Return ten thousand times, I have no taboos in accepting disciples

Chapter 200: Super Invincible Absorption Technique

At this moment, Zhang Yun's hair stood on end, and he felt like something was being seen through his whole body.

Looking up, he saw an old man wearing a linen robe lying on a jade bed in front of him.

It is exactly the same as the old man in linen robe who turned into a dead branch after inserting the three keys in the Immortal Palace.

But the one in front of me is obviously alive.

"Extreme body?"

The old man in linen robe looked at him and raised his eyebrows slightly: "Not bad!"

"You...are you Senior Kuxian?"

Zhang Yun was not sure, so he tried using the Immortal Eye Art, but he couldn't see anything.

On the contrary, the old man in linen robe suddenly looked into his eyes, slightly interested: "Your eyes are a bit different!"

Zhang Yun's hair stood on end.

The old man in linen robes smiled faintly: "Don't panic, little guy. This immortal is just a little remnant soul that is about to dissipate. It's okay for you to call me a withered immortal!"

"No more nonsense!"

After a pause, the old man in linen robes took out a scroll and threw it to him: "My inheritance is all recorded here. Your extreme body is very suitable for my inheritance!"

Zhang Yun quickly took the scroll, his eyes a little excited.

This is the inheritance of immortals!

But looking at the old man in linen robe lying on his side on the jade bed in front of him, yawning, picking his nose and picking his feet, he felt inexplicably unreliable.

"Look what I am doing?"

The old man in linen robe glanced at him and said: "Hurry up and read the content. If you don't understand anything, I can answer it for you. If you wait a little longer, this remnant soul of me will dissipate!"

"Senior, can I ask, what is a polar body?"

Zhang Yun couldn't help but ask.

The two young men in black clothes that Tao Gulan met before called him the Extreme Body Master one by one. He only knew that this should be related to the Extreme Body Art. But it feels a bit inexplicable. After all, he practices the Extreme Body Technique. No one should know about it except the roundworm in his own body!

"You have practiced the Extreme Body yourself, but you don't know about the Extreme Body?"

The old man in linen robe was surprised.

Zhang Yun shrugged helplessly: "Senior, my physique has indeed been cultivated to be different from ordinary people. But I really don't know what this extreme physique is!"


The old man in linen robe commented, picked his feet, and said: "The extreme body is an extreme. It can only be formed after breaking through the shackles gate when breaking through the great realm and gaining energy from it. You are now at the peak of the golden elixir stage... hmm ?”

Halfway through, the old man in linen robe suddenly noticed something and stopped picking his feet. He looked at Zhang Yun with wide eyes: "You...have you cultivated to the peak level?"

Zhang Yun was startled and knew that this withered immortal was referring to the tenth level of his cultivation of the Extreme Body Technique, the pinnacle of each realm.

Nod immediately.


After receiving his confirmation, the old man in linen robe suddenly exclaimed and looked at him with some uncertainty: "You... did your ancestors have an Immortal Emperor?"

"Immortal Emperor?"

Zhang Yun looked confused, "Senior, you mean the immortal?"


Hearing this, the old man in linen robe seemed to understand something. He exhaled softly and asked seriously: "Can you tell me where your peak cultivation method comes from?"

Seeing how solemn he was, Zhang Yun raised his eyebrows slightly.

Even the immortals were surprised. It seems that his extreme body technique is beyond imagination!

"Senior, this junior accidentally discovered it in a ruins earlier!"

Zhang Yun made up an answer casually.


The old man in linen robe took a deep look at him, shook his head and sighed: "What a lucky little guy!"

Zhang Yun couldn't help but ask: "Senior, is this technique amazing?"


The old man in linen robe laughed and said: "It's more than amazing! If I hadn't been a remnant soul right now, I would have robbed you in minutes!!"


Zhang Yun was secretly shocked.

Even the immortals want to rob you? Is the Extreme Body Technique so exaggerated?

"Okay, hurry up and take a look at my inheritance. I don't have much energy left!"

The old man in linen robe spoke.

His body was obviously becoming more unreal at this moment.

Seeing this, Zhang Yun immediately looked through the scroll.

"Super Invincible Sucking Technique"

But just seeing the first line of names made him stunned.

Seeing his expression, the old man in linen robe suddenly smiled: "This is the name given by me to my self-created technique. Isn't it very domineering?"


There were some black lines on Zhang Yun's forehead, which made him feel even more unreliable, but he continued to look.

‘Cultivation is too boring. Look at those monks with extraordinary talents. Each of them has to practice for eighteen hundred years before they can barely reach the Mahayana realm. This is not what people should do! I created a method today, the super invincible dry-absorbing art. As the name suggests, this is a dry-absorbing art that has been strengthened to N levels! ’

‘This technique does not require you to practice boringly day and night, it only requires you to have a pair of eyes that are good at discovery! ’

‘Look for anything that contains dry power, and with this method, it can be absorbed and transformed into pure dry power. This law is divided into seven weeks...'

'Finally, I would like to record one of my thoughts, there is no secret to practicing Kuli, there are only shortcuts, look for it, breathe in and out, that is the ultimate secret of Kuli! ’

After reading the scroll all the way, Zhang Yun's forehead seemed to be just a few black lines, but after reading it, his forehead was already covered with black lines.

"How about it? Is there something you don't understand?"

The old man in linen robe asked at this time.


Zhang Yun was a little unsure: "Senior, is this method really feasible?"

The old man in linen robes glanced at him lightly and said: "Don't overcomplicate some things. It's difficult to become an immortal, but it's also very simple to become an immortal. I have met many monks who practice Ku Li, but they only do it all day long. Do you know why you can linger in the Mahayana realm or even the realm below?"

Zhang Yun shook his head, confused.

"It's because their brains are not flexible enough!"

The old man in linen robe snorted: "Ku Li is a power that devours life. How can we derive this power through practice?"

As he said this, he couldn't help but sneer: "That's idiotic behavior!"

"For cultivating Ku Li, as long as your physique is strong enough to tolerate it, you are already successful!"

The old man in linen robe said calmly: "What we have to do is to find ways to convert all the energy that may become Kuli into Kuli and absorb it!"

Zhang Yun was shocked.

This sounds a bit absurd, but if you think about it carefully, there is nothing wrong with it.

Cultivating the special energy of Ku Li is inherently much more difficult than ordinary spiritual energy. Instead of working hard to cultivate, it is better to search for all the energy that can be transformed into dry power for transformation and absorption.

The difficulties in this are, first, physical fitness, and second, how to transform.

But now this super invincible dry-sucking technique directly provides a way to transform.

Zhang Yun immediately took a deep breath.

"It seems you already understand!"

The old man in linen robe smiled and said: "Originally I wanted to point out some things, but you have cultivated both the extreme body and the peak state. There is no need for those things of this immortal. With your conditions, you can cultivate it with bare strength. You don’t need to practice it, but I still recommend you to master it because of the dead immortal power..."

"Very strong!"

As these last three words fell, the old man in linen robe suddenly dispersed.

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