Return ten thousand times, I have no taboos in accepting disciples

Secret Realm Chapter 176: South Star Thief, Fang Xing


Zhang Yun kicked the white-haired young man directly on the knee.


With a scream, the white-haired young man suddenly appeared and fell to the ground, clutching his knees in pain.

【White-haired young man】

Realm: Peak of Golden Elixir Stage

Physique: Top grade transparent spiritual root

Physical talent: Concealment - can hide one's own aura.

Equipment: Invisibility cloak - made of transparent crystals. When worn, the wearer can enter an invisible state.

Kung Fu and combat skills practiced: Transparent Power Technique, Hidden Step...

Weaknesses: Average combat power. Once concealment is no longer possible, the strength will be greatly weakened.

"Invisibility cloak?"

Zhang Yun raised his eyebrows.

He thought that invisibility was the other's talent, but it turned out that he had the help of his robe.

Immediately pull off the invisibility cloak on the other party.

"don't want!"

The white-haired young man screamed and his spiritual energy exploded.


Zhang Yun directly stepped on the opponent's burst of spiritual energy with one kick. At the same time, he tore off the invisibility cloak and put it on himself.

As soon as I put it on, I felt a thin layer of energy covering my skin.

Then he looked at his body and saw that he had entered a state of transparent invisibility.

"What a good thing!"

Zhang Yun raised his eyebrows.

Wearing this invisibility cloak to restrain your aura, you can easily sneak into many places.

After looking at the row of storage rings on the white-haired young man's fingers, Zhang Yun reached out and took them all off.

I found the sun and moon spirit liquid that had just been robbed, and there were many other good things.


Zhang Yun raised his eyebrows when he saw one of the bottles of pills.

Infant Transformation Pill!

I got one from the two exchange meetings before, and planned to use it to break through the Nascent Soul stage later, but I didn't expect to get another one now.

Scanning the many items in the storage ring, Zhang Yun glanced at the white-haired young man, "It seems you are still a habitual thief!"

The white-haired young man was silent.

He knew that the treasures he had collected over the years could not be saved!

He gritted his teeth and begged Zhang Yun, "I'll give you all these things. I don't want anything else. Can you let me live?"

"These things are mine, I don't need you to give them to me!"

Zhang Yun spoke calmly.

The white-haired young man turned pale, but suddenly thought of something, and said quickly: "I know a huge secret, please let me live, and I will tell you!!"


Zhang Yun was startled.

The white-haired young man said solemnly: "This secret can ruin Qianhaidao's reputation!"


Zhang Yun raised his eyebrows.

Seeing his interest, the white-haired young man immediately struck while the iron was hot, "Let me go and I'll tell you!"

"No need to bother!"

Zhang Yun smiled faintly and directly pressed his palm on the chest of the white-haired young man.


The white-haired young man couldn't dodge at all. He only felt as if something was pressed on his chest, and his expression changed: "What did you do to me?"

"A little trick that can make your heart explode instantly!"

Zhang Yun said calmly.


The white-haired young man stared.

"Don't worry, as long as you are honest and obedient, your heart will never explode!"

Zhang Yun clapped his hands and said: "Now, tell me about your origins and the secret you mentioned just now~!"

The white-haired young man's face turned pale. He wanted to fight Zhang Yun, but he still lacked the courage. Finally, he spoke: "My name is Fang Xing, and I am the elder of Leng Shetang, a powerful force in Southern Star State..."

Zhang Yun raised his eyebrows slightly as he listened.

In the Southern Star State, Qianhai Island is the absolute overlord, and all other forces are its vassals. This Leng Shetang is one of the top three vassal forces on Qianhai Island.

Fang Xing joined Leng Shetang just to change his identity.

Secretly, he has another famous identity, the Southern Star Thief.

With his gift of invisibility and invisibility cloak, he could not be discovered even when facing the Nascent Soul stage. With this ability, he has basically patronized all the forces, large and small, in the entire Southern Star State.

Therefore he was given this name by the world.

By chance, he sneaked into Qianhai Island.

He originally wanted to see if he could find the Thousand Islands Treasure House, but instead of finding the treasure house, he discovered a big secret.

"You said Qianhaidao colluded with the demon cultivators?"

Zhang Yun's eyes narrowed as he listened to what Fang Xing said.


Fang Xing nodded firmly and said: "On an important island in Qianhai Island, I saw with my own eyes that the second elder of Qianhai Island came into contact with a group of demon cultivators!"

Zhang Yun frowned: "How are you sure they are demon cultivators?"

Fang Xingdao: "I was searching the island at that time, but when I passed by the courtyard, I found the second elder of Qianhai Island and a group of people sneaking into each other to go somewhere. Out of curiosity, I followed them secretly. I followed them all the way to a cave. , there are many people tied up in that cave, as well as some underwater races, such as mermaids. "


Zhang Yun's eyes narrowed.

The first thing he thought of was Yu Shui'er's kin.

Just listen to Fang Xing continue: "I saw with my own eyes that group of people used demonic methods to mark the tied people and mermaids, and then took away a batch..."

"Then what?"

"Then I didn't know, because they took the tied group of people and undersea races to the core island area. There are gods in the core island area, and I was afraid of being discovered, so I didn't dare to follow! "

"Core island area?"

Zhang Yun narrowed his eyes.

He still knows something about Qianhai Island. The origin of this force's name is because it controls thousands of islands in the Antarctic Sea.

From the outside to the inside, thousands of islands are divided into ordinary islands, important islands and core islands.

The core island area is the most important area of ​​Qianhai Island, and only senior officials above the elder level can enter.

The demon cultivator followed the second elder of Qianhai Island and led a group of human mermaids into the core island...

If this matter is true, then there must be collusion between Qian Haidao and the demon cultivator, and the collusion may be very deep.

He looked at Fang Xing in front of him and asked, "Since you know this, why don't you spread the word?"

"How dare I!"

Fang Xing smiled bitterly and said: "The strength of Qianhai Island is top-notch in the entire Southern Region. If this matter spreads, no one may be able to punish them. And if they find out that I am the one who spread the news, then I will be doomed!"

Zhang Yun was silent.

This is true.

In the Southern Territory, except for the South Treasure Pavilion, there are almost no forces that can rival Qianhai Island. And even if Nanzangbao Pavilion knew that there were demon cultivators on Qianhai Island, they might not take action against them.

After all, the price is too high.

What's more, even Mu Wenxuan, the young master of the South Treasure Pavilion, is a demon cultivator.

"It's really pervasive!"

Zhang Yun breathed out.

"I understand this matter, please stay here for now!"

After saying this, he teleported to other areas of Xianbao Pavilion.

Looking at Zhang Yun who disappeared in front of his eyes in an instant, Fang Xing's mouth twitched.

Just now, he was wondering why Zhang Yun suddenly appeared and flashed in front of him as if teleporting.

Now he understands!

It's actually possible to teleport directly here...

Wait, doesn’t the other party control the Xianbao Pavilion?

Thinking of this, Fang Xing's face trembled.

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