
Hearing Zhang Yun's shout, Xu Ming and Wu Xiaopang were stunned.

However, after noticing Zhang Yun's gaze, they immediately became aware and looked in that direction cautiously.

"After a short period of foundation building, my perception is quite sharp!"

A faint voice came.

Zhang Yun frowned.

"not good!"

Immediately, his expression suddenly changed, and he quickly took Qingyuan Step and rushed towards Wu Xiaopang as fast as possible.


Blood suddenly appears.

Wu Xiaopang was still in a daze when he saw Zhang Yun blocking his face with his hand, but at this moment, a sharp sword blade penetrated the center of his hand, and blood gurgled down from it.


Wu Xiaopang reacted quickly and turned pale.

"Get back!"

Zhang Yun did not look at him, but stared coldly at the man in black robe in front of him who stabbed his palm with a sword.

Unlike Qiu Lue who fired an arrow secretly before, the sword of the man in black robe in front of him was completely aimed at Wu Xiaopang's life!

"So fast?"

Seeing Zhang Yun blocking Wu Xiaopang's sword with his palm, a trace of surprise flashed across the eyes of the man in black robe.

"Who are you?"

Zhang Yun spoke with a cold tone.

"You don't need to know!"

The man in black robe smiled faintly, and a glimmer of light suddenly appeared in his eyes.

Zhang Yun suddenly sensed something and quickly yelled at Xu Ming, who was a few meters away: "Ming'er, hide quickly!!"


But his voice was still too late, Xu Ming screamed.

In front of Xu Ming, another thin man in black robe appeared and pierced Xu Ming's body with a sword.

However, this sword did not hit the vital point, but only hit Xu Ming's left shoulder.

Zhang Yun breathed a sigh of relief, but his face was extremely cold: "You are seeking death!!"

As he spoke, he directly pulled out the hand that was pierced by the sword of the man in black robes, and the spiritual energy on his body exploded.

"The peak of the foundation building period?"

Sensing the aura emanating from him, a trace of surprise flashed across the eyes of the two men in black robes.

Didn’t the information say that there is only the third level of foundation building?

Zhang Yun's uninjured left fist was wrapped in spiritual energy and swung out.

The man in black robe in front of him drew his sword and stepped back, dodging the punch.

Zhang Yun immediately took Qingyuan Step, trying to rush towards the skinny black-robed man who stabbed Xu Ming.


But a flash of sword light struck from the side, causing his forward steps to be halted.

"Where do you want to go in front of me?"

The man in black robe in front of him stood in front of him with a sword.


Zhang Yun didn't talk nonsense. Spiritual energy surged from his fist, and he used all his strength to punch out with the spiritual energy.

"Oh, it's just the foundation building period..."

The man in black robe sneered and raised his sword to meet him.


But before he could finish his words, the sword in his hand was shattered by this punch, and the terrifying force came towards him like a roaring mountain and a tsunami.


The man in black robe was shocked, but it was too late to hide.


The black robe exploded, and blood spurted out from the mouth of the man in black robe. His whole body flew backwards, creating a long line of blood in the void, and hit a huge rock dozens of meters away, shaking up a piece of stone debris. Flying with blood and water, I don't know whether I am alive or dead for a while.


The skinny black-robed man who stabbed Xu Ming in the shoulder with his sword looked at this scene and was stunned with disbelief.

what's the situation?

His companion is at the Golden Core stage, how could he...

Before he had time to think about it, he felt a cold air hit his face. Zhang Yun seemed to have walked out of the Nine Nether Hell. His eyes were filled with a chilling coldness, and they were completely locked on him at this moment.

At this moment, the man in black robe felt as if he was being stared at by the God of Death, and his body couldn't help but tremble.


The next second, he saw that Zhang Yun had transformed into a cyan ghost, rushing towards him so quickly that he could catch it with his naked eyes.

Can't escape!

There's no way to avoid it! !

This was the only thought the man in black robe had at the moment.


But at this moment, a black shadow passed in front of him, and all the cyan was blocked by this black shadow.


Feeling that his fist was blocked, Zhang Yun was startled.

I saw another tall man in black robes appeared in front of him, using his hands to block his full-strength fist.

"What a terrifying power!"

The tall black-robed man blocked his fists with both hands and smacked his tongue slightly. He narrowed his eyes and looked at Zhang Yun: "This kind of power is not what you should have in the foundation building stage!"

Zhang Yun did not speak, but at this time his eyes were already using the Immortal Eye Technique:

【? ? ? 】

Realm: Peak of Golden Elixir Stage

Physique: Possess an awakened middle-grade thunder spirit body with thunder attribute aura.

Kung Fu and combat skills practiced: Thunder Spirit Body Refining Art

Weaknesses: The Thunder Spirit Body Training has never been completed to perfection. It only covers the upper body. Boxing cannot be practiced below the waist, and the legs are especially weak.

The peak of the golden elixir stage!

Zhang Yun's eyes narrowed slightly.

At the same time, a trace of doubt flashed through my mind.

Where did these three men in black robes come from?

Three golden elixir stages took action together, just to deal with his foundation building stage and two small Qi refining stages?

He didn't understand. Who thought so highly of him? Send such a lineup?

I thought of many people at the moment, and finally settled on one person.

There is only one person who has the ability to send such a lineup to attack him. Currently, there is only one person who has conflicts with him - the head of the Nanshan Sect!

But he still couldn't understand it.

How cautious is it to send such a lineup to deal with him? Also, since they have sent such a lineup, why did the three Qiu Lue people come here again?

Zhang Yun was puzzled, but one thing was certain.

Trouble is coming!

"Get out of here!!"

With a loud roar, spiritual energy and power exploded from his fists.

The tall man in black robes in front of him did not expect that his power could explode. He was caught off guard, and his whole body was shaken and took a few steps back.

Taking advantage of the opponent's retreat, Zhang Yun moved his Qingyuan Steps and quickly came to Xu Ming's side.


He punched off the sword blade inserted into Xu Ming's shoulder, then pushed Xu Ming to Wu Xiaopang not far away, and shouted: "Let's go!"


Xu Ming and Wu Xiaopang reacted at the same time, their faces turned pale.

"Go quickly!!"

Zhang Yun shouted.

Although Xu Ming and Wu Xiaopang wanted to stay, they also knew that staying was just a burden, so they immediately gritted their teeth and ran away.

"Don't even think about leaving!"

The skinny man in black robe also reacted and quickly wanted to chase him.

But Zhang Yun came directly in front of the opponent, raised his hand and punched him.

The skinny black-robed man's expression changed and he quickly avoided it.

Zhang Yun, however, refused to give up, and then punched the opponent with each punch, hitting the opponent's neck.

He had already used the Immortal Eyes and Heavenly Art to see this skinny black-robed man, and his weak point was his neck.

Facing his punches, the skinny black-robed man was at a loss and had to dodge back and forth.

Zhang Yun beat him back in a few blows. If this continues, he will be able to defeat the opponent in less than two minutes.

But when he saw that the tall man in black robe next to him had calmed down and was about to chase Xu Ming and the others, he immediately ignored the defeat of the skinny man in black robe and turned his fist around to attack the tall man in black robe.

The tall black-robed man's expression condensed. Even though he was at the peak of the Golden Core stage, he still had to deal with Zhang Yun's strange power with caution.

The skinny man in black robe had his hands free and wanted to chase him, but Zhang Yun immediately blocked him again.

For a moment, Zhang Yun blocked two with one.


Seeing Xu Ming and the two running away, the expressions of the two men in black robes darkened.

They were two golden elixir stages, no, no, plus the man in black robe who was lying on the side unable to get up was three golden elixir stages, but they were actually blocked by a peak foundation-building stage person. If this spreads out, people will definitely laugh out loud!

The tall man in black robe looked particularly ugly.

This time the family sent him and the two Jin Dan Qi here, which seemed to him a bit of a fuss.

I didn’t expect that the foundation-building elder of Lingxian Sect would be so powerful.

Fortunately he is here, otherwise...

"Since you want to die, let's send you on your way first!"

The tall man in black robe suddenly sensed something, his expression moved, and he immediately stopped chasing him. His energy was completely locked on Zhang Yun.

boom--! !

The thunder and lightning aura burst out from the palm, colliding head-on with Zhang Yun's fist.

Zhang Yun and the tall man in black robe stepped back at the same time.

Looking at his fist which was numb due to the residual electric current, Zhang Yun glanced at the legs of the tall black-robed man and exhaled softly.

He took out a long sword from the storage ring.

"I just recently mastered a set of sword moves, but I haven't had any actual combat yet..."

He raised his sword and pointed the blade directly at the two tall men in black robes, saying: "Today, I will use it to collect your heads!"


The tall man in black robe shouted coldly, his strong arms shook, and a large amount of thunder and lightning spiritual energy surged out.

The atmosphere in the field was instantly tense!

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