Return ten thousand times, I have no taboos in accepting disciples

Secret Realm Chapter 159 Nascent Soul Stage Puppet

In a dimly lit mourning hall, there are three jade tablets in a row on the stele.


At this time, there was a sudden crisp sound, and a jade plaque on the far right cracked, and then exploded into a pool of fragments.


In the center of the mourning hall, a figure sitting cross-legged suddenly opened his eyes. Seeing the broken jade plaque, his cloudy eyes were filled with a little surprise.

After a moment of silence, he took out a special sound transmission stone.

"Ancestor, what do you have to say?"

A respectful voice of inquiry came from the opposite side of the sound transmission stone.

The figure said calmly: "The shadow's life jade tablet is broken!"

The other person was silent for a moment, and only half a minute later he responded: "Ancestor, I will send someone to investigate this matter."

"As long as you have an idea..."

The figure said calmly: "In addition, the figure is gone, and someone has to take his place. Your disciple, you can mention it!"

After a pause, he continued: "I don't want to see any more mistakes in this operation!"


Over Nanshouzhou.

"As expected of the Demon Lord, he is so rich!"

Looking at the Shadow Demon Lord's storage ring, Zhang Yun clicked his tongue.

First of all, the size of this storage ring is extraordinary. It is estimated to be the size of a small town. This type of storage ring is called a super storage ring, and its inner space is at least ten times that of an ordinary storage ring.

This kind of storage ring costs tens of thousands of spirit stones at least.

Secondly, the contents inside this place include nearly 90% of the area filled with spiritual stones alone.

Zhang Yun roughly estimated that there were at least tens of millions of spiritual stones.

In addition to spiritual stones, the remaining 10% of the area is filled with various things, including elixirs, scrolls of skills, sharp weapons and spiritual weapons...

At a glance, there is a dazzling array of things to see, like a treasure trove.

Perhaps it is inferior to the treasure trove of the Sea Witch Fairy Kingdom hidden by the high priest before, but among the trophies that have been taken from other people's storage rings, this is the most amazing piece that Zhang Yun has gained so far.

"It seems that it would be good to kill this kind of demon!"

Zhang Yun touched his chin and thought.

Separate some of the things contaminated with evil spirits separately. There is something here that can confirm the identity of Shadow Demon Lord.

As one of the top 100 most wanted demons in the mainland, if you kill the Shadow Demon Lord, you can get a lot of bonuses in the Central Territory.

These identity credentials will be useful in due course.

"Your apprentice Yu Shui'er has become a wizard, and his witchcraft power has been promoted to the second level. Now you can activate the witchcraft power return and get a hundred times the witchcraft power return!"

At this moment, a burst of witchcraft power suddenly emerged in his body, making Zhang Yun raise his brows.

First it was the soul power, but now the witch power is also returned?

It seems that his Immortal Master Returning Body can return all kinds of energy.

But it seems that only the power he has mastered will work.

Zhang Yun touched his chin.

Maybe you can think more about this aspect when recruiting apprentices in the future.

In addition, now that the witchcraft power can be returned, if Wu Haihai starts to practice witchcraft power next...

Zhang Yun glanced at the sleeping Wu Haihai, his eyes couldn't help but shine.

Although Wu Haihai can currently control witchcraft power, he only relies on his talent and control of the wizard's staff. His new body has not yet cultivated witchcraft power.

But Zhang Yun has no doubt that once he starts practicing witchcraft power, Wu Haihai's speed will definitely take off directly, and he will be able to get a hundred times the witchcraft power in return...

Holy priests, wizard saints, even wizards...

Can these realms be far away?

Zhang Yun took a deep breath.

It seems that after this little guy wakes up, we must arrange for him to practice witchcraft as soon as possible!

Let the striped spirit tiger accelerate all the way towards South Star State.

Zhang Yun sent Wu Haihai to Wu Xian City. He thought that the little guy would wake up soon, but it was estimated that it would take some time for him to be in a deep sleep.

After settling Wu Haihai, Zhang Yun went to the wizard academy.

I saw Yu Shui'er, who was excitedly pulling the witchcraft around the world, forming waves of amazing witchcraft.

Zhang Yun's mouth curved.

This girl has obviously completed the absorption and inherited the training memory of the great witch in the transformation stage.

He didn't bother seeing this.

With the training memory, Yu Shui'er can now practice alone.

Looking for a place in Wuxian City, Zhang Yun cooked a pot of simple medicinal soup, brought in the unconscious Xu Ming and Tao Gulan, and fed them respectively.

Although the two of them had only minor flesh injuries, their souls were shaken by the pressure of Shadow Demon Lord's soul.

The pot of medicinal soup that Zhang Yun made was made from a high-quality elixir called Requiem Grass, which he had just discovered from the Shadow Demon Lord's storage ring. This requiem grass can calm the soul state of monks, and has an excellent effect on monks whose souls are affected.

Feed them after taking the medicinal soup.

He started making the puppet that was only one step away from being completed in the previous half month.

"Just try the three-crystal core!"

Zhang Yun thought for a moment as he looked at the puppet in front of him who could complete the last step of installing the crystal core.

The corpses of the Tiangang Eagle Falcon and the Silver Wolf King were immediately brought over from the Witch Fairy City. After processing the lower skin, flesh and other parts, the crystal cores were taken out.

"One piece for the knees, one piece for the eyes..."

After determining the location, I simply modified the inner structure and then installed it.

Two hours later.

Buzz! !

As Zhang Yun installed the last part, the three parts where the crystal core was placed on the puppet lying in front of him - the knees, eyes and lower abdomen - emitted light at the same time, and the energy was connected to each other.


Soon, with a crisp sound, the puppet in front of him slowly stood up.

Zhang Yun said: "From now on, you will be Yun No. 2!"


The puppet responded.

Zhang Yun's Immortal Eye Revealing Technique——

【Cloud No. 2】

Realm: Nascent Soul Stage Dacheng

Introduction: The three-crystal core puppet requires human control and can simultaneously erupt three levels of Nascent Soul stage power. When combined, it can exert a strength comparable to that of a peak Nascent Soul stage monk.

The corners of the mouth are slightly curved.

Although Yun No. 2 is at the Nascent Soul stage, his strength can reach the peak level of the Nascent Soul stage, which is several levels stronger than Yun No. 1.

"Bring Yun-1 and upgrade it too!"

Looking at the remaining piece of Nascent Soul Stage spirit beast crystal core, Zhang Yun thought for a moment.

Yun No. 1 was immediately brought over.

After a while of dissection, the original spiritual brown bear crystal core with little energy left was replaced with a brand new Nascent Soul stage crystal core. At the same time, Yun No. 1 was replaced with some materials that could withstand the energy of the Nascent Soul stage.

After spending a long time, the brand-new Yun-1 appeared in front of me——

【Cloud No. 1】

Realm: Nascent Soul Stage Xiaocheng

Introduction: Crystal core puppet needs human control.

Looking at the brand new Yun No. 1 in front of him and the Yun No. 2 next to him, Zhang Yun felt quite a sense of accomplishment.

In just half a day's work, two Nascent Soul Stage puppets were created.

With these two puppets, they are enough to look down on more than 90% of the monks in the Southern Region!

"It's a pity that there are not enough materials, otherwise we could make another Yun-3..."

Zhang Yun glanced at the corpse of the Shadow Beast in the storage ring. There was also a crystal core of a divine beast in it.

But some of the existing materials on his body are not enough to support the energy of the divine transformation stage.

"When you arrive in Nanxingzhou, you can go to the Nanzang Treasure Pavilion to have a look..."

Zhang Yun thought.

The only place in the Southern Territory that can have this kind of material is the Nanzang Treasure Pavilion.

But when thinking of Nanzangbao Pavilion, Zhang Yun couldn't help but think of Mu Wenxuan.

"Perhaps we can find a way to disclose this matter to the senior management of South Treasure Pavilion..."

He touched his chin.

By the way, you can also test whether the Nanzang Treasure Pavilion has been completely penetrated by the Nanfeng Demon Sect.

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