Return ten thousand times, I have no taboos in accepting disciples

Secret Realm Chapter 179 Xu Ming takes the elders on an adventure

Immediately flew towards the direction where the vision appeared.

"By the way, Ninth Elder, when you entered the Immortal Treasure Pavilion..."

While flying, Tao Gulan suddenly thought of something and recounted what happened after Wu Haihai woke up.

"You're not hurt, are you?"

Hearing that Tao Gulan was attacked, Zhang Yun's expression condensed and he quickly glanced at Tao Gulan.

"A little skin injury, nothing serious anymore..."

Feeling his concern, Tao Gulan felt warm in his heart and shook his head with a smile. At the same time, he looked at Wu Haihai in his arms and hesitated: "It's Haihai..."

"Don't worry, Haihai is fine, his soul is a bit special..."

Zhang Yun smiled and fell into deep thought.

Extreme person.

These three words mentioned in Tao Gulan's words made him a little concerned, and he couldn't help but think of his Ji Ti Jue.

Who were the two young men in black who attacked Gu Lan? Why call him that?

Did you know that he practiced the Extreme Body Technique?

Zhang Yun frowned.

"By the way, Ninth Elder, these are the bodies of those two people. I thought they might be useful to you, so I specially collected them earlier."

At this time, Tao Gulan took out a storage ring.

Zhang Yun took it, looked at the two intact corpses inside, and raised his eyebrows. I couldn't help but give Tao Gulan a thumbs up: "This is so useful!"

Tao Gulan smiled.

Zhang Yun searched for the bodies of two young men in black.

But apart from some spiritual stones, elixirs and other property, only two tokens with the word "Ti" engraved on them were found.

This should be a credential of identity.

After thinking about it, he asked: "Gu Lan, is there a big force named after a Chinese character in the Southern Territory?"


Tao Gulan thought for a moment and then shook his head: "Ninth Elder, the major power in the six states of the Southern Territory, should not be named after a physical character."

Zhang Yun couldn't help thinking when he heard this.

There is no such thing in the Southern Region. Could it be that these two young men in black are from other regions?

But why would people from other domains come to him specifically? He is also called the Extreme Body Person...


Zhang Yun thought of something and immediately entered the Xianbao Pavilion space.

He called out the summoning platform and placed the corpses of the two young men in black on it.

Buzz! Buzz!

Along with two rays of light, the two dead young men in black walked down from the summoning platform as if they were resurrected.

Zhang Yun looked happy.

Humans can also be summoned!

"It's a pity that I don't have any intelligence..."

But upon inspection, I found that the two young men in black had empty eyes, just like two humanoid puppets.

Shake his head slightly.

"Let's take a look at the information!"

Zhang Yun thought about the magic of turning the fairy eye——

【五子】(summoning creatures)

Realm: Peak of Golden Elixir Stage

Physique: Third stage of ancient spiritual body (nine stages in total, has been cultivated to third stage)

Physical Talent: Ancient Body Clan Patterns - Three sections of the ancient body can release three clan patterns. After being used, the strength of the physical body will be greatly increased.

Kung Fu and combat skills practiced: ancient physical techniques, ancient spiritual strength, ancient boxing techniques...

Weaknesses: Weak soul power (it has become a summoned creature, this will be re-determined based on the soul of the summoner). After the ancient body pattern talent burst is used, it will enter a short fatigue period after maintaining it for three minutes, and a life gate will form in the armpit. It can be severely damaged.

Lasting time: 90 days

【Six Sons】(Summoning Creatures)

Realm: Peak of Golden Elixir Stage

Physique: Third stage of Linggu body

Physical talent: ancient body clan pattern; spiritual smell - the hidden talent of the ancient spiritual body. After awakening, the smell is amazing. It can capture all kinds of breath and track it through the breath.

Durability: 90 days.

"Linggu body?"

Zhang Yun raised his eyebrows, seeing this physique for the first time.

However, both of them have this body, which means they are from the same side, and they are probably from the same clan.

In the Immortal Continent, some powerful monks with special physiques often produce offspring with the same physique. There are some strong people who have developed from generation to generation and formed a huge clan.

This kind of clan has generally experienced countless years of development and is very powerful!

Zhang Yun was even more certain that these two people were not from the Southern Region.

Because of the strength of the clan, even Qianhai Island, a dominant force in the southern region, had to step aside.

If there is a clan in the Southern Territory, it will definitely be the top overlord.

Thinking of this, Zhang Yun felt a sense of solemnity in his heart.

The two young men in black called him the Ultimate Bodyguard and forced Tao Gulan to reveal his situation, making it clear that they were here for him.

He didn't know how the other party found it.

But Linggu body, Ji body person... these are inseparable from the same body character.

It means that the other party must have some intention on his body!

Thinking about it gives me a little headache.

It's not a good thing to be targeted by such a clan!

"The worst case scenario is that I'll run away with my apprentice!"

Zhang Yun shook his head and let out a breath.

Now, if nothing else, he thought he still had many ways to escape.

In the secret realm of immortals.

In a huge valley surrounded by a barrier, a vision is being released.

hold head high!

A sword light filled with golden dragon spiritual energy swept across, directly splitting a giant withered beast several meters in length into two, and exploded on the spot.


"Awesome, Xu Ming!"

Seeing Xu Ming holding the Pingxiao Sword, more than a dozen elders of the Lingxian Sect, led by the second elder of the Lingxian Sect, applauded and cheered.

Xu Ming sheathed his sword, looked into the depths of the valley and said, "Elders, let's go deep and have a look at the source of the vision!"


The elders of Lingxian Sect nodded, looking at Xu Ming with a trace of respect.

Although he was only a disciple, Xu Ming, who had already broken through to the Jindan stage, had already impressed them with his strength along the way.

If it weren't for Xu Ming, they might not have gotten here.

Just an hour ago, they met Xu Ming outside this valley.

After separating from Zhang Yun, the elders of Lingxian Sect had originally acted separately, but after facing the withered beast, they soon discovered that their strength was not enough to explore alone.

For this reason, they wanted to contact Zhang Yun, but found that they couldn't.

Instead, they contacted each other and gathered together.

On the way, they met the second elder who had entered the immortal secret realm earlier, and they went together.

More than an hour ago, they discovered this valley full of barriers. They were about to enter to explore and met Xu Ming.

Xu Ming is now also in the Jindan stage. Although he may lack strength, they still pulled him along.

There is strength in numbers, and they can also give face to Zhang Yun.

After entering, they found that it was not Xu Ming who lacked strength, but them!

In this valley, there was a nest of withered beasts.

As soon as they entered, they were surrounded by dozens of withered beasts.

Several elders were almost killed on the spot.

It was Xu Ming who saved them, and with the golden dragon spirit, he killed dozens of withered beasts one by one.

This powerful strength shocked the elders of Lingxian Sect.

But it also gave them confidence.

Knowing that there was a nest of withered beasts in it, they still explored deeply.

Just as they killed some withered beasts along the way, when they came to the center of this valley, it seemed that some restrictions were triggered.

An amazing phenomenon suddenly broke out in the depths of the valley.

At the same time, many withered beasts appeared around.

Now that the withered beasts were solved, they immediately rushed to the source of the phenomenon.

"This... This is!!"

When they came to the deepest part of the valley and saw the scene in front of them, Xu Ming and the elders of Lingxian Sect were all surprised.

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