Return ten thousand times, I have no taboos in accepting disciples

Secret Realm Chapter 182 I will teach you how to use this gift!

The huge valley fell silent.

A handsome young man with white robes and black hair appeared next to Xu Ming.

It was Zhang Yun.


"Ninth Elder!"

Seeing him, Xu Ming and several elders of Lingxian Sect looked surprised.

Zhang Yun looked at Xu Ming, who was stained with blood and looked a little pale, and patted him on the shoulder: "Next, leave it to my master!"


Xu Ming nodded, and his tense nerves were finally able to relax at this moment, and he sat down directly on the ground below and breathed heavily.

Zhang Yun looked indifferent and his eyes were directly locked on the 'Seventh Elder of Lingxian Sect'.


Before anyone present could react, Zhang Yun appeared beside the ‘Seventh Elder of the Lingxian Sect’.

The expression of the 'Seventh Elder of the Lingxian Sect' changed, and the demonic aura erupted from his body.

But Zhang Yun directly pressed his hand back.


Zhang Yun's palm grabbed his head.


The expression of the ‘Seventh Elder of Lingxian Sect’ changed greatly.


The next second, it was like a watermelon bursting, and his whole head was crushed by Zhang Yun.

Blood splashed on the nearby Lingxian Sect elders, making them all stunned.

"Take this and treat the second elder..."

It was Zhang Yun's voice that brought them back to reality.

Seeing a jade bottle handed over by Zhang Yun, they quickly took it and went to take care of the seriously injured second elder of Lingxian Sect.

Zhang Yun's eyes looked at the figure climbing up the hillside not far away.


After a slight cough, Feng Yuan's cheeks were swollen, and he stood up from the hillside with a somewhat embarrassed posture.

Seeing Zhang Yun, a smile appeared on his elegant face: "Ninth Elder, I didn't expect..."


But as soon as he opened his mouth, Zhang Yun rushed forward.

A straight punch.


Half of Feng Yuan's body was blasted away in an instant, but there was no blood at all, because half of Feng Yuan's body suddenly turned into a layer of whirlwind energy.

"Transforming like the wind, this talent is quite good!"

Zhang Yun spoke calmly.


Feng Yuan was shocked when he heard this.

How did Zhang Yun know his talent?

Before he could think about it, Zhang Yun swept his arms out.


But it only swept away a layer of wind whirlpool, and half of Feng Yuan's body turned into a whirlwind.

"Hundred-fold Wind Gang Technique—Wind Blade Sweeps Wildly!"

At the same time, a stream of wind attribute energy swept from Feng Yuan's body, and suddenly formed a series of sharp wind blades centered on him, sweeping away in all directions.

Zhang Yun was the first to bear the brunt.

Puff puff! !

But before the wind blade could hit, a layer of dark blue witchcraft power would emerge from his body and directly adhere to most of the wind blade.

Feng Yuan's eyes narrowed.


At this time, the oncoming sword light caused his expression to change, and his body turned into a whirlwind again.

Zhang Yun swept away the air with a sword, his expression did not change, and he just said lightly: "You can't cover your whole body at the same time with your wind whirlwind, right?"

"not good!"

Feng Yuan's expression changed when he heard this.

"The turbulent swallowing of the sea witch!"

Zhang Yun didn't give him a chance, and the majestic dark blue witchcraft power in his body swept out, directly wrapping and squeezing Feng Yuan's entire body.

In an instant, Feng Yuan's whirlwind body was squeezed into a ball the size of a basketball.

"The Holy Technique of Demon Sealing - Demon Transformation!!"

Just as it was about to burst, a majestic demonic energy burst out at this moment, scattering the witchcraft power.

The strong energy caused Zhang Yun to fly back more than ten meters.

Look up.

I saw Feng Yuan's body appearing. At this moment, the demonic energy was lingering all over his body. His pupils turned dark red, and his black hair stretched more than ten meters and floated in the air.

At the same time, the aura emanating from the whole body skyrocketed from the small Nascent Soul stage to the peak of the Nascent Soul stage!

"This move of mine was originally reserved for the sect master..."

Feng Yuan has completely lost his previous elegance. At this moment, his eyes are full of cold and murderous intent and he is staring at Zhang Yun: "Now, let me try my hand on you first!!"


That demonic energy exploded.

Seeing this, Zhang Yun suddenly said: "Ming'er, have you received the second gift my teacher gave you?"

Xu Ming was startled when he heard the words. He thought about the information that suddenly appeared in his mind before, and there was a summoning platform whose purpose he didn't quite understand, and he nodded immediately.

Zhang Yun said calmly: "Master, I will teach you now how to use this gift!"

After saying that, he turned over his hand and took out the summoning platform, and threw a small piece of shadow monster flesh and blood on it.


It fell with a faint sound.

Buzz! !

The summoning platform shines with light.

"Hundred Levels of Wind Gang Technique - Wind Demon Blade Dance!"

At this time, Feng Yuan was surrounded by demonic energy, forming a series of wind blades surrounded by demonic energy, shooting towards Zhang Yun in pieces.


But at this time, a shadow swept out from the summoning platform, but it stood in front of these wind blades and blocked them all.


At the same time, there was a roar.

The people in the field were stunned, and the next second they saw a shadow monster nearly 100 meters roaring out.

"This...this is!!"

When Feng Yuan saw the appearance of Shadow Warcraft, his dark red pupils couldn't help but dilate.

"It seems you recognize it!"

Zhang Yun said calmly: "Yes, it is the Shadow Demon Beast, the pet of your Lord Shadow Demon!"

Feng Yuan was shocked and looked at Zhang Yun in disbelief: "It's... you killed Lord Shadow Demon??"

"It seems you already know, and the information is quite good!"

Zhang Yun raised his eyebrows and said: "At that time, I spent a lot of effort to kill your Demon Lord and this pet. Now, you should also try the characteristics of this pet!"

Hoah——! !

As his words fell, the Shadow Beast roared up, carrying a large amount of shadow energy around it to form a shadow sky that swept towards the wind source.

Feng Yuan's face changed drastically, and his expression showed fear for the first time.

One day before entering the Immortal Secret Realm, he learned about the death of the Shadow Demon Lord.

He had guessed many powerful people as the person who killed Shadow Demon Lord, but he never guessed, or at all thought, that it would be the Ninth Elder of their Lingxian Sect! !


Without any hesitation, he turned into a gust of demonic wind to bypass the Shadow Beast and escape.

“Sea Witch—the wild waves are sweeping in!”

But at this moment, a wave formed by dark blue witchcraft appeared in front of him.

"not good!"

Feng Yuan's expression changed, but the dark blue witchcraft power had flooded the surroundings, making it impossible to hide away.

The whole body was shaken away, and the shadow canopy of the Shadow Warcraft wrapped up, and endless shadow energy wrapped up.


Under Feng Yuan's roar, his entire body was completely swallowed!


Under a burst of shrill screams, the shadow sky faded across the valley, revealing that the source of the wind had been eroded beyond recognition.


Xu Ming, as well as the few remaining Lingxian Sect elders present, all had their mouths open at this moment, looking at Zhang Yun in shock, who was dressed in white robes like Sheng Xue, who seemed not to be stained by the slightest dust after the battle.


"hold head high--!!"

"hold head high--!!"

At this moment, an eagle cry and two dragon roars came from outside the valley.

A Tiangang falcon covered with dark red feathers flew over, surrounded by two blue sea dragons.

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