The other side.

hold head high--! !

Hearing the roar of a dragon that was obviously Xu Ming's from the forest in the distance, Zhang Yun's face changed as he was at war with the two men in black robes, "Do you have any companions?"

The tall man in black robe didn't answer, but the curved corners of his mouth said it all.

Zhang Yun did not hesitate, turned around and wanted to fly away into the distance.


But there was a rapid sound of electricity in his ears, and he paused in his forward steps and quickly jumped away from where he was.


Almost at the moment he jumped away, his electric-filled fist hit the ground hard, creating a half-meter hole.

The tall man in black robes was filled with thunder and lightning energy. He put his fist on the half-meter pothole and looked at him indifferently: "In front of me, do you still want to leave?"

"Get away!"

Zhang Yun looked cold.


The tall man in black robe just chuckled.


Zhang Yun didn't say much nonsense and just slashed out with his sword.

"I don't know what the so-called things are. Do you really think you can show off your power in front of me when you are only in the foundation building stage?"

The tall man in black robe snorted coldly when he saw this, his fists were filled with thunder and lightning aura, and he faced him head-on.

But just when his fist was about to collide with Zhang Yun's sword...


As if passing through a phantom, his punch actually passed through the sword.


The tall man in black robe was stunned for a moment, then his expression suddenly changed in the next second, "Not good!!"


Zhang Yun's sword appeared in front of his right leg like a ghost, leaving him unable to react in time.

A sword had already passed directly between his right thigh.


There was a sound of landing.

Most of the tall black-robed man's right leg had separated from his body and fell to the ground with gurgling blood.


The screams were delayed for half a beat, and the tall black-robed man whose right leg was cut off immediately lost his balance and fell to the ground in pain.

"Third Elder!!"

The skinny man in black robe next to him changed his face when he saw this scene.

As the third elder at the peak of the Golden Core stage, one of his legs was cut off with a sword?


Before he had time to think about it, Zhang Yun suddenly slashed at him with his sword.

The skinny black-robed man's expression changed drastically and he quickly dodged.

However, after dodging away, he discovered that 'Zhang Yun', who was slashing with a sword in front of him, turned into nothing and disappeared.

Looking to his side again, Zhang Yun appeared like a ghost.


I just had time to open my mouth and pronounce a word, when I felt a pain in my neck.


The world was spinning in front of my eyes, and then, there was nothing more...


Without taking another glance at the head that fell to the ground, Zhang Yun glanced at the tall black-robed man with only one leg beside him, "I originally wanted to try this concealment sword technique with you more, but you..."


Before he finished speaking, Zhang Yun had already drawn a long arc in the air with his sword.

The tall man in black robe didn't even have time to react, his neck was severed under the light of the sword, and his whole head flew high into the air.

"You must force me to chop off your heads in advance!"

Zhang Yun finished speaking indifferently.

He was about to go in the direction that Xu Ming and Wu Xiaopang had just gone, but suddenly two figures quickly approached from this direction.

It was the black-robed man in the foundation-building stage who had carried Lin Shi on his back all the way.

Seeing Zhang Yun standing here, everyone in the foundation-building black robe and Lin Shi were stunned.

He soon noticed the two corpses with their heads dislocated on the ground nearby, especially the corpse of the tall man in black robes.


They couldn't help but open their mouths and their eyes were filled with disbelief.

Third elder!

Their third elder at the peak of the Golden Core stage was actually killed! ?

The man in black robe reacted immediately, turned around and ran away with Lin Shi on his back.

How could Zhang Yun let him get his wish?

A Qingyuan stepped forward and knocked the black-robed man and Lin Shi to the ground with a flip of his hand.

Without giving the two of them a chance to speak, they directly led them towards Xu Ming and Wu Xiaopang with their left hand and right hand, as if they were carrying two chickens.

Soon, Zhang Yun saw his two apprentices.

Xu Ming was covered in blood and fell to the ground in a coma, while Wu Xiaopang was busy bandaging his wounds.

Seeing that both of them were still alive, Zhang Yun breathed a sigh of relief.


Wu Xiaopang also noticed, and his eyes were full of surprise when he saw him.

Zhang Yun waved his hand, indicating that we would talk later, and threw Lin Shi and the two aside. He immediately stepped in front of Xu Ming, looked at his bleeding left shoulder, stretched out his fingers and tapped it a few times.

The spiritual energy flowed in, temporarily stopping the bleeding.

‘Injecting metallic substances into it can stimulate the mutated golden dragon spiritual roots and trigger the self-healing ability of the dragon blood holy body. ’

Zhang Yun was about to bandage it when the Immortal Master's Heavenly Eye suddenly brought a piece of information.

He raised his eyebrows slightly and immediately took out a gold dagger from the storage ring.

Because of Xu Ming's special physique, he prepared several gold daggers in advance when traveling, just in case.

It's in use now.


On the side, Fatty Wu was startled when he saw Zhang Yun taking out the golden dagger. Then he saw Zhang Yun stabbing Xu Ming's wound with the dagger. He was immediately startled: "Stop!!"


He wanted to stop him, but it was too late, Zhang Yun had already thrust the dagger into him.

"Asshole, who are you? How dare you pretend to be a master!!"

Wu Xiaopang's eyes suddenly turned red.


Zhang Yun was speechless. Seeing Wu Xiaopang going crazy and trying to attack him, he directly pushed him to the ground with one hand: "Take a good look at your senior brother!"

Feeling the strength of this palm and hearing these words, Wu Xiaopang was stunned for a moment and looked at Xu Ming.

Xu Ming discovered that the wound was pierced by a golden dagger. Not only did the condition not worsen as expected, but instead, as if some ability had been triggered, a faint golden light spread over the wound. The cracked wound actually appeared to the naked eye. Visible speed begins to heal.


Wu Xiaopang’s face was full of disbelief.

"This is your senior brother's special physique!"

Zhang Yun explained, and when he saw that Xu Ming's wound was mostly healed in a few blinks, he secretly smacked his lips.

This self-healing ability is terrifying!

"My immortal master's return body seems to be not bad either!"

Zhang Yun raised his eyebrows as he looked at his palms.

Earlier, he helped Wu Xiaopang block a sword and his hand was stabbed through. At that time, he used spiritual energy to stop the bleeding. I didn't pay much attention to the battle after that. When I looked at it now, I realized that the wound on my palm had almost healed.


Lin Shi and the two who were thrown aside noticed Xu Ming's self-healing wound, with shock in their eyes.

Is this a monster?

How could the injury heal itself so quickly! ?

"Were you attacked by these two people just now?"

Zhang Yun also looked at Lin Shi and the two at this time and asked lightly.

"Yes, Master!"

Wu Xiaopang had already noticed Lin Shi and the two of them. He nodded when he heard the words, and at the same time looked into the distance with some uncertainty: "Master, those golden elixir stages just now..."

"Killed for the master."


Wu Xiaopang's eyes widened and he looked at Zhang Yun in surprise.

That's the golden elixir period! And there’s more than one! !


At this time, a whimper came out, and as the wound healed, Xu Ming slowly woke up.

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