciple showdown in this exchange meeting between the two sects, then Xu Ming will probably be one of the strong contenders for the championship!

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