Return ten thousand times, I have no taboos in accepting disciples

Secret Realm Chapter 197 If you dare to go any faster, your heart will explode

"Cultivation of withered immortal power?"

Zhang Yun's mouth twitched.

Is this trial something humans can do?

The reason why immortal power is called immortal is because it is the energy that belongs exclusively to immortals. It is simply unrealistic for ordinary monks to cultivate it.

Take the previous process of integrating withered immortal power. Only tens of thousands of withered immortal powers can condense a trace of withered immortal power. And these tens of thousands of withered powers require the withered energy emitted by killing at least tens of thousands of golden elixir stage withered beasts to be condensed.

Where can a normal monk cultivate such a large amount of dry power?

Looking at the two monk methods, Zhang Yun directly PASSed the first one. The second kind...

"Dead tree?"

Zhang Yun raised his eyebrows and couldn't help but look at the dead branch in his hand.

Is there any connection between the dead tree and this branch?

Just as he was thinking about it, a large stream of information suddenly came from the dead branch.

Astonishingly, the entire interior of the fairy palace seemed to be under the control of this dead branch.

The core area inside the Immortal Palace is a main hall

Wu Xiaopang, who had just been teleported away, was now in the main hall.

Zhang Yun immediately waved the dead branch to teleport over.

In the main hall.

"Little Fatty, did you find anything?"

Seeing Fatty Wu in front of him staring blankly at a big tree in the main hall, Zhang Yun couldn't help but speak.


Wu Xiaopang was startled, but when he saw that it was Zhang Yun, he immediately calmed down and pointed to the big tree in front of him: "Master, this tree is a bit strange. There seems to be a very strong dry power in it."

Zhang Yun was startled, and turned to look at the big tree in front of him——

【Dead tree】

Introduction: Planted from the seeds of the withered fairy tree, it contains pure withered power.

Zhang Yun raised his eyebrows and immediately wanted to take down the dead tree, but was blocked by an invisible barrier.

Buzz! !

At this moment, a piece of information suddenly came from the dead branch in his hand——

"Please select the entrants to set up a training competition with withered power. Let the entrants practice in pairs in front of the dead tree. The first one to condense ten strands of withered power will win, get a share of withered power, and bring a share to the withered tree. Withered power. When the dead tree obtains one hundred withered powers, it can be unsealed. If the barrier is broken by force, the dead tree will self-destruct!"

"During the competition, if one of the entrants has a winning streak, each consecutive victory will gain an additional dry power and bring an additional dry power to the dead tree."

"If there is an integer winning streak such as ten consecutive wins or twenty consecutive wins, you will get ten additional points of power!"

"Restrictions: Each entrant can only participate once. If you win, you will continue to win. If you lose, you will be eliminated!"

Zhang Yun raised his eyebrows slightly.

It turns out that this is what it means to set up a test of strength for those who enter.

"One hundred kuli?"

Zhang Yun looked at it carefully and frowned.

In addition to him, the total number of entrants including Wu Xiaopang and Yu Shui'er was only eighty. If one person failed, he could no longer participate. There can only be a maximum of seventy-nine victories, and a maximum of seventy-nine withering powers can be provided to the dead tree.

In other words, if the entrant cannot have a winning streak, it will be impossible for him to collect 100 kuli.

"Are you testing your eyesight again..."

Zhang Yun touched his chin.

The previous Kuli pull in the inner hall was to test whether he could accurately capture the moment when the monks cultivated Kuli and rob it. It's a test of eyesight.

Now this is obviously a test of his vision, allowing him to find entrants who can win consecutively. If you can't find it, the dead tree means you can't get it!

Without hesitation, he directly teleported the Sixth Elder of Qianhai Island.

Zhang Yun took out two futons and placed them in front of the dead tree, pointed at one and ordered: "Go and sit down there!"

The Sixth Elder of Qianhai Island was puzzled, but he did not dare to refuse, so he quickly stepped forward and sat down.

"Little Fatty, sit down next to him!"

Zhang Yun spoke.

Wu Xiaopang nodded.

Buzz! Buzz!

The moment the two sat down in front of the dead tree, they saw two rays of dead light suddenly falling from above the dead tree, falling on Wu Xiaopang and the Sixth Elder of Qianhai Island respectively.

"This is?"

Wu Xiaopang and the Sixth Elder of Qianhai Island were both a little confused, but they could both feel that this light contained a strong fluctuation of withering power. Practicing under this light, they felt that they could quickly cultivate their strength.

"Little Fatty, you are now cultivating Ku Li with all your strength!"

Zhang Yun spoke.

After Wu Xiaopang heard this, he immediately started to practice the Kuli cultivation method he just learned from looking at the stone tablet.

Zhang Yun did not give orders to the Sixth Elder of Qianhai Island.

"If one party does not start practicing for more than one minute, the result of the competition will be invalid!"

After waiting for half a minute, a message suddenly came from the dead branch in his hand.

Zhang Yun frowned slightly.

Are there any mandatory requirements?

He immediately looked at the Sixth Elder of Qianhai Island and said, "You start practicing too!"

The Sixth Elder of Qianhai Island perked up and looked at Wu Xiaopang practicing. He was already eager to give it a try.

Just when he was about to quickly run the Kuli Cultivation Method, Zhang Yun said again: "After running the Kuli Cultivation Method, do your best to practice at the slowest speed. If you dare to go any faster, your heart will explode!"


The sixth elder of Qianhai Island opened his mouth.

Is this really sick?

Let him practice the exercises at the slowest speed. What kind of trouble is this?

However, looking at the dead tree, the light did not fall on Zhang Yun, but only on him and Wu Xiaopang.

He soon understood.

In the current situation, he is competing with this Wu Xiaopang, right?

When he thought of this, he understood immediately, and the corner of his mouth twitched.

MMP, this bastard is deliberately giving away so that his apprentice can win!

Although he didn't know Zhang Yun's specific intention of doing this, looking at the light shining from the dead tree in front of him, he guessed that it must be related to the inheritance of the Immortal Palace.

"Shameless person!"

He cursed secretly in his heart, but he didn't dare to practice harder, so he practiced Ku Li at the slowest speed.

Zhang Yun looked on with a calm expression.

If it can be done easily, then don’t make it complicated!

There were no rules for this test, and he couldn't let one party practice slowly.

Within a few minutes, circles of withered power appeared around Wu Xiaopang, and soon a trace of withered power emerged.

Zhang Yun raised his eyebrows slightly.

With the experience gained from previous cultivation, Wu Xiaopang's current speed in cultivating Kuli has obviously improved tremendously.

Looking at the matching between the two, maybe even if the Sixth Elder of Qianhai Island is allowed to practice with all his strength, he may not be able to match Wu Xiaopang.

After waiting for less than half an hour, after seeing Wu Xiaopang condensed nine strands of withered power, Zhang Yun looked at the Sixth Elder of Qianhai Island: "Practice with all your strength now!"


The Sixth Elder of Qianhai Island, who was practicing with constipation on his face, was stunned.

Zhang Yun said calmly: "If you ink again, your heart will explode immediately!"

The sixth elder of Qianhai Island trembled and hurriedly devoted himself to cultivating Kuli.

Zhang Yun saw that Wu Xiaopang could also cultivate the tenth silk power, and secretly calculated.

He wanted to see how quickly the two of them could cultivate a trace of withering power.

Within two minutes, with a surge of withered power, Wu Xiaopang successfully cultivated the tenth trace of withered power.


The light that fell on the Sixth Elder of Qianhai Island disappeared immediately.

"The competition is over!"

The dead branches carried the message.

At the same time, a ball of fist-sized dry energy appeared above the dead tree and Wu Xiaopang.

Each merged into their bodies.

Wu Xiaopang was startled when he saw this.

Zhang Yun said: "This is your reward for winning, absorb it!"

Wu Xiaopang suddenly understood and immediately absorbed this withered energy.

Zhang Yun glanced at the dead tree. After the dead energy merged into the dead tree, there was no movement.

Shaking his head slightly, he looked at the Sixth Elder of Qianhai Island and asked, "How long will it take you to develop a trace of withering power now?"


The Sixth Elder of Qianhai Island hesitated for a moment and said: "If we practice now, it will take at least half an hour!"

"so long?"

Zhang Yun was surprised.

The Sixth Elder of Qianhai Island was afraid that he would not believe it, so he pointed to the light falling on Wu Xiaopang from the dead tree and said: "But if it is under this light, I feel that if I was given just eight more minutes, I would be able to cultivate a complete withering force! "

Zhang Yun raised his eyebrows.

From this point of view, the light of the dead tree in front of me has an accelerating effect on the cultivation of dead power.

In just eight minutes, plus the two minutes he has already practiced, under the light, the Sixth Elder of Qianhai Island can develop a trace of withering power in ten minutes.

But Wu Xiaopang still had to crush him after two minutes!

It seems that in cultivating this kind of Ku Li, it is faster for people with a high matching degree of Ku Li!

"Your apprentice Wu Xiaopang Kuli successfully broke through to the first level and received a hundred times the energy of Kuli in return!"

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