Return ten thousand times, I have no taboos in accepting disciples

Secret Realm Chapter 155 Nanfeng Demon Sect’s plan and Yu Shui’er’s breakthrough


The shadow demon beast he had raised for hundreds of years was actually dead!!

The Shadow Demon Lord under the black robe was trembling at this moment.

He was a little bit unconvinced when he sensed it before, but now he was sure.


He stretched out his hand and waved it.

A layer of demonic energy wrapped around the vortex in front of him, and the scene of the underground square in the secret realm emerged at this moment.

The disappearing shadow sky, the lifeless shadow demon eggs on the pillars, and the shadow spirit crystal that was placed on the top of the pillar and taken away...

Although the Shadow Demon Lord did not say anything when watching these scenes, Lin Qin could feel that the air around him was gradually becoming oppressive.

The whole dense forest seemed to be covered with a layer of nameless fire at this moment, and the terrifying pressure spread down, and many ants, earthworms, centipedes and other small creatures in the dense forest were directly crushed.

Lin Qin also felt as if his neck was pinched by someone, and he was suffocated for a while.


Just when she was about to be overwhelmed, Shadow Demon Lord suddenly made a sound of surprise and went directly into the underground square in the secret realm.

The pressure around him dissipated immediately, and Lin Qin couldn't help but gasp twice.

Before she had time to look, she saw Shadow Demon Lord coming back with a piece of broken stone with a little blood in his hand.

"It seems that he was captured. It's smart to leave instructions!" Shadow Demon Lord chuckled at the blood on the broken stone, but then his eyes suddenly turned cold, looking in a direction in the distance and said: "No matter who killed my pet, I want you to pay it back a hundred times and a thousand times!!"

"Let's go!"

He immediately waved his hand, and a shadow wrapped around him and Lin Qin and quickly disappeared from the spot.


In the air, on the broad back of the striped spirit tiger.

"Mass production of Jindan-stage Shadow Demon Plan?"

Holding the paper that Wu Cheng had already written, Zhang Yun looked at the content and his pupils gradually shrank.

When he saw those Shadow Demon eggs before, he actually had some guesses, but the facts were more terrifying than he guessed!

Shadow Demon Lord, or Nanfeng Demon Sect, has been mass-producing Jindan-stage Shadow Demons through Shadow Demon Beasts in recent years.

The so-called Shadow Demons are a new species created by fusing the shadow energy of Shadow Demon Beasts and the flesh and blood of Demon Cultivators with human bodies.

Only a small number of Jindan-stage Demon Cultivators are needed as sacrifices, plus a group of Foundation Establishment Cultivators, to create a group of Jindan-stage Shadow Demons through the talent fusion of Shadow Demon Beasts.

Previously, the leader of Lingxian Sect mentioned that Shadow Demon Lord slaughtered more than 30 million ordinary people in three countries. This was actually Shadow Demon Lord covering up the capture of Foundation Establishment Cultivators from three countries.

That wave captured thousands of Foundation Establishment Cultivators, and in the past few decades, they were transported to Shadow Demon Lord to continuously produce Shadow Demons.

According to Wucheng's estimate, at least 2,000 Shadow Demons have been produced.

Zhang Yun was shocked by this number.

One Shadow Demon is equivalent to one Jindan-stage, which means 2,000 Jindan-stage!

In the Southern Region, a force with more than ten Jindan stage cultivators is already considered a first-rate force.

Two thousand Jindan stage cultivators, this is simply unimaginable!

If the Nanfeng Demon Sect wants to take action, it is estimated that no force in the entire Southern Region can stop it!

Zhang Yun glanced at the dozens of Jindan stage demon cultivators in the Wuxian City in the staff space, and said: "According to you, these Jindan stage demon cultivators with missing souls are sacrifices?"

Wu Cheng nodded in front of him.

Zhang Yun continued to read down, and there was another paragraph.

In order to create these shadow demons, Shadow Demon Lord has also consumed hundreds of Jindan stage demon cultivators in recent years. These demon cultivators were forced to grow by Shadow Demon Lord with magic energy. They only have cultivation but no strength, but they are enough as sacrifices for hatching shadow demons.

The souls of these people are missing because the Shadow Demon Lord sucked away part of their soul power when their realm was raised, and their souls will be forcibly sucked away when they merge later.

Fusion is required to create shadow demons, and the soul cannot remain. Therefore, when each batch is produced, the Shadow Demon Beast will condense a corresponding Shadow Spirit Crystal to absorb soul power.

Zhang Yun understood it now.

No wonder the Shadow Demon Beast can condense soul pills.

With such a continuous supply of Shadow Spirit Crystals, the Shadow Demon Beast is definitely not short of soul power.


Taking a deep breath, Zhang Yun couldn't help but feel a little heavy.

The Nanfeng Demon Sect has created so many Shadow Demons without taking any action. There must be a big plan.

Once it is launched, it is likely to be a catastrophe for the Southern Region!

I didn't expect that I would encounter such a thing when I followed the Striped Spirit Tiger to search for treasure...

It was timely. Previously, I saw that the Shadow Demon eggs were only about five minutes away from hatching. If the Shadow Demon Beast was dealt with later, another batch of Shadow Demons would be created.

Looking at Wucheng in front of him, Zhang Yun considered not killing him.

It's not that he showed mercy, but as a demon cultivator in the Nascent Soul Stage, this person must know a lot of information about the Nanfeng Demon Sect. Through him, he might be able to discover some secrets of the Nanfeng Demon Sect later.

He immediately brought them into Wuxian City and confined them in one place.

As for the dozens of Jindan-stage demon cultivators who lacked intelligence, Zhang Yun gave them a quick death.

These people may not know that they have been regarded as sacrifices by the Nanfeng Demon Sect, but the fact that they can be nurtured by the demonic energy shows that they are willing to accept the demonic energy. Giving such demon cultivators a quick death is Zhang Yun’s greatest mercy to them!

Arriving at the Wizard Academy, Zhang Yun found Yu Shuier.

With the help of the warm soul crystal, Yu Shuier’s soul strength has obviously improved a bit, but it is still far from being able to accept inheritance.

Zhang Yun didn't waste any time, took out the Shadow Spirit Crystal, and began to channel the soul power out of it for Yu Shui'er to absorb.

After absorbing about one-tenth of the amount of Shadow Spirit Crystal, Yu Shui'er would not be able to absorb it anymore.

Zhang Yun said: "Refining directly, I will help you protect the law as a master. Let's continue after that!"


Yu Shui'er nodded, closed his eyes and started refining.

Zhang Yun looked on, and Yu Shui'er's soul aura began to rise visibly with the naked eye.

Although the realm is only at the peak of the Foundation Establishment Stage, Yu Shui'er's soul strength has now reached the peak of the Golden Core Stage, and the next step is the Nascent Soul Stage.

What he wants to do is to help Yu Shui'er's soul break through to the Nascent Soul stage.

In this way, the great witch's inherited essence and blood can be absorbed.

Within a few minutes, Yu Shui'er finished refining her soul power and opened her eyes.


Zhang Yun asked.


Yu Shui'er nodded.

"Then let's continue as a teacher..."

As Zhang Yun spoke, he began to channel the soul power of the Shadow Spirit Crystal again.

Yu Shui'er let go of the absorption this time.

This time it only took less than two minutes before she said, "Master, I feel like I'm having sex!"


Zhang Yun could feel that her soul aura had reached the peak of the golden elixir stage, and said: "Swallow the spirit-breaking elixir I gave you before I became my master, and my soul will begin to hit the Nascent Soul stage!"

Yu Shui'er nodded, immediately took out a jade bottle and swallowed the elixir in one gulp.

Zhang Yun watched closely from the side. Although it was only a breakthrough in the soul, the Immortal Master's Sky Eye also brought progress information.


The progress jumps very quickly, but after reaching 50%, it starts to stall.

Zhang Yun knew that Yu Shui'er's soul power was insufficient, so he immediately channeled some of the soul power of the Shadow Spirit Crystal for him to absorb.

As Yu Shui'er absorbed it, the progress in Zhang Yun's eyes jumped again.

It stagnated again at 70%.

Zhang Yun continued to guide his soul power.

After several waves of this, the progress finally reached 100%.


It was like breaking through a certain bottleneck.

Accompanied by a crisp sound...


A surge of soul power burst out from Yu Shui'er, and the coercion of the Nascent Soul stage caused the witch powers in the surrounding Witch Fairy City to tremble slightly.

Zhang Yun smiled.

"Your disciple's soul level has successfully broken through the Nascent Soul stage, and the return of soul power has been initiated. You will receive a hundred times the return of soul power!"

At this time, a large amount of soul power suddenly emerged from his body, making him stunned.

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